NARM Practice Exam 600 Questions - (481-570) Postpartum Flashcards
481 . You’re giving Phoebe information and advice about treating clogged ducts and mastitis. Which of the following do you not recommend to her?
a) Ensure you get enough rest, ideally skin-to-skin with baby, nursing on demand. Relaxing in the tub or taking a warm shower before nursing can help soften clogs and stimulate flow.
b) When breastfeeding, use different positions including pointing the baby’s chin opposite the area with the clogged duct, and try dangle feeding.
c) Have support group provide meals, or buy in from a restaurant food that you can eat while breastfeeding, ideally plant-based and low in saturated fat. Boost iron, electrolytes and Vitamin C. Aim for 3-4 quarts of water intake each day.
d) Poke root tincture 6 drops q6h, echinacea capsule 1 q6h, lecithin capsule 1 q6h, daily probiotics, Vitamin C (including IV, if desired), phytolacca 6X or 30C, and/or Belladonna 6X or 30C.
482 . Which of the following contains only items that would normally help treat sore nipples?
a) If lips are not flanged open when breastfeeding, manually correct this. If latch is not good, pull the nursing baby off the breast and correct this.
b) Apply topical agents which can be left on the nipple for subsequent feeds, such as honey, or apply expressed breastmilk.
c) Stopping nursing on one side after the baby has stopped visibly/audibly swallowing, and leave that side exposed to the air at least whilst feeding on the other side.
d) Assess for tongue tie (refer if present) or chomping down (discontinue bottle/pacifier), and ensure the same nursing position is used at every feed.
483 . When a baby is latching, which of the following is not ideal?
a) Wait for a wide gape before latching
b) Ensure the nipple can be seen sliding slightly in and out of the newborn’s mouth when sucking
c) Ensure a large part of the areola is in the mouth, with more areola showing above the mouth than below
d) Ensure lips are flared
484 . Which of the following is an accurate description for breast milk jaundice?
a) A type of jaundice associated with breast-feeding, typically occurring 1 week after birth. Rarely causes complications.
b) A common type of jaundice that affects approximately 70% of exclusively breast-fed babies (and approximately 50% of formula-fed babies). Self-limiting, but phototherapy speeds up resolution.
c) A type of jaundice that occurs when a baby is exclusively formula-fed, and is therefore lacking the proteins found in breast milk that normally help with breaking down bilirubin.
d) A type of jaundice that develops in newborns who are struggling with breastfeeding and aren’t getting enough breast milk.
485 . During a 6-week postpartum bimanual exam on Paula, you palpate the adnexal region. Lateral and posterior to the uterus, you palpate a 2-3cm mass, which is slightly tender. What do you suspect this is?
a) The bladder
b) An ovary with a large cyst
c) The cervix
d) A normal ovary
486 . You’re giving your client advice on family planning. Which of the following is inaccurate?
a) There are many chemical contraceptive options, some of which are hormonal and some not. Before using any of these methods, ask the provider about the effect on breastfeeding/chestfeeding, and the long-term effect on fertility. Several methods affect fertility for a prolonged period of time after discontinuation.
b) Lactational amenorrhea can be very effective if all of the following are met: the infant is less than 6 months old, exclusively breastfeeding on demand and has fewer than 4 hours between feeds during the day and fewer than 6 hours at night, and menses have not returned.
c) There are various different natural family planning methods. In general, the better you get to know your body and to understand your ovulation patters, the more effective the method is at preventing unwanted pregnancy.
d) There are several barrier methods, including cervical caps, male and female condoms and diaphragms. The effectiveness can be improved with use of spermicide, and these have the added benefit of preventing transmission of STDs.
487 . You’re giving Phoebe information and advice about symptoms of mastitis, including unilateral pain and redness, a fever above 101F, malaise, fatigue and flu-like symptoms, and give advice on treating clogged ducts and mastitis. Which of the following do you not recommend to her?
a) Warm compresses on the breast before feeds can be very beneficial, including warm salt water or fenugreek tea. Cold cabbage leaves after feeds can decrease inflammation and engorgement.
b) Aim to fully empty breasts at each feeding, ensuring a good latch, and gently massage or squeeze the breast while the baby is nursing. Hand express or pump after feeds if necessary.
c) Massage can help, but it’s not comfortable! Put coconut or olive oil on your breast, and then use your fingers to knead in circles over painful areas, gradually moving towards the nipple, or use a wide-toothed comb to comb over the plugged area down to the nipple.
d) Take advice from others, including breastfeeding support groups and IBCLCs, with caution. Midwives are experts at breastfeeding, and so they should be the first (and, ideally, only) person you go to for advice about all things breastfeeding, including mastitis. Antibiotics are rarely, if ever, indicated with mastitis.
488 . Your client has been breastfeeding for a week when she calls to say that she’s having stabbing pains behind the areola when nursing, and her nipple feels like it’s burning and itches. When you go to see her, you note flaking skin on the nipple, and patches of shiny skin around that on the areola. Which of the following is not an appropriate part of the management?
a) Use antifungal medications such a miconazole or clotrimazole, or corticosteroid cream.
b) Use gentian violet on nipples/areolas and the baby’s mouth, or use acidophilus solution or coconut oil. Wash all clothes with high heat.
c) Ensure nipples stay warm and damp between feeds. One method is to express a little milk into a breastpad, and to wear this until the subsequent feed.
d) Taking probiotics, limiting or eliminating dietary sugar, and washing with grapefruit seed extract rinse or dilute apple cider vinegar after a feed.
489 . Which of the following is a sign of good breast/nipple health when lactating?
a) Shiny, flaky red skin on the nipples, showing thrush is present.
b) Areas of the breast that are very tender to the touch, showing high milk presence in those lobules.
c) Cracked or bleeding nipples, showing baby is nursing frequently.
d) Visible engorgement on the third day after giving birth.
490 . How long will it usually take for a circumcised penis to heal?
a) 2-3 weeks
b) Approximately a month
c) 3-5 days
d) 7-10 days
491 . A deep vein thrombosis is not always found in the leg. Which of the following is not a sign/symptom of a DVT in an upper extremity?
a) Swelling in the arm or hand
b) Neck pain
c) Shortness of breath
d) Shoulder pain
492 . UV rays help convert trans-bilirubin into a water-soluble cis-bilirubin isomer, which is easily excreted through urine. Which of these methods does not describe an appropriate recommendation for phototherapy?
a) On sunny days, place the newborn in indirect sunlight coming through a window.
b) If placing the neonate in direct midday sun, sunscreen designed for an infant’s skin should be used, or the skin covered.
c) On cloudy days, or in early morning or evening sun, place the newborn in direct sun.
d) Alternate laying the neonate on their front and their back, wearing just a diaper. Minimal formula supplementation may be indicated to avoid dehydration.
493 . Philippa is showing signs of having postpartum blues. Which of the following is not good advice for her?
a) Encourage seeking and accepting support from family and friends.
b) Reassure Philippa that this is common and usually resolves by 1-2 weeks postpartum.
c) Ensure Philippa has lots of contact with others, in person or virtually, including friends, family and other new parents.
d) Refer Philippa to a psychotherapist for counselling.
494 . Olivia is Rh negative and has decided she wants RhoGAM postpartum only if the baby is Rh positive. You took a cord blood sample, but have not yet had results back on blood type. By how many hours postpartum should Olivia have the RhoGAM to attempt to avoid isoimmunization?
a) 1 hour
b) 120 hours
c) 72 hours
d) 24 hours
495 . Which of the following is not a sign/symptom of a superficial thrombophlebitis?
a) Hardening of a vein
b) Cramping pain in affected leg, usually beginning in the calf
c) Darkening of the skin over a vein
d) Calor, rubor, dolor and tumor along a vein
496 . Which of the following is not a common sign/symptom of postpartum preeclampsia?
a) Seizures
b) Nausea/vomiting
c) Abnormal vision
d) Headache
497 . Oralia transferred to hospital during labor because she wanted pharmacologic help with pain. She’s now 4 days postpartum and you’re visiting her at home. Oralia shows you her records from her time in hospital, which includes a CBC with WBC count around 19,000. She’s very concerned about this, as she worries she could have picked up an infection in hospital. What advice should you give her?
a) Oralia may have picked up an infection, as that value is outside the normal pregnancy range of 6,000-17,000, so you should carefully screen her for any signs or symptoms, and recommend that she boost her immune system with a healthful diet high in Vitamin C and antioxidants.
b) It’s likely that she did pick up an infection in hospital, as they’re full of sick people, passing infections around between them all. It’s a shame that Oralia felt the need to deliver her baby in such a place!
c) It’s normal for WBC count to rise to 15,000 or higher during labor, and may increase to 25,000 or 30,000 without being pathological if labor was prolonged. You can retest her today if she’d like, as levels should have begun to fall back towards prepregnant levels (3,900-12,500) by now.
d) Normal WBC count in pregnancy is 23,000-29,500, so Oralia’s WBC count is below normal range, and so it is possible that she picked up an infection in hospital. Oralia should ensure she has a healthy diet and should contact you if any signs/symptoms of infection arise.
498 . Which of the following is not a sign/symptom of a puerperal UTI?
a) Urinary urgency
b) Oliguria
c) Lower abdominal pain
d) Dysuria
499 . Pamella has been suffering from mild depression. Which of the following would not suggest to you that Pamella’s depression had worsened to severe PPD?
a) Sudden onset of delusional beliefs or hallucinations.
b) Thoughts of harming herself or her baby.
c) Increased difficulty with caring for her baby or herself.
d) Increased withdrawal from normal life.
500 . At Paula’s 2-day postpartum appointment, her uterus was around 2cm below her umbilicus. Today is day 7 postpartum, and it’s now 4cm below the umbilicus, and Paula reports that it’s tender to the touch. Which of the following is not a reasonable choice of management?
a) Give methergine 0.2mg q3-4 hours for 3 days
b) Refer for ultrasound
c) Obtain lochia sample for culture
d) Give 10 units of Pitocin IM
501 . Which of these is the best sign that a baby is currently nursing?
a) The baby falls asleep, showing that they have nursed well enough to be ‘milk drunk’.
b) The newborn has a bowel movement whilst sucking.
c) Slow, deep sucks in the beginning to achieve letdown, followed by short, rapid sucks, accompanied by audible or visible swallowing.
d) Short, rapid sucks in the beginning, followed by slow, deep sucks to draw down milk, and audible/visible swallowing.
502 . A neonate you’ve been caring for had signs of jaundice at your last visit, 2 days ago. At that stage, you judged bilirubin levels to be around 9 mg/dl, as the jaundice covered the head down to the level of the bottom of the rib cage. You’d given instructions to help reduce jaundice, and to call you if symptoms worsened. Today, the neonate has tachypnea, a high-pitched cry, poor tone, and the mother reports two instances of emesis. What action do you take?
a) Refer to the pediatrician. The neonate is showing signs of worsening hyperbilirubinemia.
b) Refer to the pediatrician. The neonate is showing signs of kernicterus.
c) Initiate immediate emergency transfer. The neonate is showing signs of worsening hypobilirubinemia.
d) Initiate immediate emergency transfer. The neonate is showing signs of kernicterus.
503 . Which of the following is in the differential diagnosis for an infected vaginal tear?
a) Diastasis recti
b) Symphysis pubis diastasis
c) Postpartum preeclampsia
d) Vaginal hematoma
504 . Which is not a common management option for postpartum UTI in a breastfeeding client?
a) Ampicillin
b) Amoxicillin
c) Metronidazole
d) Cephalosporins
505 . A postpartum client has an elevated temperature and abdominal pain, and you suspect endometritis. Which of the following is not an alternative diagnosis that merits consideration?
a) UTI
b) DVT
c) Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
d) Pneumonia
506 . You’re at Pippa’s 4-day postpartum appointment, and she tells you she recently started feeling very overwhelmed, tearful and restless. She says she’s not been sleeping well and feels frustrated about her constant responsibility for the baby, but that she’s continued loving and caring for him, and breastfeeding is going well other than her nipples are still quite tender. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Postpartum blues
b) Postpartum insomnia
c) Postpartum psychosis
d) Postpartum depression
507 . Oonagh suffered a late second trimester stillbirth 4 days ago. She’s decided not to pump and donate milk, and wants help in stopping her milk production. You visit her today, and find her painfully engorged and in tears. Which of these is not a recommendation you might give her?
a) Whilst only small amounts of milk should be expressed if needed for comfort, Oonagh might want to consider saving some for having made into breastmilk jewelry. Hair or ashes can also be added, if desired.
b) Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used for analgesia if needed.
c) Ice packs can be used (wrapped in a layer of cloth) to help ease the discomfort.
d) Expressing as much milk as possible while taking a warm shower can help relieve engorgement.
508 . Which of the following is not a sign of postpartum hemorrhage?
a) Heavy bleeding, including clots
b) Elevated pulse
c) Elevated temperature
d) Elevated blood pressure
509 . Which of the following midwifery management choices would not be appropriate for a mild infection of a vaginal tear?
a) Keep area dry, cool and clean
b) Consult a physician
c) Administer broad spectrum antibiotics
d) Debriding tissue
510 . Which of the following is not a common sign/symptom of infection of a vaginal tear?
a) Red and inflamed wound edges
b) Localized pain and edema
c) Temperature of over 103 F
d) Wound separations or purulent exudate
511 . What is the most appropriate management for puerperal infection of the uterus?
a) Since GBS is by far the most common cause, treatment with Penicillin G is the best option, unless the client has a known allergy to this.
b) Since many different organisms could be responsible (strep, staph, E. coli, and many others), culturing is advisable in order to identify which antibiotic to prescribe.
c) It is difficult to know which antiviral is most appropriate for any given infection, but oseltamivir phosphate and zanamivir are generally good choices. If these do not help, peramivir can be given instead.
d) Antifungal creams and pessaries such as clotrimazole are most appropriate in the breastfeeding client. Oral fluconazole can also be prescribed, as only small amounts transfer to breastmilk.
512 . Pamella is showing signs of mild postpartum depression. Which of the following is not good advice for her?
a) Suggest you screen for thyroid problems, as postpartum thyroiditis can cause symptoms of depression and fatigue.
b) Encourage a healthful diet rich in amino acids, tryptophan, omega fatty acids, B complex Vitamins and magnesium and to avoid coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.
c) Refer for treatment from a physician and/or counsellor and ensure she has a good support system, including from other parents. Ensure she and her partner both know how to look for worsening depression.
d) Reassure Pamella that postpartum depression generally resolves itself within 3-6 weeks, and ensure she knows there is no judgment from you.
513 . You’re performing a vaginal exam postpartum. You insert 2 fingers and push posteriorly against the vaginal musculature. You ask your client to bear down. Which of these is not an accurate description of an observation and associated diagnosis?
a) Bulging of the vulvar end of the posterior vaginal wall: rectocele
b) Bulging of the cervical end of the anterior vaginal wall: cystocele
c) Bulging of the distal end of the posterior vaginal wall: urethrocele
d) Involuntary loss of urine on bearing down: stress incontinence
514 . Regarding breastfeeding/chestfeeding, which of the following statements is not true?
a) Being away from an infant can affect milk production, even if pumping regularly
b) When pumping at work, it is best if the client distracts themselves, rather than thinking of the baby or looking at photos of them
c) Stress load can impact milk production
d) State laws about spaces and breaks for pumping vary, and a midwife should know their local laws
515 . Petra just gave birth to a 9lb 8oz occiput posterior baby, after around 2 hours of pushing. There was a shoulder dystocia, and you had to work quite hard to resolve it, using suprapubic pressure and eventually adducting the anterior shoulder and sweeping that arm out, at which point the baby delivered. Understandably, Petra was in a lot of discomfort afterwards. She did not want to get up to empty her bladder, and asked you to catheterize her. Today is her 1-day postpartum appointment, and she tells you she has unrelenting pain in the anterior pelvis and suprapubic region, radiating out to her hip joints and down her legs. She says she’s still not got up to use the restroom, and she cannot even lift her legs because of the pain. What diagnosis do you suspect?
a) Symphysis pubis diastasis
b) Fractured pelvis
c) Hematoma
d) Sciatica
516 . What height should the fundus be 2 weeks postpartum?
a) Not palpable
b) You should not be measuring fundal height postpartum, as this can increase bleeding
c) Approximately 5-6cm above the symphysis pubis
d) Halfway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus