Nahum Flashcards
Date of Nahum
The book was composed between 664/663 and 612 BC
Nahum structure
- 1:1-14 Judgment on Judah’s enemies; salvation for the people of God
- 1:15-2:13 Announcement of the fall of Assyria
- 3 The fall of Nineveh
Nahum theme
the world Judge punishes aggression
Message of Nahum
A. Judgment and Salvation (Nah 1:1-14)
1. Superscription (1:1)
2. Reminder of YHWH’s character as Judge (2:2-8)
3. The judgment oracle (1:9-11)
4. A divine pronouncement (1:12-14)
B. Announcement of Assyria’s Fall (1:15-2:13)
1. Announcement of Fall of Assyria (1:15-2:2)
2. Development of Announcement (2:3-13)
C. The Fall of Nineveh (Nah 3)
1. Fate of Nineveh (3:1-7)
2. The principle of divine retribution (3:8-10)
3. Prepare for Siege (3:11-17)
4. Consideration of Assyria’s epitaph (3:18-19)
Major themes in Nahum
A. The Nature of God.
Nahum uses the divine name Yahweh to refer to God 13 times throughout his book. As the only true “name” of God, it indicates a covenant intimacy, promising aid to God’s people (Nah 1:7; 2:2), but judgment on those who oppose him.
B. The Nations.
In the book, God exercises control over all peoples, not just Judah.