Natural Moral Law Flashcards
What is deontological ?
The moral worth of the action as apposed to the consequences of what you do
-rights are considered
-action centred
What is Teleological ?
The aim is to achieve the best consequence in a situation
-overall goal
What is eternal law ?
God is the creator ,all things come from him
-a clear,universal sense if right and wrong
What is divine law ?
Objective principles e.g. the bible/church
What is Natural moral law ?
Human reasoning
-not through revelation
What is human law ?
By understanding NML we can formulate human laws e.g legal systems
What is the synderesis rule ?
“Good is to be done and perused and evil is to be avoided”
State the primary precepts (WORLD) and what are they useful
Worship god
Ordered society
Defend life
State the secondary precepts and why they are useful
What is the beatific vision ?
The ultimate,direst self communication of god to humanity
What is a telos?
-our telos is happiness this happens through an ordered rule based society
The telos of humanity is the ‘beatific vision’
What is real good?
Real good is actual good
What is apparent good?
Apparent good is something that may feel good but it is not
What are interior acts?
What are exterior acts?
What is The first principle of the double effect?
The nature of the act-must be morally good of neutral
What is Second principal of the double effect?
The means-end condition-bad effects must not be the way the good effect is achieved
What is The third principal of the double effect?
The right intentions-the intention must only be to achieve a good effect ;the bad effect must be an unintended side effect
What is The fourth principle of the double effect ?
The proportionality condition-the good effect must be at least equivalent to the bad effect
What are the Strengths of natural moral law?
-Almost completely universal
-encouraged people to avoid evil and do good (syneresis)
-puts biblical messages into practice
-the laws of NML are applicable to most moral dilemmas
What are the weaknesses of NML?
-subjective =relies on revelation
-not everyone follows the syderesis rule
-interpretation =not everyone has the same nature,what is right for one may not be right for the other
-people have different ability of reasoning
Who developed natural moral law
Then Aquinas developed the system of NML from Aristotle