Native Son Key Quotes Flashcards
Wright writes on Bigger’s race
‘He was black and he had been alone in the world.’
Wright on Bigger’s fear
‘Fear was as natural as air.’
Theme of blindess
‘To live was to be blind and deaf.’
Inevitability of his downfall
‘He knew he was lost’
Biggers new life
‘He had murdered and had created a new life for himself.’
Pride in himself
‘He felt a bitter kind of pride in what he had done.’
Bigger begging
‘They wanted him to beg, but he wouldn’t.’
Biggers hatred of the whites
‘He had only to look at a white face to hate it.’
Bigger on lack of equality
‘They get everything and we get nothing.’
Lack of freedom
‘They don’t let us do nothing.’
Shows Mary’s naïve attempt to break racial barriers, unaware of Bigger’s discomfort.
‘You’re not afraid of me, are you, Bigger?’
Highlights Mary’s progressive yet condescending attitude toward Bigger.
‘He’s a human being, we must understand that.’
Jan on Bigger’s distrust
‘Why are you so afraid of me?’
Jan’s guilt and desire to connect with Bigger
‘I wanted to be your friend, Bigger.’
Max the lawyer states that society destroyed Bigger before he even committed a crime
‘Your honour, remember that men can starve from a lack of self-realisation as much as they can from a lack of bread.’
Mr Dalton suggesting that donating money covers the cracks
‘I’ve given money to negro education.’
Peggy the maid shows a stereotypical view of black people, if contained they are alright.
‘They’re all right if you treat ‘em right.’