National Animals Flashcards
National animal of Thailand
Indian elephant
Elephas maximus
National animal of South Africa
Antidorcas marsupialis
National animal/bird of Iceland
Falco rusticolus
National bird of Denmark
Mute swan
Cygnus olor
National animal of Afghanistan
also the national predator of Pakistan
Snow leopard
Panthera uncia
National bird of Japan
Green pheasant
Phasianus versicolor
National animal of Tanzania
Giraffa camelopardalis
National animal/bird of Israel
Upupa epops
Mythical animal on the coat of arms of the Czech Republic
Double-tailed lion
National bird of India
Indian peacock
Pavo cristatus
National animal of Moldova
Bos primigenius
National aquatic animal of Thailand
Siamese fighting fish
Betta splendens
National animal of Romania
(Lynx lynx)
(also one of the national animals of Serbia, along with the wolf)
National animal of Poland and Belarus
European bison
Bison bonasus
National reptile of India
King cobra
Ophiophagus hannah
National animal of Cyprus
(Cypriot) Mouflon
Ovis orientalis
National animal of Eritrea
Arabian camel/dromedary
Camelus dromedarius
National animal of Spain
Bos taurus
National animal of Algeria
Fennec fox
Vulpes zerda
Legendary bird on the national emblem of Indonesia
National animal/bird of Brazil
Rufous-bellied thrush
Turdus rufiventris
National marine mammal of Mexico
Phocoena sinus
National animal of Wales
Welsh Dragon (Y Ddraig Goch)
National animal of Australia
Red kangaroo
Macropus rufus
Dog breed often used to symbolize Great Britain
(English or British) Bulldog
National animal of Greece
Delphinidae species
Animal that is listed as the national animal of dozens of countries
Panthera leo
National animal of Croatia
Pine martin
Martes martes
Animal that appears on the Madagascar coat of arms
Bos primigenius indicus
National animal of Rwanda and Somalia
Panthera pardus
National bird of Iraq and Pakistan
Chukar patridge
Alectoris chukar
National animal/bird of Nigeria
Black crowned crane
Balearica pavonina
National bird of China
Red-crowned crane
Grus japonensis
National bird of Poland and Lithuania
White stork
(Ciconia ciconia)
Poland also lists the White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) as a national bird
National bird of Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Sudan
African fish eagle
(Haliaeetus vocifer)
Very similar to the North American bald eagle
Bird that is the unofficial national symbol of France
Gallus gallus domesticus
Mythical animal that appears on Russia’s traditional coat of arms
Double-headed eagle
National animal of Bhutan
Budorcas taxicolor
National heritage animal of India
Indian elephant
Elephas maximus indicus
National bird of the United States
Bald eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
National animal of Scotland
Animal on the coat of arms of Germany
one of the oldest coats of arms in the world, and today the oldest national symbol used in Europe
Bundesadler (German for “Federal Eagle”), formerly known as Reichsadler (German for “Imperial Eagle”): a black eagle with a red beak, a red tongue and red feet on a golden field
Mythical bird of prey that is a symbol of Hungary
National bird of the United Arab Emirates
Peregrine falcon
Falco peregrinus
National animal of Nepal
Bos taurus indicus
National mammal of Mexico
Panthera onca
National animal/bird of Mauritius
Raphus cucullatus
National animal of Russia and Finland
Brown bear
Ursus arctos
National bird of Australia
Dromaius novaehollandiae
National animal of Peru
Vicugna vicugna
National animal of Indonesia
Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)
National animal/bird of Columbia
Andean condor (Vultur gryphus)
National animal of Pakistan
Capra falconeri
National animal of Canada
North American beaver
Castor canadensis
National animal of India and Bangladesh
Bengal tiger
Panthera tigris tigris
National fish of Japan
Cyprinus carpio
National animal/bird of Egypt
Steppe eagle
Aquila nipalensis
National bird of Greece
yes, the mythical one
National animal/bird of Guatamala
Pharomachrus mocinno
National (marine) animal of Papua New Guinea
Dugong dugon
National animal of China
Giant panda
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
National animal of Zimbabwe
Sable antelope
Hippotragus niger
National animal of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Okapia johnstoni
National animal of South Korea
Siberian tiger
Panthera tigris altaica
National animal/bird of New Zealand
Apteryx species
Traditional folk symbol of Portugal
Rooster of Barcelos
The two large cats that are the national animals of Iran
Asiatic lion and Persian leopard
Panthera leo persica and Panthera pardus saxicolor
National animal of Sweden
Eurasian elk/Moose
Alces alces
National animal/bird of Mexico
Golden eagle
Aquila chrysaetos
Mythical animal that is a national symbol of Bhutan
Druk (“Thunder Dragon”)
National animal of Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates
Arabian oryx
Oryx leucoryx
National animal of Madagascar
Ring-tailed lemur
Lemur catta
National aquatic animal of India
Ganges river dolphin
(Platanista gangetica gangetica)
The national aquatic animal of Pakistan is the Indus river dolphin (Platanista indicus minor)
National mammal of the United States
American bison
Bison bison
Animal that appears on the Serbian coat of arms
Double-headed white eagle