N5 grammar Flashcards
N1 wa N2 desu
Ram wa nihonjin desu
N1 wa N2 ja arimasen
Ram wa nihonjin ja arimasen
N1 wa N2 desu ka
Raghu wa sensei desu ka?
anohito wa dare (donata) desu ka?
N1 mo N2 desu
Raghu mo enjinia desu
N1 no N2 desu
Raghu wa Manira daigaku no gakusei desu
san - Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss
kochira wa Raghu san desu
that thing over there
kore wa nan desu ka?
kore wa hon desu
this (followed by noun)
that (followed by noun)
that over there (followed by noun)
kono kasa wa donata no desu ka?
kono kasa wa watashino desu
yes, it is
no, it is not
hai, soudesu
iie, souja arimasen
– desu ka – desu ka
yon desu ka kyuu desu ka
N1 no N2
nan no hon?
konpyuutaa no hon
no, substituting for a noun
watashi no hon
kore wa watashi no konpyuutaa no hon desu
I see/ Is that so?
Soudesuka is used by a speaker to acknowledge the receipt of some new information
anohito are wa SPG no gakusei desu
over there
koko wa toirei desu
this way
that way
that way over there
kochira wa kaisha desu
N1 wa place desu
achira wa daigaku desu
which way
toire wa doko desu ka?
kaigishitsu wa dochira desu ka?
N1 no N2
kore wa doko no kaban desu ka?
itaria no kaban
ima – ji desuka
ima nanji desu ka
ima gogo san ji juppun desu (3:10 pm)
watashi wa mainichi benkyoushimasu watashi wa ashita benkyoushimasen watashi wa kinou benkyoushimashita watashi wa kinou benkyoushimasen deshita anata wa kinou yasumimashita ka?
N (time) ni Verb
watashi wa mainichi roku-ji ni okimasu
N1 kara N2 made
watashi wa hachi-ji kara yoji made hatarakimasu
manira kara toukyou made yojikan kakarimasu
N1 to N2
doyoubi to nichiyoubi hatarakimasen
N (place) he ikimasu/kimasu/kaerimasu
watashi wa Kyoto he ikimasu
watashi wa uchi he kaerimasu
Doko (he) mo ikimasen/kimasen/tabemasen (Deny)
doko mo ikimasen
doko mo kimasendeshita
N (vehicle) de ikimasu/kimasu/kaerimasu
watashi wa densha de ikimasu
watashi wa takushi de kimasendeshita
N (person/animal) to Verb
watashi wa kazoku to Nihon he kimashita
watashi wa neko to asobimashita
watashi wa neko to kouen de asobimashita
watashi wa hitoride Tokyo he ikimasu
itsu (when)
itsu Nihon he kimashitaka?
itsu Hiroshima he ikimasuka?
~ yo (give new information)
iie ikimasen. tsugino futsuu desuyo
The experession soudesune is used to express sympathy or agreement with what the speaker has said.
ahista wa nichiyoubi desune
a, soudesune
N wo Verb (transitive)
The particle wo is used to indicate the direct object of a transitive verb
juusu wo nomimasu
pan wo tabemasu
N wo shimasu
shimasu, means that the action denoted by the noun is performed. Play sports or games, Hold gatherings or events, do something
tenisu wo shimasu
shukudai wo shimasu
nani wo shimasuka
This is a question to ask about someone’s actions
nani wo shimasuka?
kinou wo shimashitaka?
sakkaa wo shimashita
nan & nani
nan is used when it preceds a word whose first sound is in the ta, da or nan row
sore wa nan desuka?
nan no hon desuka?
nan de tokyo he ikimasuka?
shinkansen de ikimasu
nani wo kaimasuka?
N (place) de V
When added after a noun denoting a place, the particle de indicates the occurrence of an action in that place
eki de shinbun wo kaimasu
V masenka
This expression is used when the speaker wants to invite someone to do something
isshoni Kyoto he ikimasenka?
ee, iidesune
V mashou
This expression is used when a speaker is positively inviting the listener to do something with the speaker. It is also used when responding positively to an invitation
chotto yasumimashou
isshoni hirugohan wo tabemasenka?
ee, tabemashou
~ ka
ka indicates that the listener has received and accepted some new information
nichiyoubi Kyoto he ikimashita
Kyoto desuka, iidesune
N (tool/means) de V
The particle de indicates a method or means used for an action
watashi wa hashi de tabemasu
watashi wa nihongo de repooto wo kakimasu
naaifu de ringo wo kirimasu
Word/Sentence wa ~ de nandesuka
This question is used to ask how to say a word or sentence in another language
arigatou wa eigo de nan desuka?
Thank you desu
thank you wa nihongo de nan desuka?
arigatou desu
N1 (person) ni N2 o agemasu
gave, lent, teach
Verbs like agemasu, kashimasu, oshiemasu indicate imparting things or information, so they must be used with a noun saying to whom those things or information are imparted. The particle ni is used to denote the recipient
watashi wa kimura san ni hana wo agemashita
watashi wa Lee san ni hon wo kashimashita
watashi wa Yamada san ni eigo wo oshiemasu
N1 (person) ni N2 o moraimasu
receive, borrow, learn
Verbs like moraimasu/karimasu/naraimasu indicate receiving things or information, so they must be used with a noun saying to whom those things or information are received. The particle ni is used to denote the person
watashi wa yamada san ni hana wo moraimashita
watashi wa karina san ni CD wo karimashita
watashi wa Wang san kara/ni Chuugokugo wo naraimasu
mou V mashita
mou means already and is used with V mashita. In this case, V mashita means that the action has been completed.
mou nimotsu okurimashitaka?
hai, mou okurimashita
iie, mada okurimasen
iie, mada desu
Omission of particles
Particles are often omitted in informal speech when the relationship between the parts of speech before and after them are obvious
kono supuun, sutekidesune
koohii, mou ippai ikagadesuka
N1 wa adj desu
They are divided into two groups: i and na adjectives depending on how they inflict
watto san wa shinsetsu desu
miraa san wa hansamu desu
fuji san wa takai desu
sakura wa kirei desu
Na is retained when placed before a noun
watto san wa shinsetsu na sensei desu
fuji san wa takai na yama desu
i is used before desu and also before noun
nihongo wa yasashii desu
kono koohii wa atsui desu
Na adjective -ve form
The non-past negative of na is formed by dropping the na and attaching ja arimasen
sakura wa kirei ja arimasen
basu wa benri ja arimasen
i adjective -ve form
The non-past negative of i is formed by dropping the i and attaching kunai desu
miraa san wa isogashikunai desu
kono koohii wa atsukunai desu
~ ga - But
Connects two statements. If the first clause is positive, then second will be negative. And vice versa.
shigoto wa isogashi desuga, omoshiroi desu
nihogo no tabemono wa oishii desuga, takai desu
totemo (very)
totemo is used with affirmative sentence.
metro wa totemo benri desu
oosaka wa totemo samui desu
amari (not very)
amari is used with negative sentence.
kono pasokon wa amari yokunai desu
sore wa amari yuumei na byouin ja arimasen
N1 wa doudesuka
how was it?
nihon no seikatsu wa doudesuka?
N1 wa donna N2 desuka
what kind of?
nara wa donna machi desuka?
N ga arimasu/wakarimasu
The objects of some verbs and adjectives are marked with ga
watashi wa kuruma ga arimasu
watashi wa eigo ga wakarimasu
N ga suki/kirai/jouzu/heta desu
good at
bad at
watashi wa itaria ryouri ga suki desu
watashi wa tenisu ga jouzu desu
donna N
what kind of?
donna supootsu ga suki desu ka?
sakka ga suki desu
These adverbs are placed before verbs to modify them
watashi wa eigo ga yoku wakarimasu watashi wa eigo ga amari wakarimasu watashi wa okane ga takusan arimasu watashi wa okane ga zenzen arimasen koko wa sukoshi samui desu ano eiga wa zenzen omoshirokunai desu