Split cuticles; loose skin partially separated from the cuticles
Cause: Cuticle is overly dry and splits; environmentally caused.
Prognosis: Skin can break at corners of nails, can be trimmed with cuticle nippers and may heal in 2 to 3 days; can be reoccurring.
Treatment: Trim only separated hangnail skin completely; moisturize and avoid massaging the area. Instruct the client to use cuticle oil daily. Hangnails may become infected if not properly treated.
Agnails or Hangnails
dark purplish discoloration under the nail
Cause: Trauma to nail; environmental; blood trapped under nails or small capillaries hemorrhage.
Prognosis: Discoloration under nail; normal nail growth will continue; bruised area will grow out with nail.
Treatment: No pressure on nail plate.
Bruised Nail also called splinter hemorrhages
white spots appearing in the nail
Cause: Injury to the nail, heredity, signs of systemic disorders or nutritional deficiency.
Prognosis: A small separation from the nail bed; grows out with the nail.
Treatment: Make client aware of possible cause; preform nail service as usual.
Leuconychia (loo-ko-NIK-e-a)
living skin that becomes attached to the nail plate either ate the eponychium (dorsal pterygium) or the hyponychium (inverse pterygium)
Cause: Severe injury to the eponychium or hyponychium.
Prognosis: Excess living skin that can remain attached to the nail plate and disrupt normal nail growth.
Treatment: No service may be performed on affected nails. If severe, refer the client to a physician.
Pterygium (te-RIG-e-ge-uhm)
indentations that run across the nail
Cause: Growth at the area under the cuticle is interrupted by major injury or severe illness that has traumatized the body for and extended period of time such as uncontrolled diabetes or pneumonia.
Prognosis: Nail returns to normal after the trauma.
Treatment: Make client aware of possible cause; perform nail service as usual.
Beau’s Lines
Bitten Nails
Cause: Nervous habit, stress-related
Prognosis: Easily recognizable; if bitting stops, the nail will regrow; may be sensitive to touch; nail plate will appear flat and may be deformed until and entire nail has regrown from the matrix; can completely recover.
Treatment: Preform nail service weekly, apply polish to nails.
Onychophagy (o-ni-KOF-a-je)
split or brittle nails
Cause: Injury, improper filing, harsh chemical contact.
Prognosis: Easily recognizable, file with emery board carefully; may be permanent condition.
Treatment: Soften nail well before trimming; do hot oil manicure; advise client to perform moisturizing treatments daily at home. Wear rubber gloves when hands are in water or chemicals.
Onychorrhexis (o-ni-ko-REK-sis)