Nationalism evidence Flashcards




= strong sense of attachment + pride in the state you live in
– Some states unity is based on shared political values rather than a single national origin / history - e.g. USA
– South Africa = Nelson Mandela developed idea of ‘national rainbow’ where different national groupings come together to create a new national identity based on their diversity
– In Considerations on the Government of Poland (1771-1772), Rousseau wrote Poland would create a new state held by patriotism
– 3rd clause of French post-revolutionary constitution (1791) = “the source of all sovereignty is essentially in the nation; no body, no individual can exercise authority that does not proceed from it”
– Charles Maurras added xenophobia. Like Bismarck and Garibaldi, he appealed to the patriotism of the French as well as their traditional Catholicism to unite them
– Rousseau = “To bring up a citizen means to develop a patriotism that favours the community over the rest of mankind”
– Rousseau - states -“tends always to the preservation and welfare of the whole”
– Charles de Gaulle = “Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt = “True patriotism springs from a belief in the dignity of the individual, freedom and equality not only for Americans but for all people on earth”

= govt has a right to rule itself without interference from other bodies
- In modern times, this has been seen through territories trying to gain independence from ‘mother countries’
– 1945-1960, three dozen new states in Asia + Africa achieved independence from European rulers
– US granted Philippines independence = 1946
– Indonesian struggle for independence from the Netherlands (1945–50)
– Vietnamese war against France (1945–54)
– Poland became independent republic = 1918 + 1945
– Chile = independence (1817)
– Argentina - unified = 1861
- Links to idea of self-determination

Organic community
- Nation-states are comprised of a group of people who share a common history
- National ties and loyalties are found in all communities
[I] Primordialism
- The nation is rooted in common cultural heritage and language that may long pre-date statehood or national independence and are characterised by emotional attachments
– Anthony Smith – Modern states are updated versions of long-established ethnic communities
[II] Modernist
- National identity is forged in response to changing situations
– Ernest Gellner – Nations came together in response to conditions and circumstances (Such as industrialisation)
– Benedict Anderson – The nation is an ‘imagined community’, as individuals only ever meet a tiny proportion of those with whom they supposedly share identity
[III] Constructivist
- National identity is an ideological construct, usually serving the interests of powerful groups
– Eric Hobsbawm – Nations are based on ‘invented traditions’, as a belief in historical continuity and cultural purity are a myth created by nationalism itself

- Goal of political nationalism is to form the nation-state
- Can be achieved through unification or independence
- Goal = create independent equal nation states
– Rousseau = “he should not, by any human power, be forced to do what is against his will”
– Mazzini = “hope nothing from foreign governments”
– Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) = ‘14 Point Plan’ - promoting self-determination
- Separatism (advocacy of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, gender etc separation from a large group
– Chile = independence (1817)
– Argentina - unified = 1861
– Woodrow Wilson = “The war had its roots in the disregard of the rights of small nations and of nationalities which lacked the union and the force to make good their claim to determine their own allegiances”
- But despite desire for self-determination, many nations = authoritarian regimes following independence
– Africa - conflict - many nations fell to strongmen, military leaders, and one-party states
– Other nations fell to Communism: Vietnam, Cambodia & China
– Haiti = world’s first black-led republic + first independent Caribbean state when it threw off French colonial control - but suffered with gang violence, murder, sex assault, kidnapping common, 360,009 Haitians

= emphasises the strengthening / defence of cultural identity
– Johann Herder = father of cultural nationalism
– Herder, Johann Fichte + Friedrich Jahn believed in superiority of German culture
– Herder = each nation posses a ‘volksgeist’ (spirit of the peope) - revealed in myths, stories, songs
– The Brothers Grimm rejected many tales they collected because of their similarity to tales by Charles Perrault, which they thought proved they were not truly German tales; Sleeping Beauty survived in their collection because the tale of Brynhildr convinced them that the figure of the sleeping princess was authentically German
– Finnish Kalevala = 19thC compilation of poetry - instrumental in the development of the Finnish national identity
– Polish Pan Tadeusz = epic tale of country life among the Polish and Lithuanian gentry in 1811-1812
– The Knight in the Panther’s Skin = Georgian medieval epic poem, work of “Georgian golden age”
– Endorsed by black nationalists - Black Panthers + Nation of Islam
– Different to ethnic culturalism (idea people should be loyal to ethnic groups)

The Nation
= cultural entities that bind people together by shared values and traditions with a common language, religion + history
– Religion = Irish Protestant Unionists, Irish Catholic Republicans (but Italy + Poland)
– Ethnic = Nazi regime
– Language = France etc. but some share a languauge but distinguish themselves (English - Britain, USA)
- National symbols (e.g. Queen Elizabeth II)
– One Nation policies: Disraeli, Macmillan, Cameron
- History
- Culture
- Language
– Johann Fichte = nation is a cultural reality based on a common language
– French (originally tribal distinction (Franks)) distinguished themselves through language
– Nation of Israel exists within a people who trace their ancestry back to one person (Abraham)
– Japan = ethnic exclusiveness - unaffected by immigration
- Rousseau = father of political nationalism. concept of the nation would bind people together to form their own govt
– Locke = national identity based on people who had been oppressed and wanted freedom (e,g. Americans)

The Nation-State
- Sovereignty
- Organic community
- Patriotism
- Liberal internationalism
- Self-determination
- Rational v romantic

Identity Politics
– Civil Rights and the Suffragettes - fostered on questions of origins and features of identities, creating consensus
- Aims to promote the reclamation of identity and pride
– “I do not wish [women] to have power over men; but over themselves.” – Wollstonecraft
- No limit to what movements are based upon identity politics (Indigenous rights, racial rights, etc…) - loose connection of political projects
– Trump’s advisor = “The Democrats, the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats”
– Shulamith Firestone - The Dialect of Sex - “racism is sexism extended” and black power movement would only lead to Black women being subservient to Black men
– Second wave of feminism (1960s and 1970s) - Betty Friedman + Gloria Steinem - white, middle class
– Anthony Appiah - replacing “one kind of tyranny with another” (problem with not focusing on intersectionality)

= the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants
– 28% of Americans say immigration is the most important problem
– 10% Dems, 57% Reps
– “Swamped by people of a different culture” = Thatcher
– “There will be no further large-scale permanent immigration” = Cons manifesto 1970
– “We believe in holding out the clear prospect of an end to immigration” = Thatcher
– John Stokes = “The Tory party must be seen as the defender and preserver of our way of life”
– Ronald Bell = “There is no law which says we have to admit unlimited numbers of ex-Imperial subjects”
– UK - ‘euroscepticism’, USA - neo-cons. attitudes after 9/11 → Iraq, Afghanistan - ‘regime change’
– PM Donald Tusk = “Poland will not accept a single migrant under EU relocation scheme”

– Rousseau = “to assert that the son of a slave is born a slave is to assert that he is not a man”
– Mazzini =”Young Italy recognises the universal association of peoples as the ultimate aim of the endeavours of all free men”
– EU - promote social, political, economic harmony - less likely to go to war - rationalism
– Hegel = “The nation state is Mind in its substantive rationality and immediate actuality — the absolute power on earth”
– Mazzini = “so long as you are ready to die for Humanity, the life of your country is immortal”

– Putin - based on ‘collective will of Russian people’
– Mazzini = “a country is not a mere territory, it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship”
– The Brothers Grimm rejected many tales they collected because of their similarity to tales by Charles Perrault, which they thought proved they were not truly German tales; Sleeping Beauty survived in their collection because the tale of Brynhildr convinced them that the figure of the sleeping princess was authentically German
– Finnish Kalevala = 19thC compilation of poetry - instrumental in the development of the Finnish national identity
– Polish Pan Tadeusz = epic tale of country life among the Polish and Lithuanian gentry in 1811-1812
– The Knight in the Panther’s Skin = Georgian medieval epic poem, work of “Georgian golden age”

Civic nationalism
– d’Azeglio = “We have made Italy: now we must make Italians”
– America’s motto = ‘E pluribus unum’ (‘Out of many, one) (13 colonies united into one nation)
- Based on participation in the nation
- ‘Melting pot’ of society

Human nature
– Johann von Herder = people see their own identities in terms of the collective identity of a cultural group wit common language and history
– Jean-Jacques Rousseau = people are rational beings who desire their own freedom
– Mazzini = people have a romantic view of their origins. They seek liberty but it’s contained in the liberty of the people to which they belong
– Maurras = ethnic identity is a key aspect of our consciousness
– Garvey = all people are either part of white or black race, while the former has dominated the black race, the latter can claim a superior history + culture
– Garvey = “a people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots”

The State
– Johann von Herder = state can only be based on collective identity of a people with common cultural + linguistic heritage
– Rousseau = basis of any legitimate state has to be the nation. the nation is the vehicle for self-determination
– Mazzini = state is a romantic ideal, the ultimate expression of the unity of a people
– Maurras = various states don’t have equal status, some are superior to others
– Garvey = states are artificial constructs, products of white supremacy. the only meaningful state should be the united black people of the world

– Johann von Herder = society is a cultural. based on shared sense of culture + national heritage
– Rousseau = political society must be based on national self-determination
– Mazzini = society must allow personal freedom to flourish. individuals can be free only if a whole society is also free
– Von Herder = “there is only one class in the state”
– Maurras = society based on shared sense of ethnicity. some societies are superior to others
– Garvey = black society will be superior to white society once the colonial oppression of black people is defeated

– Johann von Herder = made no relationship between nation + economy
– Rousseau = no relationship
– Mazzini = economic freedom is a natural result of general freedom enjoyed by nations and their peoples
– Maurras = superior cultre of ne nation naturally leads to the economic dominance of that nation over weaker nations
– Garvey = opposed international capitalism which leads to imperialism, and communism, which leads to dictatorships. black people should set up their own form of capitalism for their own benefit

Liberal nationalism
– Same Sex Marriage Act (2014 )
– Obergefell v Hodges
– Voltaire = “I hate what you say but will defend unto death your right to say it”
– Self-determination examples
– Rationality examples
– Supranationalism
– Ineffectiveness of international organisations = Ukraine, Armenian Genocide, Rwandan Genocide, Sudanese Genocide - unacted on by UN
Idea of politically unified nation has only been seen in homogenous nations - support monoculturalism? e.g. Italy = 75% Catholic, Poland 98% Polish, 93% Catholic

Conservative nationalism
– Nation-state
– Organic community
– Romantic
– Exclusive
– Oppose supranationalism

Expansionist nationalism
– The Scramble for Africa
- The ‘scramble for Africa’- one aim of the colonising European nations was to ‘civilise’ the African nations.
- In 1914, 90% of Africa had been colonised by European powers
– Nazi Germany - expansion based on ‘lebensraum’ (living space)
– Islamo-fascism movement = slogans (‘remaining and expanding’), treatment of women as second-class citizens + scapegoats (Zionism and its Western allies)
– Charles Maurras = created - Integral nationalism = promotes aggressive expansionism and calls for the total submission of one’s self to their nation
– North Korea = illogical fear of outsiders and other nations; even South Korea

Anti-colonial and post-colonial nationalism
- In 1776 thirteen American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain.
- The Continental Army would fight off British occupation until the Treaty of Paris 1783
– Algerian War of Independence (1954–1962) = Algeria sought independence from France
– The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)
– British rule over India lasted almost 200 years until 1947 when India regained its independence
- But despite desire for self-determination, many nations = authoritarian regimes following independence
– Africa - conflict - many nations fell to strongmen, military leaders, and one-party states
– Other nations fell to Communism: Vietnam, Cambodia & China
– Haiti = world’s first black-led republic + first independent Caribbean state when it threw off French colonial control - but suffered with gang violence, murder, sex assault, kidnapping common, 360,009 Haitians

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