Natural Population Change Flashcards
Death Rate from 1902-2012
Declined from 18 per 1000 to 9 per 1000
Infant Mortality Rate from 1902-2012
142 per 1000 to 4.1 per 1000
Life Expectancy from 1902-2012
Consistently risen, women live longer (83 to men’s 79)
Explanations For Changes
Improved Hygiene, Sanitation, and Medicine
Public sewer systems, clean running water + improved public awareness
McKeown - improvements in environmental conditions, rising living standards. better diet + nutrition more important than medical advances
Explanations For Changes
Higher Living Standards
McKeown - Rising living standards reduce death rates
Higher wages, better food, more amenities, and better housing conditions improve health
Improved transport + food technology allow a wider range of more nutritious food
Explanations For Changes
Public Health and Welfare
Steep rise in state intervention in public health and welfare (welfare state 1948)
Free and comprehensive healthcare, better ante natal + post natal care
More children in hospitals, much safer
Explanations For Changes
Health Education
Growing awareness of nutrition and its importance to health
Improved education + health education, lead to better informed public - demand better public health + welfare legislation
Websites - NHS Choices, Netdoctor provide guidance
Explanations For Changes
Improved Working Conditions
Working conditions improved in 20th century
Technology taken over arduous, damaging tasks, factory machinery safer
Higher standards of health and safety + shorter working hours and more leisure time - reduce physical demand of work