Names- link with single theory Flashcards
Law of exercise- a response is more strongly linked to a situation the more often it has been linked with it in the past depending on the strength and length of the link
sign stimulus: a social signal given by one animal to another as a social signal
Binet-Simon tests of intelligence; binet developed the first practical intelligence test ; mental age and chronological age
Von Frisch
honeybee waggle dance; perform a figure 8 dance and communicate quality of food by the intensity at which they quiver their wings
Proposed that neural excitation and inhibition could serve as explanatory concepts in psychology
critical period for learning, imprinting
Malthusian theory of population: population tends to increase at a faster rate than its resources and that unless it is checked by moral restraint or by disease, famine, war, or other disaster widespread poverty and degradation inevitably result
animal magnetism:an invisible natural force exerted by animals
mass action theory- memory accuracy depends on the amount of cortex available
equipotentialitythe idea that one part of the cortex can take over the function of another part
postulated a theory of evolution by acquired characteristics and highlighted the role of environment in shaping future generations; giraffe and its long neck
hysteria- hypnotic suggestibility is a symptom of a mental disorder
responsible for specific and general intelligence; a measure of general intelligence should predict levels of specific abilities
icon, index and symbol
induction, deduction and abduction; pragmatism: a philosophical theory of truth and meaning
hypothesis formation; hesitation shown by rat at certain point in a maze
cognitive maps-awareness of all possible outcomes
responsible for IQ, division of mental and chronological age