names Flashcards
Dr. He Jinkui
Dr. He Jiankui is a Chinese biophysicist known for creating the world’s first gene-edited babies using CRISPR technology
Robert Bakewell
Robert Bakewell was an English agriculturalist. He is renowned for revolutionizing livestock breeding through systematic selective breeding techniques.
Francis Galton
He is best known for his pioneering work in eugenics, behavioral genetics, and statistics.
coined the term eugenics in 1883
Karl Ereky
a pioneering agricultural engineer who coined the term “biotechnology” in 1919.
Margaret Dayhoff
‘mother of bioniformatics’, a physical chemist, developed COMPROTEIN, ‘a complete computer prgram for the IBM 7090’
Peter Wason (1966) & Johnson-Laird
“if a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an even number of the other side”
author of the chapters “why to learn how to argue” and “how to spot an argument”
Arthur Caplan
Bioethicist at NYU, coined the term ‘yuck factor’
“What is immoral about eugenics?”
- 1999
- Subjectivity of perfection: not clear which traits are properly perceived as optimal; leads to stigma + prejudice
-Equality: favours fundamental social inequalities
in favour of enhancements
‘individual autonomy’
claims people should be informed on potential risks of enhancement but the final choice is theirs
Herbert Simon
Coined the term Heuristics
George Boole
use of algebraic symbols for depicting an argument
H. Reichenbach
Reichenbach’s approach, known as the “pragmatic vindication of induction,” suggests that while we cannot prove the reliability of inductive reasoning through logical means, it is pragmatically justified because it is the best strategy for predicting future events based on past experiences.
Pierre Duhem
Creator of “The Duhem Problem”
It states that it is impossible to test a scientific hypothesis in isolation because an empirical test of the hypothesis requires one or more background assumptions. When an experiment contradicts a hypothesis, it is unclear whether the hypothesis itself is wrong or if one of the background assumptions is at fault.
created “The Constructivist Objection”
Science works in “paradigms”, adherence to the theories of the day
Worrall (2002)
John Worrall’s 2002 paper, “What Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine?” explores the principles and challenges of evidence-based medicine (EBM). Worrall examines the role of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and the evidence hierarchy in EBM, aiming to provide a coherent account of what constitutes the best evidence in medical practice
David Hume
Best known for his influential system of empiricism, skepticism, ad naturalism
Enunciated the Naturalistic fallacy
Modern supporter of virtue ethics
Copi Cohen
Wrote the fallacies chapter
Tversky and Kahneman
1970s, showed three heuristics
- Representativeness
- Anchoring
- Availability
Jean Piaget
Model 1932
- Maturity is obtained along with the capacity to formal operations (logic)
Lawrence Kohlberg
Stages of moral development based on Piaget’s model
Gerd Gigrenzer
wrote an article on libertarian paternalism. Critical of it.
Thaler and Sunstein
Coined the term nudge
Dan Kahan
Wrote an article
Kahan argues that individuals tend to accept or reject information based on their cultural identities, which can lead to polarization and resistance to correcting misinformation
Van Rensselaer Potter
coined the term Bioethics
Thomas Percival
He is best known for writing one of the earliest codes of medical ethics. In 1794, he drew up a pamphlet with the code, and in 1803, he published an expanded version titled “Medical Ethics”, in which he coined the term “medical ethics”
John Gregory
Lectures upon the duties and qualifications of a physician (sympathy)
He made significant contributions to the history of medical ethics by writing the first philosophical, secular, clinical medical ethics in the English language.
Karen Quinlan
a 22-year-old woman who, in 1975, fell into a persistent vegetative state after ingesting a harmful mix of drugs and alcohol. Her parents sought to remove her from the mechanical respirator that was keeping her alive, but her doctors refused, leading to a legal battle. In 1976, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in favor of her parents, allowing them to remove the respirator.
Fritz Jahr
coined the term Bio-ethik
Christiaan Barnard
Performed the first heart transplant, introducing new ethical dilemmas about death and life-saving interventions
Duff and Campbell
Published research on non-treatment decisions for infants in the “New England Journal of Medicine”, sparking debates on ‘quality of life’ vs. ‘sanctity of life’
Joseph Fletcher
his ‘Moral and Medicine’ was one of the first modern works in bioethics
Daniel Callahan and Willard Gaylin
Founded the Hastings Center, and early institution dedicated to bioethics
Kuhse and Singer
wrote ‘Should the Baby Live?’ contributed to debates about treatment for disables newborns
James F. Childress
wrote chapter on principlism
R.M. Hare
Wrote chapter about Utilitarian Approach
wrote chapter on Virtue ethics
Eric Racine
wrote article “ defense for moderate (pragmatic) naturalism”
John Dewey
contributed to moderate naturalism
promoted ethics grounded in human experience and empirical inquiry
Jonathan Moreno
contributed to moderate naturalism
highlighted bioethics’ alignment with American pragmatism, emphasizing interactive methodologies and practical goals
Anne Fagot-Largeault
contributed to moderate naturalism
Advocated for bioethics as an adaptive, context-sensitive regulatory practice, akin to aristotle’s naturalism
critiques aggregationism used in utilitarianism
Immanuel Kant
Kant critiques utilitarianism but overlaps in ideas like universal respect
Carol Gilligan
Carol Gilligan’s ‘In a Different Voice’ introduces care ethics
Nel Noddings
Nel Nodding’s ‘Caring’ established care ethics as a moral framework
Rita C. Manning
wrote chapter on Care ethics
John Arras
wrote chapter on Case approach
Wringley et al
Claim that since with MST, fertilization comes after maternal gamete manipulation has been done “… a numerically different individual will be born than if MST had not been used”. They add that “With PNT, however, the intervetion happens after fertilization, the gametes used are unaffected, and so the Non-identity Problem does not arise”
They defend PNT but not MST
Hiromitsu Nakauchi
in 2010 his lab produced a rat-mouse chimera
Japan in 2019 has approved these experiments on human-animal
Greene and Cohen
Defend consequentialism for punishment
Daniel Dennett
He made significant contributions to the understanding of consciousness, free will, and the nature of the mind.
David Reisnek
in favour of genetic modification
wrote an article on genetic determinism
Robert Nozsick
1974 coined the term ‘Genetic supermarket’
The concept refers to a system where prospective parents can freely choose the genetic traits of their future children within certain moral limits, without state interference. Nozick argued that this system would have the virtue of avoiding centralized decision-making about the future human types, allowing individual preferences to shape genetic choices.
Corbellini & Sirgiovanni (2015)
wrote paper against paternalistic approaches on neuroenhancement
Julian Suvalescu
From oxford
in support of enhancements
“social protection”
Radically transhumanist
in favour of:
- Doping in sports
- Genetic enhancements
- Neuro enhancements
- moral enhancement
John Harris
in support of enhancements
Against moral bio enhancement
One this is to improve the ability to judge morally, the other is to choose to behave morally
the choice must be free, no coercion
Also against mood enhancements for moral purposes
believes that cognitive enhancement is itself enough to cultivate our skills in the best way and that makes moral enhancement redundant; argument is based on the assumption of self-determination and free will
Michael Sandel
against enhancement
argues that the enhancements wouldd favour unhealthy ‘promethean’ aspiration of parents wanting to build a child on the basis of their own desires
Leon Krass
against enhancement
Jürgen Habermas
against enhancement
‘enhancements would favour forms of social inequality because the initial natural conditions are the only ones putting people on the same moral ground, providing them with freedom
Savulescu and Persson
article in support of moral enhancement
believe in moral enhancements and say that rational methods are insufficient to enhance morally; believe scientific progress represents a threat to human welfare
Adina Roskies
coined the term neuroethics in her 2002 article
Benjamin Libet
Benjamin Libet’s famous experiment, conducted in the 1980s, investigated the relationship between conscious intention and brain activity.
Libet discovered that a specific brain activity called the readiness potential (or Bereitschaftspotential) occurred several hundred milliseconds before participants reported being consciously aware of their intention to act.
Daniel Wegner
conscious will is an illusion
Wegner argues that our common belief that our conscious choices directly cause our voluntary actions is mistaken.
Jonathan Haidt
Moral dumbfounding
occurs when strong intuition is left unsupported by articulable reasons
A. Damasio
emotivist approach
emotions point us towards a direction and we think rationally there. EMOTIONS DO NOT TAKE OVER RATIONAL THOUGHT
S. Matthew Liao, E. Sirgiovanni
Wrote article on challenges of neuroethics
article introduces the dual-process theory of moral judgement
Lo Sapio
article on the ethics of cultured meat
Edmond Award
article on moral machine experiment
clusters etc
Mihaly Heder
article “Epistemic opacity of AS and ethical consequences”
Thomas Aquinas
1225 - 1274
Medieval supporter of Virtue ethics
Elizabeth Anscombe
contemporary supporter of virtue ethics
Philippa Foot
The early 1980s in her writing a supporter of virtue ethics
Rosalind Hursthouse
formulation in the 1990s usually applied to bioethics
“An action is right if and only if it is what an agent with a virtuous character would do in the circumstances”
Hursthouse applies it to the right of abortion
Philippa Foot (1977) applies it to fulfill requests of euthanasia
John Searle
The chinese room
A criticism of the turing test
Thomas Aquinas
formulated the principle of double effect
It addresses situations where an action has both a good effect and harmful unintended effect