Business ethics Flashcards
Describe the intro to Milton Friedman and business ethics?
o In the 70’s, economist Milton Friedman wrote an article in the New York Times Magazine titled ‘The Social Responsibilities of Business is to Increase its Profits’. He was reacting against the idea that businesses have social responsibilities to improve their workers’ lives or help the community they operate in.
o For him this was socialism, a social system that he argued made capitalism less effective and restricted the rights of individuals to improve their lives. He thought that the best way to ensure this happened was or let businesses focus on making more profit. Everything that was good would then follow as a result of this principle.
What are the business responsibilities? (corporate social responsibilities)
- -Investors are able to buy shares in the business itself becomes its own owner. Investors are able to buyshares in the business and if the business does well those ‘shareholders’ are paid dividends.
- -The people managing the business have a duty towards shareholders: it’s their responsibility to act in the interest of the shareholders and in many businesses the shareholders are able to have some say about how the business is run.
- -So when Friedman says businesses have no other responsibility but to increase their profits, he made the point that it was unethical to do anything else: taking money away from making profits to fund corporate social responsibility projects was the equivalent of stealing money from shareholders.
Why do businesses take on corporate social responsibilities?
- -Businesses take on social responsibilities as they think these will improve their image with customers, or with a certain type of investor to a certain type of employee.
- -Others may take on these responsibilities as they fear that if they don’t, they’ll be viewed badly by customers. Businesses may improve facilities for employees or offer discounts for employees to stop them from working for the competition.
- -Another negative reason for corporate social responsibility is fear that without adopting self-regulating, businesses will face far more restrictive regulation on their activates from the government.
What are stakeholders?
–‘Crane and Matten, Business Ethics: A European Prespective’ (2004) define stakeholders as “an individual or group which either is harmed by, or benefits from the corporation; or whose rights can be violated or have to be respected, by the corporation.
What are stakeholders responsibilities? (corporate social responsibility)
–The stakeholder’s responsibilities are more likely to be obligations that businesses can’t reject without serious reputational damage. For example, if a transnational corporations wants to shut down their steel works in the UK as it’s unprofitable, this is a decision that its shareholders would be likely to back, as otherwise their investments in the transitional corporation will be negatively affected. However, this decision would affect thousands of current UK workers, many UK suppliers, entire communities based around the steelworks and the economy of the whole country, since the loss of steelworks would reduce tax payments in to the government and increase employment benefits made by the government. So the transnational corporation would be under intense social pressure to consider the interests of all these stakeholders and act to lessen the negative impact of its decision, even if this involved significant loss of profits.
Explain what businesses who tend to have mixed approaches to their social and stakeholder responsibilities do?
–Although some businesses try always to do the right thing, most tend to have amix of approaches to their social and stakeholder responsibilities. The same businesses that champion their environmental credentials qualifications for example, may be forced by public opinion into accepting their social responsibility for the well-being of their suppliers in low-wage countries. Business are both choosing to act ethically & being required to face up to their social responsibilities. Perhaps business ethics is best described as a process.
What is a Kantians response to corporate social responsibility?
- -Kant’s ethics focused on the need to treat people as ends and not just means for some other purpose as they’re beings of dignity- autonomous and rationale.
- -This leads to a no. of possible applications to the question of business ethics. First there is the quest of trusting in human autonomy and rationality. Companies which control and monitor employees don’t respect the dignity of human beings. Companies that don’t ensure safe and fair working conditions and payment for employees would seem to be using them for some end other than the interest of the employee.
- -The balance between the interest of the company and the interest of the employee would be important for a Kantian perspective. This affects how companies treat costumers- not fixing a defective product that could cause harm to the consumer, or misleading them with false information about the benefits of the products (such as health food which aren’t in fact so healthy), are all examples of treating people merely as a means to an end.
What is a Utilitarians response to corporate social responsibility?
- -Utilitarian ethics focuses on the consequences for the greatest good. The greatest good could be interested in terms of the greatest profit, which leads to a ruthless attempt to maximize income at all costs.
- -But utilitarianism as the greater good principle to try to set aside selfish interest for the broader interest of many more people than oneself. This would mean not just acting in the interests of shareholders, but also in the interests of workers and all other stakeholders, including the communities in which the businesses operate, the national economy that it supports and the environmental impacts it might have on a global scale.
Is whistle-blowing ethical?
- -In most cases in the UK, whistle-blowers are protected by the law and in the UK laws they’re treated as witnesses, which means they’re not required to provide evidence of what they’re reporting. It’s also possible for people to whistle-blow anonymously, although this can make investigating the claim more difficult.
- -Social commentators argue that encouraging whistle blowing helps convince businesses to take their corporate social responsibilities seriously, as otherwise their unethical practices are likely to be revealed by one of their own employees.
Is whistle-blowing ever unethical?
- -Whistle-blowing is not protected by people who work for the armed or intelligence services. This is because whistle-blowing could risk national security, which can have a negative impact on the public or on public trust in those who are supposed to be protecting them from harm.
- -Contracts between employer and employee are the ethical foundation of a business. Norman Bowie states that ‘whistle—blowing violated a ‘prima facie’ duty of loyalty to one’s employer’ (Bowie, Business ethics, 1991). ‘Prima facie’ means ‘from a first impression’, which Bowie takes to mean until and unless proven otherwise so whistle-blowing that turned out to serve the public good would be the right thing to do. But for him it’s more ethical for an employee to make every effort to solve the problem through the business’ own complaints procedures first, rather than resorting straight to whistle-blowing.
What is a Kantians approach to whistle blowing?
- -Kantian ethics emphasizes the importance of honest and promise- keeping through the categorical imperative. A Kantian employee would find it hard to allow a situation where a company broke the rules in what it did, in general, companies are expected to follow the rules.
- -But an employer sticking to a contract seems close to the sense that people should keep their promise which they’ve made for their business.Whistle blowing in a sense involves breaking those promises, going outside the agreed system.
- -But if a company was putting at risk or unfairly exploiting its customers, or some if its employees or even the community it works in (such as not paying taxes) then a Kantian might view this as humans not being treated as ends not only as means for private greed.
What is a Utilitarians approach to whistle blowing?
–If a company was putting at risk or unfairly exploiting its customers, or some if its employees or even the community it works in (such as not paying taxes) then a utilitarian’s might resist it, depending on how much harm was done by the particular instance of an activity that was unethical or illegal,
–They would have to weigh the balance of good or harm for all those with an interest or stake in the business continuing to do well, and whether this outweighed what was done or put at risk by the infringement.
–It might be justified for a company to break some rules to succeed in a particular instance, to create greater happiness through the success of the company at that point or on that occasion.
Here rule and act utilitarian’s will differ. A rule might feel there was a greater good of having companies in general always follow the rules to keep the system of companies ethical, even if it created more happiness to not blow the whistle.
What does ‘good ethics is good business’ mean?
o The idea that good ethics is good business- that good business decisions are good ethical decisions.
o Because customers like to do business with companies they trust, it seems obvious that good business will also be good ethics. Businesses that’s act with integrity, honor their agreements, do not cheat their suppliers or act rudely towards their customers should, so, have more customers and make more revenue than business that do not act in the same way.
o But this isn’t the experience that most of us have of businesses. If businesses always practiced good ethics, then why would so many people have been sold expensive insurance products that they were never going to need?
o When a business acts with complete integrity and offers an honest price for an honest job, why do other businesses quickly pounce and entice their customers away with cheaper deals? This self-interest leads many business away from ‘doing the right thing’; the self-interest that is driven by the desire to increase profits, and supported by the business’ shareholders.
Is good ethics bad business?
o Competition is the driving force of our capitalist economy: businesses compete with each other for market share, for talented employees and for investors. If being ethical risks increasing costs and reducing profits, then most businesses will take a ‘hard-headed’ decision to stay competitive.
o Customers and investors have very little loyalty to one business if another one produces something they like more, or sells something at a cheaper price. Rather than all business becoming ethical businesses, ethics seems a branding choice that some businesses make in a bid to be noticed.
Explain why good ethics is only sometimes good business
o The worldwide recession of 2008 could have been prevented. Although there was nothing illegal about the way international finance went on polling up investments that were inextricably tied into the selling of sub-prime mortgages, it was obviously unethical. This was because the sub-prime mortgages were being sold to people who it was clear didn’t have the means to repay their debt if they couldn’t keep up with their mortgage payments.
o What would have been better, in retrospect, was good ethics, even had that meant lower economic growth, fewer people owning their own homes, lower consumer spending and so fewer jobs.
o If a permanent commitment are too high and ethical standards seem unrealistic in our capitalist culture, then perhaps business should commit instead to involving ethical expertise when important decision for choices are being made.