Natural law Flashcards
What is natural law?
A moral judgment that relies on a fixed truth is called absolutist/deontological.
What did Aquinas believe?
Christian Philosopher Thomas Aquinas believed human have an innate sense of right and wrong, he developed the absolutist argument of ‘Natural Law’ from the philosophy of Aristotle who wrote: ‘… That which is natural is unchangeable, and has the same power everywhere, just as fire burns here and in Persia’.
What does Aristotle’s final cause refer to?
Aristotle’s Final cause refers to the purpose of the object and asked what the object is for? Perfection was only reached when an object did exactly what it was intended to do.
What did Aristotle believe?
Aristotle believed our purpose in life (telos) was to seek happiness through general all-round wellbeing, for which he called Eudaimonia (Greek term for happiness). According to philosophy, everything we do in life is aimed at finding this happiness which enables us thrive.
What is Aquinas’ telos?
Aquinas said an object achieves its telos when it does what God intended it to do. For humans, ‘made in the image of God’, means seeking union with God. That’s perfection, but it can only be reached in the afterlife.
What did Aquinas believe about moral laws?
Aquinas believed there is a basic moral law which is divinely uninspired that underpins all laws and is there to guide what we do and why we do it. It’s that: ‘good is to be done and perused and evils to be avoided’.
What did Aquinas use unlike other theologians?
Unlike many theologians of his day, Aquinas championed the use of reason as Aristotle had. Our God-given power to reason raises us above other animals and enables us to achieve our ultimate purpose- perfection or union with God. The use of reason leads a person to arrive at the right course of action when confronted with a moral dilemma. A human can choose to go against reason, but Aquinas said that is ‘equivalent to condemning the command of God’.
By employing their power of reason in any situation, a human is putting themselves in touch with Natural Law. This Natural Law, Aquinas explained, was a part of a hierarchical moral code that stretches down to us from God.
What is eternal law?
1Eternal Law is the mind of God which humans cannot know. Contained within it are the laws which govern the creation of the universe and control the life cycle of everything in existence but humans cannot fully know the eternal law, they can sometimes glimpse reflection of it, for example, through scientific knowledge of aspects of the natural world.
What is divine law?
Divine Law is the Law of God revealed to people through the Bible. They also believe Jesus brought Divine Law with him and the teaching of the Church transmit Divine Law to people.
What is Natural law?
Natural law is the belief that everyone has a natural sense ‘that good is to be done and evil to be avoided’ which some call human nature. It’s what direct our conscience and if applied with reason to a situation will lead to the right outcome.
What is human law?
Human laws are everyday rules that govern our lives, such as government laws
What is the synderesis rule?
The key precept is to do good and avoid evil. Reason directs us to do good and avoid evil and all other principles flow from this reason.With the power of human reason we can distinguish the laws. We can deduce that our moral life is gained through reason. Reasoning about the common goods leads us to certain acts being prohibited and others promoted. Aquinas created the five primary precepts: rules which promote good and discourage evil.
What are the 5 primary precepts?
To worship God- God is the source of eternal law, and God has sent this law to humanity through divine law and natural law.
To live in an ordered society- a lawful one where it’s possible to follow all the primary precepts.
To reproduce- to ensure that life continues as its God’s intention and as it’s necessary for the continuation of society.
To learn- to teach people about God, his eternal law, natural law, divine law and primary precepts.
To defend the innocent- life is most precious.
What does a moral act lead us to?
A moral act leads us towards union with God. These acts fit the purpose we were made for and are in line with the primary precepts and so are good. Acts which aren’t in accordance with the primary precepts don’t fit the purpose human were made for and so are bad.
Why is natural law key?
“This is the first precepts of law that ‘good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided’. All other precepts of the natural law are based upon this… (Summa Theological).
Aquinas believes things go wrong when a person becomes misguided in their judgement either because of their reasoning is faulty or they have misunderstood the divine law.They may think something is good when it isn’t really (apparent good), but reason teaches us that something actually is good (real good).