The dwelling shall occupy not more than ___ of a corner lot and ___ of an inside lot, and subject to the provisions on Easements of Light and View of the Civil Code of Philippines, shall be at least ___ from the property line.
ninety percent
eighty percent
2 meters
Footings shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the load of the dwelling and shall be at least ___ thick and ___ below the surface of the ground.
250 millimeters
600 millimeters
The live load of the first floor shall be at least ___ and for the second floor, at least ___.
200 kilograms per square meter
150 kilograms per square meter
The wind load for roofs shall be at least ___ for vertical projection.
120 kilograms per square meter
Stairs shall be at least ___ in clear width, with a rise of ___ and a minimum run of ___.
750 millimeters
200 millimeters
200 millimeters
(b) Courts, yards, and light wells shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls enclosing such wells or yards with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel fire escapes not exceeding ___ in width.
1.20 meters
(a) Minimum size of courts and their least dimensions shall be governed by the use, type of construction, and height of the building as provided in the rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary, provided that the minimum horizontal dimension of court shall be not less than ___.
2.00 meters
(b) All inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by a passageway with a minimum width of ___ or by a door through a room or rooms.
1.20 meters
(a) Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than ___ measured from the floor to the ceiling; Provided that for buildings of more than one- storey, the minimum ceiling height of the first storey shall be ___ and that for the second storey ___ and succeeding storeys shall have an unobstructed typical head-room clearance of not less than ___ above the finished floor. Above stated rooms with a natural ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than ___.
2.40 meters
2.70 meters
2.40 meters
2.10 meters
2.70 meters
(b) Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than ___ above and below it.
1.80 meters
Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions: Rooms for Human Habitations
6.00 square meters with a least dimension of 2.00 meters
Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions: Kitchens
3.0 square meters with a least dimension of 1.50 meters
Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions: Bath and toilet
1.20 square meters with a least dimension of 0.90 meters
Minimum air space: School Rooms
3.00 cubic meters with 1.00 square meter of floor area per
Minimum air space: Workshops, Factories, and Offices
12.00 cubic meters of air space per person