Natural resources Flashcards
What are renewable and nonrenewable resources
Resources that never get exhausted are known as renewable resources example as water solar energy forest wind
Non renewable resources are those which not get replenish for thousands of years and can run out within our lifetime these are precious and must be use with great care and caution
How is solar energy and wind energy used
Solar panel convert solar energy to electricity
Windmills convert wind energy to electricity
Explain wind energy
Wind has been a source of energy for a long
time. Improved technology has enabled
humans to harness wind energy to generate
electricity with the help of turbines. When the
wind blows, the large blades in the turbines
turn and generate energy.Wind farms generate
thousands of megawatts of electricity that is
used for various purposes.
Water is renewable but we need to save water,why?
Though 71% of earth is covered is water and it is a renewable energy , water in its natural form is not potable (it is impure) it takes a lot of resource and effort to convert impure water to pure water hence we must save water
State some important rivers of India
Ganga Indus Brahmaputra Mahanadi Kaveri Krishna and Godavari
How is groundwater formed
Rainwater seeps under the ground till it reaches the Rocky layer where it collects as a pool this water is called groundwater the layer of rocks and area underground and where groundwater collects is called anaquifer groundwater is pulled up by digging well or tube-wells and pumps
What is the energy from water called
Hydro energy
Soil how is it formed
Soil is a loose material that covers the earth surface it is formed when rocks are broken down by the action of heat water wind and living things soil texture millions of yours to form
Many organisms such as earthworms and rats live in soil .soil is needed for growing plants and it also serves as a raw material for building sturcutes
how much percentage of Earth is covered by forest
30 percent
Why are forests important
Forest our treasure house of valuable resources. It is estimated that 30% of the Earth is covered by forest. Forests serve as natural air purifiers and a home to a variety of animals and plants they insure regular rainfall, stop floods and prevent soil erosion
Forests serve as a mean of subsistence for many. Tribal and indigenous groups depend on forest for their livelihood. They make a living by selling honey, wood, fruits, rubber or by making goods from materials found in the forest
All thing used to satisfy our needs is called__
A resource
Loose material covering earth surface
Light and heat from the sun
Solar energy
Water collected in underground poles
Tubes made by the composition of that organisms over millions of years
Fossil fuels are made by the decomposition of dead organisms such as plants and animals over millions of years they are found in Earth crust petroleum and natural gas are some examples of fossil fuels comes from plants while petroleum and natural gas comes from microorganisms such as algae
The hard black substance which can be burnt
Coal is a hard black substance found in nature it is going to be used as fuel earlier called we’ve used in steam
The hard black substance which can be burnt
Coal is a hard black substance found in nature it is going to be used as fuel earlier called we’ve used in steam engines . today it is used as fuel for cooking food ,to generate electricity in thermal plants and industries as fuel
How is coal formed
4 dinosaurs many joint plant died in Earth’s swamps 30 million years ago
Millions of years the plants for buried under the water and dirt 10 million years ago
Heat and pressure has turned the dead plant matter into coal
A large body of Fresh flowing water
A green or black liquid found under the earth
Petroleum/oil green or black liquid found deep under the earth and under the floor of the oceans like coal it is an important source of energy. fuel such as petrol, diesel, kerosene and cooking gas comes from petroleum
A fuel used for generating power in a compressed form
Natural gas
Is created along with petroleum it is an odour less colourless non toxic fuel
in its compressed form natural gas is used for generating power
it is used as fuel in automobiles and it is also used in homes for cooking