Onychomycosis (o-ni-ko-mi-KO-sis)
Tinea Unguium (TIN-ee-ah UN-gwee-um)
Unguis (UN-qwees)
Cause: Fungus, disease-related, can result from a nail injury invaded by fungus.
Prognosis: Nail becomes thick and discolors from black to brown or beige to white; can develop white scaly patches with yellow streaks under nail plate; deformed nail may fall off; must be diagnosed and treated by a physician.
Treatment: No service may be performed. Refer client to physician
Tinea (TIN-e-ah)
Ringworm of the Hand
Cause: Fungus, disease-related
Prognosis: Appears as rings containing tiny blister, dark pink to reddish in color; can have dry flakes; can be confused with eczema or contact dermatitis; can spread to nails, scalp, feet or body. Must be diagnosed and treated by a physician.
Treatment: No service may be performed. Refer client to physician.
Tinea Pedis (TIN-e-ah PED-is)
Athlete’s Foot or Ringworm of the Feet
Cause: Fungus, disease-related; thrives in dark, moist places.
Prognosis: Itching and peeling of the skin on feet; blisters containing colorless fluid form in groups or singly on sores and between toes, leaving sore or itchy skin on one or both feet; must be diagnosed and treated by physician.
Treatment: No service may b performed. Refer client to physician.
Paronychia (par-o-NIK-e-a) or Felon
inflammation of skin around the nail.
Cause: Bacterial infection, disease-related condition of the tissue surrounding the nail can occur if a hangnail gets infected. Prolonged exposure of hands to water can create conditions favorable for development.
Prognosis: Red, swollen, sore, warm to touch, can lose the nail; must be diagnosed and treated by a physician; healing takes four weeks; nail may grow out deformed but can recover shape.
Treatment: No service may be performed. Refer client to physician.
Onychoptosis (o-ni-kop-TO-sis)
Refers to shedding or falling off of nails.
Cause: Disease and injury related
Prognosis: If the disease causing the problem is cured, the nail will regrow; may occur on only one or two nails; nail bed will be sensitive and should be protected while nail regrows.
Treatment: No service may be performed on affected nails. Refer client to physician.
Onychia (o-NIK-e-a)
inflammation of the nail matrix
Cause: Bacterial infection, disease-related.
Prognosis: Inflammation of the nail matrix, pus formation; red, swollen and tender; nail may stop growing, and plate may detach; nail may not grow back; if it does, it will probably be deformed; must be diagnosed and treated by physician.
Treatment: No service may by performed. Refer client to physician.
Onychatrophia (o-ni-ka-TRO-fe-a)
Atrophy of the nail or wasting away of nail
Cause: Injury or systematic disease
Prognosis: Nail shrinks in size and may separate from nail bed; if illness-related, may not improve if matrix is damaged; the nail may improve in 3 to 6 months.
Treatment: No service may be performed. Refer client to physician.
Onycholysis (o-ni-KOL-i-sis)
Loosening or separation of the nail
Cause: Internal disorder, infection or drug treatment; systematic, disease-related.
Prognosis: Loosening of the nail plate starting at the free edge and progressing to the lunula; nail doesn’t come off; stays attached at root area; must be diagnosed by a physician.
Treatment: Do no touch. No service may be performed on affected nails. Refer client to physician.