Nationalism and Political Revolutions Flashcards
Which forces started to become more popular than conservatism?
Liberalism and Nationalism.
Which monarch in France attempted to censor the press and remove voting rights from the middle class?
Carlos X.
Who overthrew whom and what did they established? (France)
The liberals overthrew Charles X and established a constitutional monarchy in 1830.
Who took the trone after Charles X was overthrown and what relation did he had with him?
Louis-Philippe, they were cousins.
Explain Belgium revolution.
Belgium was annexed to the Dutch Republic in 1815. in 1830, they rebelled and became independent with nationalism.
Expalin Italian and Polish revolutions.
They were usuccessful. Russian troops crushed the Polish attempt to establish an independent Polish nation. Meanwhile, Austrian troops marched south and put down revolts in a number of Italian states.
In which revolutions were the nationalism and liberalism used as tools again?
In the revolutions of 1848.
Which were the problems in France by 1846 that made unhappiness in the middle class?
Severe economic problems beginning in 1846 brought untold hardship in France to the lower middle class, workers, and peasants. At the same time, members of the middle class clamored for the right to vote. The government of Louis-Philippe refused to make changes, and opposition grew.
What happen after the revolt in France of 1848?
The monarchy was overthrown in 1848. There was a temporary government after this. The provisional government called for the election of representatives to a Constituent Assembly that would draw up a new constitution. Election would be determined by universal male suffrage, meaning all adult men could vote. The provisional government also set up national workshops to provide work for the unemployed.
What kind of government was finally set in france in 1848?
A constitution set up a kind of government called second republic. had a single legislature elected by universal male suffrage. A president, also chosen by universal male suffrage, served for four years.
Who was the first french president of the second republic?
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.
How many German states were recognized by the congress of Vienna?
38 independent german states called the German Confederation.
What did german rulers in 1848 promised?
Constitutions, a free press, jury trials, and other liberal reforms.
What was the name of the assembly that prepared a nationalist and liberal constitution?
The Frankfurt Assembly, or German Parliament.
What did the assembly´s constitution of Germany proposed?
The Frankfurt Assembly’s proposed constitution provided for a German state with a parliamentary government and a hereditary emperor ruling under a limited monarchy. The constitution also allowed for direct election of deputies to the parliament by universal male suffrage.
Was German Unification achieved?
No. the Frankfurt Assembly failed to gain the support needed to achieve its goal. Frederick William IV of Prussia, to whom the throne was offered, refused to accept the crown from a popularly elected assembly. Thus, the assembly members had no real means of forcing the German rulers to accept their drafted constitution. German unification was not achieved.
What was the problem of the Austrian empire?
It was a multinational empire.
A collection of different peoples including Germans, Czechs, Magyars (Hungarians), Slovaks, Romanians, Slovenes, Poles, Croats, Serbs, Ruthenians (Ukrainians), and Italians. Only the German-speaking Hapsburg dynasty held the empire together.
In 1848, who did the Hapsburg court of the Austrian empire dissmised.
Metternich, a foreign minister who fled to England.
How did the revolt developed in 1848 in Austria?
In Vienna, revolutionary forces took control of the capital and demanded a liberal constitution. To appease the revolutionaries, the government gave Hungary its own legislature. In Bohemia, the Czechs clamored for their own government.
Explain the last parts of the Austrian revolt.
Austrian officials had made concessions to appease the revolutionaries but were determined to reestablish their control over the empire. In June 1848, Austrian military forces crushed the Czech rebels in Prague. By the end of October, the rebels in Vienna had been defeated as well. With the help of a Russian army of 140,000 men, the Hungarian revolutionaries were finally subdued in 1849. The revolutions in the Austrian Empire had failed.
How many states did the Congress of Vienna recognized to Italy?
- These states included the Kingdom of Piedmont in the north; the Two Sicilies (Naples and Sicily); the Papal States; a handful of small states; and the northern provinces of Lombardy and Venetia, which were now part of the Austrian Empire.
Explain Italian revolt.
In 1848 a revolt broke out against the Austrians in Lombardy and Venetia. Revolutionaries in other Italian states also took up arms and sought to create liberal constitutions and a unified Italy. By 1849, however, the Austrians had reestablished complete control over Lombardy and Venetia. The old order also prevailed in the rest of Italy.