Nature of Government Flashcards
Who created the ‘Three Pillars of Tsarism’ and what were the pillars?
Pobedonestsev, Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Nationality
How did Lenin alter traditional Marxism?
He believed that he could skip the bourgeoisie stage of the revolution by creating a dictatorship of the proletariat
What did Stalin reimpose that Lenin had previously removed?
Superstructure, whereby his state would plan the road to socialism, Lenin had removed the old Tsarist superstructure
What did Khrushchev revert to as part of De-Stalinisation?
He reverted to a more party-based ideology, removing the cult of personality around Stalin and freeing Society to express further opinions
What was the Tsars’ initial system of government?
It had a Council of Ministers, Committee of Ministers, and an Imperial Chancery which essentially all acted as advisors
What adaptations were brought in to the system of government after 1905?
There was only a Council of Ministers that passed laws through the elected Duma and State Council
What were some failures of the Duma?
Elections to the Duma were through electoral colleges and many people were disenfranchised. The Tsar dissolved the first two Dumas within months as they did not support his ministers well. There were two more subservient Dumas
How did Nicholas II reassert his authority in 1906?
He imposed the Fundamental Laws in 1906 and had Article 87, which allowed him to make decisions without the Duma
What was the democratic looking system used by the Communists?
There were elections through village, town, provincial and regional Soviets to the All Russian Congress of Soviets. The cabinet ‘Sovnarkom’ would be chosen from that
What was the reality of the democratic looking Communist system?
The party told Sovnarkom what to do. The Politburo dominated the Central Committee and orders were passed down and managed by leading cadres and approved nomenklatura
What organised and controlled the party during Lenin’s reign?
The Ogburo and the Orgburo
What was the Lenin Enrolment and in what year did it take place?
The Lenin Enrolment occurred in 1924 and was an attempt to get more peasants into the party, but in reality officials tended to be old bourgeoisie managers
What did Stalin create in 1936?
Stalin created the new constitution which gave more theoretical powers and representation to minorities through the Soviet of the Union and the Soviet of Nationalities, but in reality he was still totally in charge through the Presidium
What organisations did Stalin create to make his state all encompassing?
He created GOSPLAN for economic planning and COMECON and Cominform for International links
How did Khrushchev adapt the Stalinist system of government?
He didn’t really change the system but removed old Stalinist supporters like Beria and gave more decentralised control to party officials, he kept the Presidium but there was more emphasis on the Politburo
What did the Tsars have as a local government?
The Tsars had local government in the form of the Zemstvo but they had limited powers
What were the Communist local governments?
The Communists had the Soviets but they were controlled by the party
What was the judiciary under the Tsars?
The Judiciary of the Tsars tended to be the Senate, and they did have some trial by jury and non-bribery of judges but political cases were dealt with by the Tsar and Ministers
How did the Communists enforce justice?
They legalised terror and followed revolutionary justice which led to events such as the Show Trials in the 1930s
What did all leaders use to maintain order?
Repression, Reform and Censorship
What were the Tsars’ secret police called?
The Tsars had the Third Section and the Ohkrana after 1881
What were the Third Section used for?
They placed people in administrative exile or in prison as ‘Guests of the Tsar’ in Siberian camps
What were the Ohkrana used for?
The Ohkrana worked similarly to the Third Section but used varied tactics, particularly sending in Agents Provocateur to sabotage opposition such as Father Gapon and Bloody Sunday
What was Lenin’s form of secret police?
Lenin used the Cheka, led by Dzerzhinsky to administer the Red Terror and root out class enemies in the Civil War