NATURE L1- What is nature? Flashcards
Williams (1980)
“The idea of nature contains, though often unnoticed, an extraordinary amount of human history”
Castree (2014)
4 aspects of nature:
1) External (non-human)
2) Universal
3) Intrinsic (an essential quality)
4) Super-ordinate (as a ‘power’)
Olwig (1996)
“Nature is a ghost that rarely exists under its own name”
Marx (1969, 192)
“Labour is, first of all, a process between man and nature”
Human activity is an agent of change upon nature- humans are also understood as forces of nature.
Smith (1984)
Argues that humans produce new forms of nature- this production is always uneven.
Delaney (2003)
Nature is a human made concept- this is a highly contested notion.
We use the concept of nature to make sense of the physical world- we do this by giving meaning and taking this meaning onto ourselves.
As nature is used in this way, it simultaneously makes nature more than merely physical.