National Income Accounting Flashcards
Define Stock
Quantity measured at time ‘t’
Define Flow
Quantity measured over time ‘t’ (or) per unit time ‘t’
Factor Income is named as ____ for the following:
1. Land
2. Labor
3. Capital
4. Entrepreneurship
- Land - Rent
- Labor - Wages (or) Salaries
- Capital - Interest
- Entrepreneurship - Profits
Circular Flow of Income:
- Real Flow - ______
- Money Flow - ________
- Real Flow
HHs —–> Firms [Factors of Production: Labor]
Firms ——-> HHs [Goods and Services] - Money Flow
HHs ——-> Firms [Expenditure]
Firms ——-> HHs [Wages (or) Salaries]
Resident in Economy
Minimum of 1 year outside the territory carrying consumption, production, and investment in that said country
Exception(s): Students, Govt. Officials
Will the goods resold money be added to NI?
Will the goods brought with the resold money be added to NI?
Will the commission taken in selling the used vehicle by a mediator be added to NI?
[1] No - As there is no new production
[2] Yes - The money is used to value the goods produced newly and used as the final products
[3] Yes - Mediation is considered as service
MP (Market Price)
BP (Base Price)
FC (Factor Cost)
MP = Cost of Production (COP) + Net Production Taxes + Net Product Taxes
BP = COP + Net Production Taxes
FC = Cost of Production
Relation between Factor Cost and Market Price
Other forms of production and product taxes
MP = FC + Indirect Taxes - Subsidies
GDP (MP) = C + I + G + NX
GDP (at FC)
GDP (FC) = GDP(MP) - Indirect Taxes + Subsidies
NDP (at MP)
NDP (MP) = GDP (MP) - Depreciation
NDP (at FC)
NDP (FC) = NDP (MP) - Net Production Taxes - Net Product Taxes
GNP (at MP)
GNP (at FC)
GNP (FC) = GNP (MP) - Net Production Taxes - Net Product Taxes
NNP (at MP)
NNP (MP) = GNP (MP) - Depreciation