Industrial Workers Flashcards
What did Alexander II introduce?
New Work Disciplines, which were foreign to the rural world
What were there periods of hardship and unemployment under the Tsars?
Due to trade depressions
What was a consequence of workers gaining communication with the West?
New political ideas were spread such as Marxism
What was a common feature of the Tsarist era?
Strikes were a common feature, although they were banned in 1885 after the Morozov Dye Works strike involving 8,000 workers
What did the workers have in terms of political rights under the Tsars?
They had no political rights, as they could not vote in the Duma elections due to restrictions on the franchise
How many people were employed in full time work at its height in the Tsarist era?
4 million people
How much did workers earn per month in the Tsarist era?
The equivalent of £2
What was the average working day under the Tsars?
It was around 11 hours, although Alexander III had restricted it to no more that 11.5 hours in 1888
How many land passports were issued during the Great Spurt?
7 million land passports were issued to allow peasants to migrate
What percentages of Moscow and St Petersburg’s populations were immigrants in the late Tsarist era?
15% of Moscow’s population, 33% of St Petersburg’s population
What was the variation in wage rates during and after the Great Spurt between Moscow and Baku?
Moscow was 175 roubles per year, Baku was 360 roubles per year
When was medical insurance brought in?
1910 under Nicholas II
How many people typically shared a bed in the late Tsarist era as a result of overcrowding?
Four to six people
When did a large cholera outbreak occur in St Petersburg under the Tsars and what did it lead to?
It occurred in 1911 and led to a sewage system being introduced
When did the Lena Goldfields strike occur and how many people died as a result of it?
1912 and 200 people died
What proportion of houses were built from wood during Tsarist industrialisation?
Over half
What were houses and streets mainly lit with in the Tsarist era?
Kerosene lamps
By 1910 how many towns had access to electricity, gas, had piped water, or a sewage system?
74 towns had access to electricity, 35 to gas, 200 had piped water and 38 had a sewage system
What did Alexander III do to attempt to improve working conditions?
He set up a factory inspectorate but it was very limited in its scope and powers, and he also banned children under 12 from working
Where did workers in small workshops often sleep during the Tsarist era?
On the floor of their workshops
What percentage of families were living in one room shared by other families during the Civil War?
What percentage of families lived in a bathroom, kitchen, corridor or hallway during War Communism?
What did the Bolsheviks set up as a factory inspectorate?
Rabkrin, but it was just a talking shop
What restricted movement during War Communism and the Five-Year Plans?
Passports were reintroduced