nails Flashcards
abductor muscles
spread the fingers or toes
accelerated hydrogen peroxide(AHP)
non toxic to the skin and environment, based on a stabilized hydrogen peroxide and only needs to be changed every 14 days
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
high quality virgins plastic used to manufacture nail tips
adductor muscles
pull the fingers or toes together
also known as hangnail
extremely flammable colorless liquid that evaporates quickly
aka apex is the curvature side view of the nail tip providing support to the stress area and sides of nail tip
beaus lines
visible depressions running the width of the natural nail plate
bed epithelium
thin layer of skin cells between the nail bed and the nail plate
bruised nail
dark purplish discoloration under the nail caused by trauma
eight bones that form the wrist
known as polymerization is the chemical reaction that causes hardening
small portion of non living epidermis extending around the nail base
specialized acrylic monomers that quickly polymerize with the addition of alcohol, water or any weak alkaline product to form an adhesive
digital nerve
nerves located in the fingers and toes
eggshell nail
noticeably thin white nail plate that is more flexible than normal
living skin at the base of the nail plate that partially overlaps the lunula
extensor muscles
aid in the straightening of a joint
fabric wraps
very thin and tightly woven materials that are used to strengthen the natural nail or are applied over nail tips
long bone extending from the hip to the knee also known as the thigh bone
bone forming the outer part of the lower leg extending from the knee to the ankle
flexor digiti minimi
muscle that controls the little toe
flexor muscle
bends a joint
free edge
part of the nail plate that extends beyond the fingertip
muscle located in the calf that pulls the foot down attached to the lower part of the heel
largest bone in the upper arm extending from the shoulder to the elbow
skin between the free edge and fingertip of the natural nail
substances that begin the process that starts the chain reaction leading to very long polymer chains being created
inhibition layer
the tacky film like layer that forms on the top of the nail enhancement
also known as white spots, whitish discoloration of the nails caused by injury
respiratory organs responsible for inhaling and exhaling
whitish half moon shape at the base of the nail
cosmetic service for care of the hands which includes skin and nail care, cosmetic treatments and procedures, polishing techniques and artificial nail applications
pocket like fold of skin that holds the nail root and the matrix
part of the nail bed that extends below the nail root and helps to produce the nail plate
median nerve
smallest of the three arm and hand nerves, runs along the mid forearm and extends into the hands
darkening of the nails caused by excess melanin may be in a band stripe
five long thin bones between the wrist and fingers forming the palm of the hand
five long slender bones located between the ankles and the toes
metal pushers
used to gently scrape the cuticle from the natural nail. they are made of stainless steel and can be disinfected and reused
methyl methacrylate (MMA)
type of monomer that is a colorless volatile, flammable liquid compound. MMA polymerizes readily and is used especially as a monomer for acrylic resin. can penetrate body tissue or skin and possibly cause an allergic reaction
liquid that mixes with acrylic powder and binds the acrylic polymers to form a nail enhancement
nail bed
portion of the skin that the nail plate rests upon as it grows out
nail dehydrator
removes moisture or oils from the nail plate prior to nail enhancement services
nail folds
folds of normal skin that surround the natural nail plate
nail grooves
slits or grooves on the sides of the nail that allow growth
nail plate
translucent portion of the nail extending from the nail root to the free edge
nail psoriasis
non infectious condition that affects the surface of the natural nail, nail will appear pitted and or have roughness on the surface