Nature/Nurture debate Flashcards
Nature/nurture debate
Looks at if behaviour comes from inate factors (genes) or from the environment
The idea that behaviour is not learned but is inhereted through genes-associated with the biological approach
The idea all behaviour comes from or is learned through the environment-associated with behaviourist approaches.
Interactionist perspective
-Both environmental and inate factors contribute to behaviour, e.g diathesis stress model
Nature-Twin studies
Nature side of the debate is supported by twin studies-concordance rates are established and compared between identical and non identical twins- if concordance rates are high it suggests an inate basis
Evaluation of nature
-Concordance rates never 100-suggests environmental influences
+Link between genes and some behaviours, e.g OCD, schizophrenia and depression
-Better explained by interactionist approaches-diathesis stress model
Evaluation of nurture
+Supported by behaviourist studies into conditioning, suggests environmental influences on behaviour-e.g-Little albert-phobias are learned from the environment
-Reductionist-overlooks biology-better explained by diathesis strress model