NATOPS Flashcards
T/O weight normal
164,000 lbs
T/O weight alternate
175,000 lbs
Landing weight recommended
142,000 lbs
Landing weight normal
164,000 lbs
Landing weight alternate
175,000 lbs
Fuel tank limits 1,4 2,3 ext aux
1,4 = 8310 2,3 = 7,650 Ext = 8,900 Aux = 5,810
Takeoff and Landing Fuel Management
- Max usable fuel weights in fuel weight limits
- # 1/#4 500-1000# more than #2/#3
- Main tanks are full, except for fuel used to taxi, t/o, and climb but not less than 7,060 in 1/4 and not less than 6,410 in 2/3 when ext contain usable fuel
- Fuel unbalance w/in limits
- refer to charts
Enroute fuel management
seeks to maximize the weight in the outboard fuel tanks as long as possible but does not take mission constraints into consideration while doing so. Improves wing-loading and efficiency during long transit legs; it also extends airframe service life, especially with medium to heavy cargo loads.
10% flaps
220 kias
20% flaps
210 kias
30% flaps
200 kias
40% flaps
190 kias
50% (takeoff/approach)
183 kias
60% flaps
165 kias
70% flaps
155 kias
80% flaps
150 kias
90% flaps
145 kias
100% flaps (landing)
145 kias
Landing gear extended
168 kias
Landing lights extended
250 kias
Cargo door open and locked; ramp up and locked
250 kias
Cargo door (all positions and motions)
250 kias
Ramp (all positions and motions)
250 kias
Paratroop air deflectors open
150 kias
Paratroop doors open and locked
250 kias
Paratroop doors opening/closing
150 kias
High-speed drogue operations
185-250 kias
Low-speed drogue while extending/retracting/engaging
105-120 kias
Low-speed drogue receiver engaged, maximum speed
130 kias
Severe turbulent air operation
180 kias
Inoperative windshield anti-icing below 10,000 feet
187 kias
Landing gear door removed and gear up
200 kias
Nose gear deflection of 20 degrees max speed of ___ knots
20 knots
Nose gear deflection of 60 degrees max speed of ___ knots
5 knots
Gross weight up to 164,000 pounds taxi limit speed
10 knots
Over 164,000 pounds observe the following taxi limitations:
- Taxi / t/o on smooth surface
- Max taxi speed 10 knots
- Taxi shortest distance possible
- Min braking during taxi operations
- light braking during turning
- limit nose gear steering angle to 20 degrees
- avoid abrupt or hard uneven application of brakes
Maximum tire speed (nose)
139 knots true ground speed — 12-ply rating
Maximum tire speed (main)
174 knots true ground speed — 26-ply rating
With any flap extension, the maximum maneuver load factor is ___ g in symmetrical and ___g in unsymmetrical maneuvers
2.0 and 1.5
High bank-angle limitations
Maneuvers beyond 60 degrees angle of bank with flaps retracted or beyond 45 degrees angle of bank with flaps extended
Prohibited maneuvers:
- aerobatics and spins
- practice stalls with power above 1,000 hp
- practice asymmetric power stalls
- Intentional zero or negative g maneuvers lasting longer than 7 seconds
- sustained airspeed below stick pusher speed
- Intentionally maneuvering the a/c into sideslip left/right rudder alert
- abrupt longitudinal control inputs at high speeds
- rapid roll reversals
- At airspeeds above 150 kias, moderate to large rudder input held until sideslip peaks followed by opposite rudder
Apu starter duty cycle
1 minute on and 4 minutes off. There is no limit to the number of duty cycles.
Aux boost pump pressure
28 to 40 psi
Ext boost pump pressure
28 to 40 psi
Main boost pump pressure
15 to 24 psi
Main (transfer) boost pump pressure
28 to 40 psi
Fuel unbalance limits
- 1,000 pounds between tanks of a symmetrical pair (main or external)
- 1,500 pounds between the left and right wings except as stated in item 3.
- One aux tank full and other aux tank empty, provided all other tanks are symmetrically fueled or unbalanced toward the opposite side within the above limits.
Autopilot limitations
- T/o and landing
- airspeeds above Vh
- ils coupled approach below 200 feet, below MDA on a non-precision approach, or when flying over the localizer transmitter
- during IPRA coupled approach below 200 feet HAT
- at or below 500 feet AGL for nonapproach operations
- RVSM + or - 65 feet of altitude
- At gross weights above 164,000 lbs – below 1,000 ‘ AGL, during configuration changes, during approach operations
Battery voltage AV and UTIL
22 Vdc
G limits symmetrical in area A
-1.0 to 3.0 g
G limits rolling in area A
0.0 to 2.33 g
G limits symmetrical in area B
0.0 to 2.5 g
G limits rolling in area B
0.0 to 2.0 g
CG limits
15 - 30 % MAC