Naming Flashcards
Baneberry (white): CC=8, all parts poisonous (doll’s eyes), bane=evil
Bastard toadflax
Blue cohosh: all parts blue poisonous, CC=8
Purple violets: chordate leaf base, center has dark lines that act as landing strip for bugs
Blue flag (virginia) iris
Bracken fern
narrow leaved cat tail
Burdock: CC=1, year two they make burs, female is taller
canada (white) violet: dark lines at center that act as landing strip for the bugs
Canada thistle
centoria starthistle: rosette arrangement release chemicals into soil that inhibit growth of other plants
club mosses
lamb’s ear
cutleaf toothwort
dutchman’s breeches: red corm
false solomon’s seal
forget me nots
gay wing
hepatica: CC=10
hoary puccoon
jack in the pulpit
large flowered trillium
leafy spurge
marram grass: mainly in sand, slows sand movement
marsh marigold
northern starflower: perennial
pink ladyslipper
pitcher plant
pitcher thistle
rock cress: type of mustard, lives in sand with less movement
sarsparilla: “rootbeer plant” leaf begins at soil
sedge: looks similar to grass, but remember “sedge has edge”, triangle base
sensitive fern
sessileleaf bellwort: CC=8
solomon’s seal (true)
sphagnum moss: loose moss that acidifies water to a pH of 3
squirrel corn: yellow corm
starflower solomon’s seal: sand loving, dwarf
stinging nettle
sweet cicely
toothwort: helped with teeth issues
trout lily: inside of fruit looks like the middle of a bell pepper
wild carrot: aka queen’s anslace, white carrot, fuzzy stem, smell like a carrot
wild leek
wild lily of the valley: perennial
wild strawberry: grow lower, fuzzy stem
wintergreen: smell nice when torn
wood nettle: stinging hairs
yellow violet
yellowrocket (american)
alternate leaved dogwood: CC=6, when in doubt slowly break in half and see if string form-latex test
american beech: perennial
american fly honeysuckle
ash (white, black): 5 plus leaflets
amur honeysuckle
autumn olive
balsam fir: not a pine, singular needles, flat, dark green on top and white lines on bottom
balsam poplar: live in dunes, old buds look like wasp nest
american barberry
bigtooth aspen
black spruce
chokecherry: called this because fruit is so sour you feel like you are choking
common juniper: prickly, makes gin, upright and tolerant to drought
red osier dogwood
eastern hemlock: balsam fir, but smaller needles and tiny pine cones, found in hardwood forest
iron wood: soft leaves that make for great toilet paper
jack pine: pine cones rely on fire, needle clusters of 2, pointy and short needles, extremely drought tolerant,
labrador tea
lowbush blueberry (huckleberry)
cluster of blossoms that are globed or light fixtures, blossoms point down
mapleleaf viburnum
related to wintergreen, perennial evergreen, smooth leaves, red berries, opposite leaves, white mid rib
pin cherry
serrated leaf, flower structure is diff from other cherries, almost an umbel
shrubby cinquefoil
red maple: simple opposite leaves, palmate vein, 5 lobes, serrations inside lobes
red oak
white oak
red pine
long stiff needles in clusters of 2
sand cherry: live in the sand, stay low to the ground unlike other cherries
common service berry
speckled alder: produces cone shap NOT pinecones, lobed leaves serrated, simple alternate, white speckled stem lentisoles
staghorn sumac: grows on the edge of forest normally, can be used to make tea
sugar maple: similar to red maple, but no serrations
quaking aspen
white cedar: found in both hot dry areas and swamp, great fence posts because rot and water resistant