Name drops Flashcards
Hurst spit
Houser, 2009
- Most spits in a state of transgression
List et al, 2006
- Coastal erosion definition
Kirwan and Megonical, 2013
- Importance
- In order to survive
- What they do
Fagherazzi, 2014
- Biggest threat
- More vulnerable recently…
Hesp, 2011
- 4 types
- Requirements (supply, threshold)
- Type of dune (foredune, disturbance= blowouts and parabolic)
Houser and Ellis, 2003
- Requirements (fetch, vegetation)
- Entrain occurs when…
- Stoss and lee
(Wolfe and Nickling, 1993)
- Even sparse…
Rocky coasts
Limber et al, 2014
- Headlands refraction = dispersion
- Persist because…
- Transient
- Montara beach vs Holderness
Limber and Murray, 2011
- Beaches can act as…
Ecological engineers
Cheong et al, 2013
- No or low regret
- Versatility for climate
- ICZM (promotes, difficulties)
List et al, 2006
- Define coastal erosion
Temmerman et al, 2013
- Eco takes up space
- 40 million in flood prone cities
Tessler et al, 2015
- Delta’s costly
Ma et al, 2014
- Wetlands enclosed by sea walls longer than Great Wall
- China growth in the 13% of land that is coastal (60% GDP)
- Wetlands provide $200 billion
Temmerman and Kirwan, 2015
- Most vulnerable to…
- Conventional engineering disturbs…
Marshes and mangroves
Kirwan et al, 2016
- Occur at interface…
Kirwan and Megonical, 2013
- Importance
- In order to survive
- What they do
Leonardi and Fagherazzi, 2014
- Very resilient…
Temmerman et al, 2013
- Reclamation- wetland cut off (sediment deposition. land rise reduced)
Faherazzi, 2014
- Biggest threat
- More vulnerable recently…