Nature & Assessment RHD Flashcards
What is course semantic coding?
Course semantic coding concerns identifying distant meanings and features regardless of contextual congruity ex: apple and rotten.
Some people with RHD thought to have difficulties with this (COURSE CODING DEFICIT HYPOTHESIS)
What is fine semantic coding?
Fine semantic coding entails inhibiting all but a limited number of words that are related to the dominant or contextually appropriate meaning of a word ex: apple and red, round
What is the suppression deficit hypothesis?
Idea that many with RHD have activations of multiple interpretations for ambiguous words, sentences and phrases, but with ineffective suppression of unwanted meanings
What types of broad impairments might be expected in RHD?
Pragmatics, prosody, reading and writing, discourse, lexical/semantic processing, anosognosia
What is the cognitive resources hypothesis?
Those with RHD may have more obvious deficits when doing tasks with high attentional demands
How can you manipulate the cognitive demands of the task?
change supports, prompts, attention demands, # of characteristics
What is the social cognition deficits hypothesis?
Idea those with RHD may have difficulty using theory of mind, lessens ability to understand social information.
What is the social cognition deficits hypothesis?
Idea those with RHD may have difficulty using theory of mind, lessens ability to understand social information.
What are possible pragmatic deficits associated with RHD?
- -May effect emotion and/or nonverbal communication, intonation. May create difficulty processing emotion from facial expression.
- -May impact social elements of language, especially indirect requests, Gricean conversational principals
- -Difficulty figurative and implied meanings: idioms, metaphors
- -humor appreciation difficulties, inappropriate humor
How might RHD effect discourse?
–May create difficulty picking up overall meaning from details, topic maintenance, word choice (ties in to prag. as well)
How might RHD effect reading and writing?
- -Neglect dyslexia
- -Spatial agraphia
How might RHD effect cognition?
Anosognosia, visual processing problems, memory problems, executive function
What is anosognosia?
impaired awareness of deficits or reduced insights into how deficits affect daily functioning
What factors complicate assessment of adults with RHD?
lack of normative data on cog. aspects, vast range of normal, dearth of research,