National 5 Europe Key Dates Flashcards
Treaty of Versailles signed, imposing harsh penalties on Germany.
Establishment of the Weimar Republic.
French and Belgian troops occupy the Ruhr in response to unpaid reparations
January 1923
The Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch fails, and Hitler is arrested.
November 1923
Hitler’s trial and imprisonment; writes Mein Kampf.
Period of economic recovery in Germany (the “Golden Age”) under the Dawes Plan.
The Locarno Treaties are signed
Germany joins the League of Nations
Wall Street Crash, leading to the Great Depression
October 1929
Nazis win 230 seats in the Reichstag, becoming the largest party.
July 1932
Reichstag elections – Nazis lose some seats but remain the largest party.
November 1932
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg.
January 30th 1933
Reichstag Fire occurs.
27th February 1933
The Enabling Act is passed, giving Hitler dictatorial powers.
March 1933
Night of the Long Knives, purging of SA leadership.
1934 (June 30-July 2)