NARM Practice Exam 600 Questions - (61-120) Maternal health assessment Flashcards
61 . Which of the following is an abnormal observation at a breast exam of a lactating client, warranting referral to a physician?
a) Tenderness on palpation.
b) Erosion, ulceration or significant roughness of the nipple.
c) Mild erythema, cracking or bruising.
d) Crusting, indicating dried discharge.
62 . What is true when taking blood pressure?
a) The first sound you hear is the systolic reading, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is actively pumping.
b) The first sound you hear is the systolic reading, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest.
c) The first sound you hear is the diastolic reading, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest.
d) The first sound you hear is the diastolic reading, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is actively pumping.
63 . In which of the following situations is RhoGAM not appropriate?
a) Following amniocentesis in an Rh-negative, Du-negative woman during pregnancy.
b) Following an Rh-negative person being injured in a road traffic accident during pregnancy.
c) For an Rh-positive baby who was born to an Rh-negative mother.
d) When an Rh-negative person is experiencing a miscarriage.
64 . When looking at a nevus, what is not an ‘ABCDE’ sign that it could be a malignant melanoma? (e.g. A = Asymmetrical shape. The two halves don’t match.)
a) E = Evolving. Change in size, shape, color or elevation, or new bleeding, itching or crusting.
b) C = color. Multiple colors are present, with different shades of brown, tan, black or even red, white or blue.
c) D = Diameter. Anything over the size of a pencil eraser.
d) B = Brown. It is a uniform brown (or tan) color throughout.
65 . Which of the following observations in a breast examination would not warrant referral or consultation with a physician?
a) Retraction signs such as dimpling, puckering or furrows
b) Asymmetry in breast contour, such as bulge or indentation
c) Accessory breast tissue, including supernumerary nipple or areola.
d) Orange-peel skin
66 . Ian, your client’s partner, has a family history of dizygotic twins. Does this increase the risk of twins in your client?
a) Yes. Dizygotic twins result from the release of more than 1 egg, which is affected by the genetics of the father of the baby.
b) No. Dizygotic twins result from the release of more than 1 egg, which is not affected by the genetics of the father of the baby.
c) No. Dizygotic twins result from an embryo splitting into two identical embryos, but a family history of this in the father of the baby does not affect the likelihood of this occurring.
d) Yes. Dizygotic twins result from an embryo splitting into two identical embryos, and a family history of this in the father of the baby is a risk factor for this.
67 . Approximately how high should you pump the blood pressure cuff?
a) To 120 mm Hg
b) To 180 ml
c) To 200 ml
d) To 160 mm Hg
68 . Which of the following is not a behavioral risk factor for sexually transmitted infection?
a) Sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs
b) Serial monogamy
c) Under 25 years of age
d) Unprotected sex
69 . Which of the following is within normal limits for the eyes?
a) Pupils more than 1.5 mm different in size when exposed to different levels of light.
b) Pupil constricts under direct response to light but dilates under consensual response to light.
c) Pupil constricts under consensual response to light but dilates under direct response to light.
d) Pupils around 0.5 mm different in size when exposed to equal light on both sides.
70 . Which list has a correct list of ethnic groups and select genetic disease processes for which they are at increased risk?
a) African Blacks: sickle cell, Mediterranean peoples: adult lactase deficiency
b) Japanese: Vitamin D deficiency, Scandinavians: β-thalassemia
c) Ashkenazi Jews: Tay-Sachs disease, Southeast Asians: α-thalassemia
d) Northern Europeans: cystic fibrosis, Chinese: postpartum hemorrhage
71 . Which of the following is most likely to be appropriate for out of hospital birth?
a) Previous incision in the fundus
b) Prior low transverse cesarean section
c) Previous inverted T cesarean section
d) Prior vertical cesarean section
72 . Which answer best explains why knowing of any history of abuse is helpful to a midwife?
a) It helps the midwife tailor their care more appropriately to the needs of the client.
b) It tells the midwife they should expect a longer labor so they can plan to arrive later.
c) It tells the midwife that CPS involvement might be required after the birth.
d) It helps the midwife have empathy for their client if there is retarded dilation.
73 . Which list contains only things you might want to counsel a client to change about their health or behavior during pregnancy?
a) 2 alcoholic drinks a day, excessive exercise.
b) Sleeping 8 hours per night, adding salt to food ‘to taste’.
c) Smoking 10 cigarettes a day, drinking 10 cups of water a day.
d) 6 cups of coffee daily, moderate swimming within comfort levels.
74 . At your intake appointment with Gianna at 24 weeks, she gives you her OB records from this pregnancy, which state she is Gravida 3, Para 1. Which of the following could be true?
a) Gianna has been pregnant 2 other times, with 1 stillbirth at 32 weeks and 1 term birth with a living baby.
b) Gianna has been pregnant 3 times before this, with all pregnancies resulting in a spontaneous abortion.
c) Gianna has been pregnant twice before with 1 stillbirth at 41 weeks and 1 miscarriage at 7 weeks.
d) Gianna has been pregnant 3 times before, with 2 first trimester miscarriages and a baby born alive at 39 weeks.
75 . Hosanna tells you she has a condition that she can’t quite recall the name of, but it’s something like “cardioneurogenic synchrony”, where certain triggers such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress cause her heart rate and blood pressure to suddenly drop. What is this condition called, and what happens next?
a) Vasovagal resuscitation or neurocardiogenic synthesis, wherein certain triggers reduce non-vital organs’ demands.
b) Vasovagal response or neurocardiogenic syncope, wherein certain triggers cause the individual to faint.
c) Vasovagal repetition or neurocardiogenic skipping, wherein heart rate and blood pressure drop and then the client experiences palpitations.
d) Vasovagal reduction or neurocardiogenic slowing, wherein certain triggers slow heart rate and respiratory rate and reduce blood pressure. Without intervention, death follows.
76 . Spontaneous abortion, abnormal placentation, preeclampsia, IUGR, low birth weight, congenital heart disease, prematurity, apnea and SIDS are all risks associated with what?
a) Maternal tobacco use
b) Advanced maternal age
c) Poor maternal nutrition
d) Pregnancy achieved through IVF
77 . Which of the following is least likely to increase the risk of exposure to blood-borne pathogens?
a) Sharing needles
b) Blood transfusion
c) Sharing cigarettes
d) Unprotected sex
78 . Where in the neck should you palpate to look for enlarged lymph nodes?
a) Periauricular, supraclavicular, supramandibular, supramentum, ventral and dorsal to the internal jugular, and occipital.
b) Suboccipital, retro- and pre-auricular, submandibular, submental, posterior triangle of the neck, supraclavicular and anterior and posterior to the internal jugular vein.
c) Suprarhinal, circumauricular, supraoccipital, submandibular, lateral triangle of the neck, ventral and dorsal to the internal jugular vein.
d) Subocular, suboccipuital, pre- and post-auricular, medial of the mentum, anterior triangle of the neck, anterior and posterior to the internal jugular vein.
79 . You’re about to perform a Pap test on a client, but first want to confirm something very important. What?
a) Whether the client has a latex allergy
b) Whether she’s ever had an abnormal Pap
c) What the results of her last Pap were
d) What size speculum she normally has for Pap tests
80 . Helen is Rh-negative and her husband is Rh-positive. She gets RhoGAM at 28 weeks. Which statement is true?
a) RhoGAM is effective for approximately 3 weeks. If she wants a second dose of RhoGAM after birth, you have 24 hours to determine baby’s Rh factor and administer the RhoGAM if appropriate.
b) RhoGAM is effective for approximately 12 weeks. If she wants a second dose of RhoGAM after birth, you have 72 hours to determine baby’s Rh factor and administer the RhoGAM if appropriate.
c) RhoGAM is effective for approximately 3 weeks. If she wants a second dose of RhoGAM after birth, you have 72 hours to determine baby’s Rh factor and administer the RhoGAM if appropriate.
d) RhoGAM is effective for approximately 12 weeks. If she wants a second dose of RhoGAM after birth, you have 24 hours to determine baby’s Rh factor and administer the RhoGAM if appropriate.
81 . Your client, Israel, is very private, and has requested that you not do a breast exam on her. You’re discussing breastfeeding and ask her to describe her nipples. She says that they’re not inverted, and that the left one points to the left and the right points forwards. What is your response?
a) This is abnormal and may be a sign of breast cancer, so you recommend that Israel has a mammogram. You explain the procedure to her and what she might do so that she can feel comfortable with the level of privacy.
b) You recommend that Israel use a breast pump on that side from 37 weeks, gently pulling the nipple to the right as she pumps, as this will correct the deviation.
c) Whilst the nipple direction should post no problem with breastfeeding, you recognize that the act of doing so might be emotionally uncomfortable for her, and so spend time discussing this.
d) This should pose no problems with breastfeeding, as the nipples are not retracted or inverted, so you reassure her that you expect she will have a wonderful breastfeeding journey.
82 . Isabelle thinks she is 12 weeks pregnant. You perform a bimanual examination. What size would you expect the uterus to be?
a) Approximately the size of a cantaloupe.
b) Approximately the size of an orange.
c) Approximately the size of a grapefruit.
d) Bimanual examination is not appropriate at 12 weeks, as you would feel the fundus well above the pubic bone by then.
83 . Joy and her husband are at Joy’s 32-week appointment and you notice bruising on her arms. When you ask her about it, she says she must have got them carrying her grocery bags in from the car the other day, but looks you straight in the eye and makes a ‘trapped’ hand signal (thumb across palm, closing fingers over it). Which of the following is the best response?
a) Find an excuse to leave the room for a moment, e.g. ‘to check urine results’ and call the police, telling them that your client is pregnant and in danger, and ask that they arrest him immediately.
b) Say nothing about it, but make an excuse for a few seconds alone with Joy, such as to weigh her in the bathroom. Ask if she’s OK and if she needs help. Set up a code word for “I can’t talk now” and call to follow up later. Help with resources.
c) Immediately confront Joy’s husband. You need to show him that he can’t push women around, so be assertive, and tell him that his behavior is unacceptable, as he could be putting his child’s life in danger. Tell him you will not hesitate to call the police if he lays a finger on Joy again.
d) Say nothing about it, but call Joy later. Check she’s alone and then give her advice and resources for local groups that can help her. Ensure she moves to a safe home as soon as possible.
84 . At 4 weeks postpartum, Itzel tells you that she’s found a lump in her breast and is very concerned that it may be cancer. What do you do?
a) Ask Itzel if she feels the same structure in her other breast, as she may be feeling normal breast structure. Ask about symptoms of a clogged duct. If she’s comfortable with it, you can do a breast exam yourself to check. If there’s any question that it might be a tumor, refer to a physician.
b) The risk of developing breast cancer while breastfeeding is tiny, and Itzel can reduce this even further by practicing extended or natural term breastfeeding. With a total time of 10 years of breastfeeding, Itzel would have reduced her risks of breast cancer to zero. You recommend that she continue breastfeeding for at least a couple of years.
c) This is normal breast structure, as breasts feel very ‘lumpy’ at this stage in breastfeeding. You should reassure Itzel that everything is normal and she can continue breastfeeding without any concern.
d) This is a clogged milk duct. She should pump on that side with the pump directed towards the clog, or breastfeed with baby’s chin pointing in that direction, and should take lecithin. If she develops a fever, she should contact you, as this would indicate mastitis.