Narrative Writing Vocab List Flashcards
Google Form Vocab Quiz on these terms on Tuesday 10/22
a person who tells the story - either a character in the story or an outside observer
the story a person tells
points of view
the perspective we experience the story - first person, third person limited, third person omniscient
a sequence of continuous action in a story, usually takes place in one setting;
–> scene changes when there is a new setting, a new day, or large shift in events/plot
actionable dialogue
Dialogue sections (conversations between two speakers) where the author reveals not only the conversation but also uses their speaker tags or sentences in between dialogue to describe:
- A character’s meaningful action or thoughts
- The setting or characters interacting with the setting
- How characters react to each other
- Tension or conflict building
the speed of the action of the story
There are two types of pacing we will use in narrative:
(1) Summary Scenes: the author will quickly summarize what happens, without a lot of details
(2) Magnify the Moment Scenes: the author will describe many details to really help the reader visualize this important scene
narrative transition words or phrases
words or phrases that show the narrative shifting to a different setting or scene
to enhance characters, events, and experiences through word choice and details
direct characterization
the author directly and literally TELLS the reader the character’s personality traits
Ex: Sam was shy and lacked self-confidence
indirect characterization
The author shows and creatively reveals a character’s personality by creating a character with specific speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, and physical looks (STEAL acronym)
Ex: Sam looked down at his feet, avoiding eye contact at all costs, as he wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans.