N4 grammar Flashcards
verb taberundesu tabenaindesu tabetandesu tabenakattandesu
i adj kurai ndesu kura kunaindesu kura kattandesu kura nakunakattandesu
na adj hima nandesu hima janaindesu hima dattandesu hima janakattandesu
Noun benkyou nandesu benkyou janaindesu benkyou dattandesu benkyou janakattandesu
n desuka
When the speaker guesses the reasons or the cause as to what he has seen or heard and then confirms whether he is correct
nice watch it is, from where did you buy?
good at dance, from whom did you learn?
why are you late?
I am feeling sick
kireina tokei desune, dokode kattan desuka?
dansu ga jouzu desune, dare ni narattan desuka?
doushite okuretandesuka?
kibun ga waruindesu
n desuga
This is used to introduce a topic. It is followed by a request, an invitation or an expression seeking permission
I have written a letter in Japanese. Could you please check it for me?
I want to learn English so please introduce me to good teacher
nihongo de tegami wo kaitan desuga, chotto mite kudasai
eigo wo naraundesuga, ii sensei wo shoukaishite kudasai
Verb te form itadakemasenka
“Would you please do me a favour of ~ing?
This request expression is politer than te kudasai”
would you please open this window?
would you please write the name over here?
when you have free time would you please show me the place to put dust?
kono mado wo akete itadakemasenka
koko ni namae wo kaite itadakemasenka
himana toki gomiokiba wo misete itadakemasenka
Interrogative V ta form ra iidesuka
This is used when the speaker asks the listener for some advice or instructions about what to do
shall I?
Where should I buy a camera?
I don’t have small change, what shall I do?
dokode kamera wo kattara iidesuka?
komakai okane na naindesuga, dou shitara iidesuka?
Potential verbs
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
watashi wa nihongo wo hanashimasu
watashi wa nihongo ga hanasemasu
miraasan wa kanji ga yomemasu
kono ginkkoude doru ga kaeraremasu
miemasu and kikoemasu
You can now see the Mt.Fuji from bullet train
Can hear the sound of radio
you can now see Kurosawa’s movies in Shinjuku
shinkansen kara fujisan ga miemasu
rajio no oto ga kikoemasu
Shinjuku de kurosawa san no eiga ga mieraremasu
The verb dekimasu means come into being, come up , be completed, be finished, be made etc..
ekino maeni ookii suppaa ga dekimashita
tokei no shuuri wa itsu dekimasuka?
dewa/niwa/hewa/karawa/madewa etc..
watashino gakkou dewa chuugokugo ga naraemasu
watashino gakkou niwa americajin no sensei ga imasu
wa is used to make contrasts
Yesterday we could see mountains, but not today
I drink wine, but not beer
I will go to Kyoto, but not to Osaka
kinou wa yamaga miemashitaga, kyou wa miemasen
wain wa nomimasuga, biiru wa nomimasen
kyouto hewa ikimasuga, oosaka hewa ikimasen
Klara can speak English. She can speak French too
the sea can be seen from my room, and also from my brother’s room
kurarasan wa eigo ga hanasemasu. furansugo mo hanasemasu
watashino heya kara umi ga miemasu. otouto no heya kara mo miemasu
shika is attached to nouns, quantifiers etc, and is always used with negative predicates.
I cannot write anything but Roman letters
I can only write Roman letters
roomaji shika kakemasen
roomaji dake kakemasu
Verb1 masu form nagara Verb2
This sentence pattern means that one person does two different actions (V1 and V2) at the same time. Verb2 is main action
I listen to music while eating
I am working and studying Japanese
ongaku wo kikinagara, shokujishimasu
hataraki nagara, nihongo wo benkyoushite imasu
Verb te form imasu
An individual’s customary action is expressed by this sentence pattern.
I jog every morning
I used to go to bed at eight every evening when I was a child
maiasa jogingu wo shite imasu
kodomono toki, maiban hachi ji ni nete imashita
plain form shi
For telling about characters of a person and also to give reasons.
watto sensei wa nesshin dashi, majime dashi, keiken mo arimasu
eki kara chikai shi, kuruma de mo korareushi, kono mise wa totemo benridesu
musuko ni eigo wo oshiete itadakemasenka?
uun, shucchou mo ooishi, mousude nihongo shiken mo arushi
This is used when you add another similar fact or situation
(in addition)
doushite sakura daigaku wo eranandesuka ?
sakura daigaku wa chichi ga deta daigaku dashi, ii sensei mo ooishi, soreni ie kara chikai desukara
tanakasan wa majime dashi, chuugoku mo jouzu dashi, soreni keiken mo arimasu
This is a conjunction used to show that what was said before, it is the reason or cause for the sentence following it.
(before sorede is the reason/cause and after is consequence)
kono resutoran wa nedan mo yasui shi, oishii ndesu.. sorede hito ga ooi ndesu
akemasu I will open a window
shimemasu I will close window
akimasu Window will open
shimarimasu Window will close
mado wo akemasu
mado wo shimemasu
mado ga akimasu
mado ga shimarimashita
Noun ga verb te form imasu
The window is broken
The light is on
The road was crowded this morning
modo ga warete imasu
denki ga tsuite imasu
kesa wa michi ga konde imashita
Instransitive verbs is a verb that does not need a object is called an intransitive verb
kowaremasu, waremasu, yoburemasu, yogoremasu, hazuremasu, miemasu, kikoemasu etc…
Absolute transitive verb are the ones which doesn’t have transitive pair
ikimasu, kimasu, kaerimasu, hatarakimasu, shinimasu, nakimasu, suwarimasu, arimasu etc..
Verb te form shimaimashita / shimaimasu
shimaimashita - this expression emphasizes that an action or event has been completed. To express regret
shimimasu - shows that the action will be completed in the future
kinou katta tamago wa, tsukatte shimaimashita
kanji no shukudai wa mou yatte shimaimashita
shiryou wa kinyoubi madeni tsukutte shimaimasu
hirugohan madeni repooto wo kaite shimaimasu
naratta koto wo wasurete shimaimashita
pasupooto wo nakushite shimaimashita
arimashitayo (found something)
I have found the bag
kaban ga arimashitayo
I have lost my wallet somewhere
Is there a pay phone somewhere nearby?
dokokade saifu wo nakushite shimaimashita
dokokani denwa ga arimasenka?
Verb te form arimasu
Noun1 ni Noun2 ga verb te form arimasu
This is for transitive verbs
kabe ni yoteihou ga hatte arimasu
tsukue no ue ni memo ga oite arimasu
karendaa ni kongetsu no yotei ga kaite arimasu
Noun2 wa Noun1 ni verb te form arimasu
yoteihyou wa kabe ni hatte arimasu
memo wa doko desuka
memo wa tsukue no ue ni oite arimasu
kongetsu no yoteihyou wa karendaa ni kaite arimasu
kagami wa hikidashi no naka ni oite arimasu
Verb te from okimasu
This is used to express the state of the result of what somebody did for some purpose.
tanjoubi no purazento mou katte okimasu
oteru wa mou yoyaku shite okimasu
tsugino kaigi madeni oshirase wo hatte okimasu
tomodachi ga kuru mae ni hana wo kazatte okimasu
oite kudasai
after using the chair please arrange and keep it
after seeing the poster please put and keep it there
since there is a test this week, please leave the schedule at its place
since there is meeting tomorrow, please arrange the chair and keep it
isu wo tsukattara narabete oite kudasai
posutaa wo mitara asoko ni oite oite kudasai
konshuu tesuto ga arimasukara yoteihyou wa sonomamanishite oite kudasai
ashita kaigi ga arimasukara, isu wa konomomanishite oite kudasai
mada (still) Verb (affirmative)
It’s still raining
Shall I put away the tools?
still I am using, so leave them there
mada amega futte imasu
dougu wo katadzukemashouka?
mada tsukatte imasukara, sonomamani shite oite kudasai
Volitional form
doing with intention
change i to o and add u
remove masu and add you
remove masu and add you
kaimasu arukimasu isogimasu naoshimasu machimasu asobimasu
yasumimasu norimasu kaemasu oboemasu mimasu
kaou arukou isogou naosou matou asobou
yasumou norou kaeyou oboeyou miyou
how to use the volitional form
Shall we take rest?
Yes, let’s
How about taking a rest for a while?
Shall I help you?
chotto yasumanai
un, yasumou
sukoshi yasumouka
Verb volitional form to omotte imasu
This implies that the speaker’s decision was made some time ago
Can be used to tell others (third person) opinion or intention also
I am thinking of going to the beach at the weekend
I am going to the bank now
I am thinking of doing diet
I am thinking of climbing mountain
Father is thinking of quitting the job
He is thinking of building a classroom
He is thinking of working in a foreign country
shuumatsu wa umi ni ikou to omotte imasu
ima kara ginkou he ikou to omotte imasu
daietto wo shiyou to omotte imasu
yama ni noborou to omotte imasu
chichi wa shigoto wo yameyou to omotte imasu
kare wa kyoushitshu wo tsukurou to omotte imasu
kare wa gaikoku de hatarakou to omotte imasu
Verb dictionary form
Verb nai form nai tsumoridesu
This expresses speaker’s intention of doing something and not doing something
Even when I go back to my country, I will continue with my judo
I am determined not to smoke from tomorrow
I will return back to my country in vacation
work is busy so, I will not take test
kuni he kaettemo, juudou wo tsudzukeru tsumoridesu
ashita kara wa tabako wo suwanai tsumoridesu
yasumi ni kuni he kaeru tsumoridesu
shigoto ga isogashii desukara, shiken wo tsukenai tsumoridesu
Verb dictionary form yotei desu
Noun no yotei desu
To tell your plan, what are you planning to do
I am planning to go to Switzerland
It’s planned to arrive at 9:36 mins
I am planning to go for trip of 1 week
suisu he iku yotei desu
ku jikan san juu roppun ni tsuku yotei desu
ryokou wa isshukan gurai no yotei desu
mada Verb te form imasen
This is used to say Not yet
have you studied already?
no, not yet studied
no, not yet written
mou benkyoushimashitaka?
iie mada benkyoushite imasen
iie mada kaite imasen
Verb ta form
Verb nai form nai houga iidesu
This pattern is used to make suggestions or to give advice
It is good to do some exercise everyday
I have got fever
So you had better not take a bath
It’s not good to drink alcohol
It’s good to study daily
mainichi undoushita houga iidesu
netsu arundesu
ja, ofuro ni hairanai houga iidesuyo
osake wo nomanai houga iidesu
mainichi benkyoushita houga iidesu
Verb plain form
i adjective plain form deshou
na adjective plain form (remove da)
Noun plain form (remove da)
It will rain tomorrow
Do you think Mr.Thawaphon will pass the exam?
ashita wa ame ga furundeshou
tawaponsan wa gougakusuru deshouka
Verb plain form
i adjective plain form kamo shiremasen
na adjective plain form
This expresses the speaker’s inference, and means that there is a possibility that some event or state occured/occurs/will occur. The degree of certainity however is much lower than with deshou
yakusokuno jikan ni ma ni awanai kamo shiremasen
kono shiken ni dou kaku suru kamo shiremasen
kitto (might be) adverb
in between deshou and kamo shiremasen. Mostly used with deshou
I doubt Mr. Thawaphon will pass the exam
It will undoubtedly rain tomorrow
Mr. Miller will mostly come
tawaphonsan wa kitto gougaku suru deshou
ashita wa kitto ame deshou
miraasan wa kitto kimasu
mostly used with to omoimasu
I guess Mr.Tanaka don’t know about this news
I guess Mr.Miller will come
tanaka san wa kono nyuusu wo tabun shiranai to omoimasu
miraasan wa tabun kuru deshou
possibility of occuring is less than tabun
used with kamo shiremasen
There is a possibility I might be unable to participate for the next year’s match
There is a possibility I might be unable to graduate in March
moshikashitara rainen no shiai sankasuru kotoga dekinai kamo shiremasen
moshikashitara san gatsu ni sotsugyou dekinai kamo shiremasen
Quantifier de
This added to a quantifier indicates the limit of price, time, quantity etc., necessary for a state, an action or an event to be realized
Can I reach the station in thirty minutes?
Can I buy a video player for 30,000 yen?
eki made sanjuppun de ikemasuka
san man en de bideo ga kaemasuka
Imperative form
Group 1
Change i to e and remove masu
Group 2
Add ro and remove masu
Group 3
Add ro and remove masu
Imperative form is used to force a person to do something and prohibitive form is used to command a person not do something.
isogimasu iimasu oyogimasu dashimasu tachimasu asobimasu nomimasu suwarimasu yamemasu demasu kimasu shimasu
isoge isoguna ie iuna oyage oyaguna dase dasuna tate tatsuna asobe asobuna nome nomuna suware suwaruna yamero yameruna dero deruna koi kuruna suro suruna
Verb masu form nasai
Used by parents to their children or by teachers to their students and is little gentler than the imperative form
benkyoushinasai (study)
~to yomimasu and ~to kaite arimasu
read like that and written like that
How do you read that kanji?
Tomare is written over there
It is read as emergeny exit
ano kanji wa nan to yomimasuka
asokoni tomare to kaite arimasu
hijouguchi to yomimasu
~wa nan toiu imidesu
This pattern is used to define the meaning of a word.
Tachiiri kinshi means don’t enter
What does this sign mean?
It means it can be washed by machine
It means go slowly
tachiiri kinshi wa hairunato iu imidesu
kono maaku wa nan toiu imidesuka?
sentakuki de araeruto iu imidesu
yukkuri iketo iu imidesu
S plain form to itte imashita
Is used when quoting a third person’s words
Mr.Tanaka said tomorrow is a holiday
Mr.Tanaka said that he would take a day off work tomorrow
tanakasan wa ashita yasumimasu to itte imashita
tanakasan wa ashita yasumu to itte imashita
S plain form to tsutaete itadakemasenka
These expressions are used when politely asking someone to convey a message
Could you please tell Mr. Wang to give me a call later
Could you please tell Ms. Watanabe that the party tomorrow will be from 6’o clock
wansan ni atode denwa wa kudasai to tsutaete itadakemasenka
sumimasenga, watanabe san ni ashitano paatii wa roku ji karada to tsutaete itadakemasenka
Imperative and Prohibitive
Don't throw return now hurry up don't climb don't give up
How do you read this as?
what is the meaning of that?
It means that it is ok even if you don’t have money
sato san was telling that kanji test is on friday
please convey that I will take holiday tomorrow
nageruna madore isoge noboruna akirameruna
korewa nan to yomimasuka
are wa dou iu imidesuka?
okane wo harawanakutemo toiu imidesu
sato san wa kanjino shiken wa kinyoubi da to itte imashita
watashi wa ashita yasumida to tsutaete itadakemasenka
Verb1 dictionary or ta form toorini Verb2
Noun no toorini Verb2
Do some action same way
This means to copy exactly in words or actions what one has heard, seen, read or learnt etc (V1)
Please do as I do Please write down what I say as it is Please tell us what you saw as it was Please write down what I said Please walk down the line in same way I assembled it as shown in the instruction book Please write like this Please cut the paper following the line
watashiga yaru toorini yatte kudasai watashiga iu toorini kaite kudasai mita toorini hanashite kudasai watashiga itta toorini kaite kudasai sen no toorini aruite kudasai setsumeisho no toorini kumitatemashita kono toorini kaite kudasai sen no toorini kami wo kitte kudasai
Verb1 ta form atode Verb2
Noun no atode Verb2
This means the action or occurence denoted by V2 takes place after the action or occurence denoted by V1 or N as taken place
After I bought a new watch, I found the one I had lost
Shall we go and have a drink after work?
After getting up in the morning, brush the teeth
after having the meal wash the hands
atarashii no wo katta atode, nakushita tokei ga mitsukarimashita
shigoto no atode, nomi ni ikimasenka?
asa okita atode ha wo migakimasu
shoukuji no atode te wo araimasu
Verb1 te form Verb 2
Verb1 nai form naide Verb 2
V1 is an action or condition which accompanies the action denoted by V2
V1 and V2 are actions done by the same person
We eat it with soy sauce
We eat it without soy sauce
I drink coffee without sugar
shouyu wo tsukete tabemasu
shouyu wo tsukenaide tabemasu
satou wo irenaide koohii wo nomimasu
Conditional forms
Group 1
Change the last sound of masu form into the sound of e line and attach ba
Group 2
Attach reba to the masu form
Group 3
Attach reba to the masu form
i adj
Change the last i of the i adjective into kereba
na adj
Delete the last na of the na adjective and attach nara
Attach nara to the noun
isogimasu tabemasu kekkonshimasu tarimasu (G2) takai iidesu haremasu
isogeba tabereba kekkonsureba tarireba takakereba yokereba harereba
Conditional form
When describing the requirements needed for a certain event to manifest itself
If you push the button, the window will open
If he goes, I will go too
If you hurry, then you will be in time for 9’o clock bus
If it becomes autumn, trees leaves color will change
When it is fine, an island can be seen over there
If the magazine is old, then you can borrow
botan wo oseba, mado ga akimasu
kare ga ikeba, watashimo ikimasu
isogeba, ku jikan no basu ni ma ni aimasu
aki ni nareba, ki no ha no iro ga kawarimasu
ii tenki nara, mukouni shima ga miemasu
furoi zashii nara, kariraremasu
Conditional form
When describing the speaker’s judgement on what the other person has said or the situation
ba can be used for intentions, hope, order, request
If you don’t have any other opinions, let’s close this meeting now
Do I have to hand in the report by tomorrow?
If it is impossible, hand it in by this Friday
If I get a chance, I want to go to Africa
If it is not possible this week, how about next week
if he goes, then I will also go
tomorrow get up early, and come please
ballpoint pen is not there, please write in pencil
hokani iken ga nakereba, kore de owarimashou
ashita made ni repooto wo dashinakereba narimasenka?
muri nara, kinyoubi made ni dashite kudasai
kikai ga areba, afurika he ikitai desu
konshuu ga dame nara, raishuu wa dou desuka
kare ga ikeba, watashimo ikimasu
ashita tsugouga okereba, kite kudasai
boorupen ga nakereba, enpitsu de kaite kudasai
Interrogative Verb conditional form ii desuka
same as tara iidesuka
I would like to borrow book. What should I do?
I would like to borrow book. What should I do?
hon wo karitain desuga, dou sureba ii desuka?
hon wo karitain desuga, dou shitara ii desuka?
Noun nara
This is used when the speaker takes up the topic introduced by the other person and gives some information on it
I want to visit a hot spring resort. Don’t you know any good place?
If you are talking about hot springs, Hakuba would be good
If you are talking about Japan’s book on dish, mother’s taste would be good
onsen ni ikitain desuga, dokoga ii tokoro arimasenka?
onsen nara, hakuba ii desuyo
nihon ryouri no hon nara, hahano aji ga ii desuyo
Verb1 dictionary form youni Verb2
Verb1 nai form nai youni Verb2
V1 indicates a purpose or aim, while V2 indicates a volitional action to get closer to the objective
I practice every day so that I can swim fast
Please take a memo so that you will not forget
In snowy day, to be not late I will have to leave home early
To not forget the learnt things, will review the lesson
For everyone to be able to hear, please speak with loud voice
hayaku oyogeru youni, mainichi renshuu shite imasu
warsurenai youni, memo shite kudasai
yuki no hi ha, chikokushinai youni, hayaku ie wo demasu
naratta koto wa wasurenai youni, fukushuu shimasu
minna ni kikoeru youni, ookii koe de hanashite kudasai
Verb dictionary form youni narimasu
Verb nai form naku narimasu
narimasu indicates that a state changes into another state
If you practice everyday, you will become able to swim
I have finally become able to ride a bicycle
As you get older, you cannot read small letters
I gained weight so I can no longer wear my favorite dress
Baby when it is around 1 year, will become to walk
I have become good to speak Japanese language
mainichi rensuu sureba, oyogeru youni narimasu
yatto jitensha ni noreru youni narimashita
toshi wo toruto, chiisai ji ga yomenaku narimasu
futorimashita kara, suki na fuku ga kirarenaku narimashita
akachan wa issai goro kara aruku youni narimasu
nihongo ga jouzu ni hanaseru youni narimashita
Question ~ youni narimashitaka
Have you become able to play Chopin?
No, not yet
Have you become able to swim?
No, not yet
chopan no kyokuga hikeru youni narimashitaka?
iie, mada hikemasen
oyogeru youni narimashitaka?
iie, mada oyogemasen
Verb1 dictionary form youni shimasu
Verb1 nai form nai youni shimasu
This sentence pattern is used to express that one habitually or continuously makes efforts to do something or not do something
~youni shite imasu
I try to take exercise everyday and eat a variety of foods
I try not to eat sweets because they are bad for my teeth
In Japanese language class, speak only in Japanese language
After the meal, I always brush the teeth
~youni shite kudasai
Please try to eat more vegetables
Please be sure not to be late tomorrow
mainichi undou shite, nandemo taberu youni shite imasu
ha ni warui desukara, amai mono wo tabenai youni shite imasu
nihongo kurasu dewa, nihongo dake wo hanasu youni shite imasu
shokuji no ato ha wo migaku youni shite imasu
motto yasai wo taberu youni shite kudasai
ashita wa setsutai ni jikan ni okurenai youni shite kudasai
Passive verbs
Group 1
Change the last sound of masu form into the sound of a line and attach remasu
Group 2
Add raremasu to the masu form
Group 3
Add raremasu to the masu form
kakimasu iimasu oshimasu machimasu yobimasu fumimasu shirabemasu mimasu homemasu tanomimasu
polite form plain form kakaremasu kakareru iwaremasu iwareru osaremasu osareru mataremasu matareru yobaremasu yobareru fumaremasu fumareru shiraberaremasu shirabarareru miraremasu mirareru homeraremasu homerareru tanomaremasu tanomareru
saremasu sareru
koraremasu korareru
N1 (person) wa N2 (person) ni Verb passive
My teacher praised me I was praised by my teacher My mother asked me to go to shopping I was asked to go shopping by my mother I was bitten by the dog I was invited to marriage ceremony by Mr.Hayashi
sensei wa watashi wo homemashita
watashi wa sensei ni homeraremashita
haha wa watashi ni kaimono wo tanomimashita
watashi wa haha ni kaimono wo tanomaremashita
watashi wa inu ni kamaremashita
watashi wa hayashisan ni kekkon shiki ni shoutai saremashita
N1 (person) wa N2 (person) ni N3 wo Verb passive
My brother broke my personal computer
I had my personal computer broken by my brother
I had my clothes get dirty by the child
I got bitten in hand by the dog
otouto ga watashino pasokon wo kowashimashita
watashi wa otouto ni pasokon wo kowasaremashita
watashi wa kodomo ni fuku wo yogosaremashita
watashi wa inu ni te wo kamaremashita
N (thing) ga/ wa Verb passive
Used when person is not required to be mentioned
An old Japanese picture has been discovered in France
Japanese cars are exported all over the world
The assembly was held in Kobe
Telephone was invented in 19th century
This book is being read all over the world
Exhibition is being opened in Osaka
furansu de mukashi no nihon no e ga hakkensaremashita
nihon no kuruma wa sekaijuu ni yushuu sarete imasu
kougi wa koube de hirakaremashita
denwa wa 19 seiki ni hatsumei saremashita
kono hon wa sekaijuu de yomarete imasu
oosaka de tenrakai ga hirakaremashita
N1 wa N2 (person) ni yotte V passive
When something is created or discoverd and it is stated using a passive verb, the person who created or discovered it is indicated by ni yotte instead of ni.
The Tale of Genji was written by Murasaki shikibu
The telephone was invented by Bell
genji mondai wa murasaki shikibu ni yotte kakaremashita
denwa wa beru ni yotte hatsumei saremashita
Noun kara/ Noun de tsukurimasu
“When something is made from a raw material, the material is marked with kara.
When it is obvious to the eye that something is made of a particular material, the material is marked with de”
Beer is made from barley
Japanese houses were made of wood in the past
biiru wa mugi kara tsukuraremasu
mukashi nihon no ie wa ki de tsukuraremashita
Verb dictionary form nowa adjective desu
This is used to tell something in detail
muzukashii, yasashii, omoshiroi, tanoshimi, kiken, taihen etc.. are frequently used in this sentence pattern
Tennis is interesting
Playing tennis is interesting
Watching tennis is interesting
Remembering Kanji is difficult
tenisu wa omoshiroi desu
tenisu wo suru nowa omoshiroi desu
tenisu wo miru nowa omoshiroi desu
kanji wo oboeru nowa muzukashii desu
Verb dictionary form noga adjective desu
suki, kirei, kirai, jouzu, heta, hayai, osoi etc.. are frequently used in this sentence pattern
I like flowers
I like growing flowers
People in Tokyo walk fast
My friend talks fast in Japanese language
watashi wa hana ga suki desu
watashi wa hana wo sodateru noga suki desu
toukyou no hito wa aruku noga hayai desu
watashino tomodachi wa nihongo wo hanasu noga hayai desu
Verb dictionary form nowo wasuremashita
forgot to do
I forgot the key I forgot to buy the milk I forgot to close the car window I forgot to call my father I forgot to hang the key
kagi wo wasuremashita gyuunyuu kau nowo wasuremashita kuruma no mado wo shimeru nowo wasuremashita chichi ni denwa suru nowo wasuremashita kagi wo kakeru nowo wasuremashita
Verb plain form nowo shitte imasuka
Do you know that?
This is an expression asking whether the listener knows what is described in the clause preceding no
Do you know that Mr.Suzuki is going to get married next month?
Do you know that tomorrow Mr.Yamada is getting admitted to hospital?
No, I didn’t
Do you know the address of Mr.Tanaka?
No, I don’t
suzukisan ga raigetsu kekkon suru nowo shitte imasuka?
ashita yamadasan nyuuin suru nowo shitte imasuka?
iie, shirimasendeshita
tanakasan no bashou wo shitte imasuka?
iie, shirimasen
Verb plain form
i adj plain form
na adj plain form nowa N desu
Noun na
My daughter's birthplace is a small town in Hokkaido The busiest month of the year is December do you like to become school teacher? no, I want to become university teacher Were you born in India? no, born in Korea The first time you met was in company? no, first meet was in friend's house
musume ga umareta nowa hokkaido no chisai na machi desu
ichinende ichiban isogashii nowa juu ni gatsu desu
gakkou no sensei ni naritai desuka?
iie, naritai nowa daigaku nowa sensei desu
indo de umaremashitaka?
iie, umareta nowa kankoku desu
hajimete kaisha de aimashitaka?
iie, hajimete atta nowa tomodachi nowa uchi desu
Verb te form
Verb nai form nakute
i adj kute
na adj de
In this sentence pattern, the first part of the sentence presents a cause and the second part presents the consequence produced by the cause.
Hearing the news, I was surprised
Made a phone call to daughter and came to know she is safe
Bus came late so I had a problem
I couldn’t meet family and feel lonely
Met friend and I am happy
Japanese language is difficult, not able to understand well
Since its dangerous, please don’t enter
Saturday is inconvenient for me, so I cannot come
nyuusu wo kiite bikkurishimashita
musmeni denwashite anshin shimashita
basu ga osoku kite komorimashita
kazoku ni aenakute sabishii desu
tomodachi ni atta ureshii desu
nihongo muzukashikute yoku wakarimasendeshita
jikan ga atte, denshaga okurete shimaimashita
abunai desu kara hairanaide kudasai
doyoubi wa tsugou ga warukute, ikemasen
Noun de
This particle de indicates a cause.
Because of the earthquake, a building collapsed
Because of illness, I took a day off work
Because of fire one person died
Because of accident I got injured
jishin de biru ga taoremashita
byouki de kaisha wo yasumimashita
kaji de hito ga shinimashita
jiko de kega wo shite shimaimashita
Verb plain form node
i adj plain form node
na adj plain form node
noun node
This is often used to express a reason gently and to ask for permission or to make an excuse
I don’t understand Japanese, so would you please speak in English?
May I leave now? I have something to do
Head is paining, so is it ok if I leave early?
nihongo ga wakaranai node, eigo de hanashite itadakemasenka?
youji ga aru node, osakini shitsureishimasu
atamaga itai node, hayaku kaette mo iidesuka?
Verb dictionary form tochuu de
Noun no tochuu de
This means during or on the way to.
Actually, on my way there was an accident and the bus was delayed
I got sick during the marathon
jitsuwa kuru tochuu de jiko ga atte, basuga okurete shimattandesu
marason no tochuu de kibun ga waruku narimashita
Verb plain form
i adj plain form ka ~
na adj plain form
A question with an interrogative is used as a component of a sentence in this sentence pattern
Please check what time JL107 will arrive
We are talking about what to give as a wedding present
Do you remember when it was that we first met?
I am remembering where I kept the mobile
JL107 bin wa nanji ni touchaku suruka shirabete kudasai
kekkon no oiwai wa nanika iika hanashite imasu
watashitachi ga hajimete atta nowa itsuka oboete imasuka?
dokoni keetai wo oitaka, oboete imasu
Verb plain form ka douka
i adj plain form ka douka~
na adj plain form ka douka
N ka douka
Please answer by the 20th whether you will attend the year end party or not
I don’t know whether the story is true or not
Please check if there are no mistakes
Saturday is convenient or not, I don’t know
bounenkai ni shusseki suru ka douka, hatsuka made ni henji wo kudasai
sono hanashi wa hontou ka douka, wakarimasen
machigai ga nai ka douka, shirabete kudasai
doyoubi wa benri ka douka, wakarimasen
Verb te form mimasu
This sentence pattern is used to indicate trying out an action
I want to see the earth from space I will think it over again May I try on this pair of trousers? May I try to ride and see this car? I haven't wore the kimono, want to wear and see
uchuu kara chikyuu wo mite mitaidesu mou ichido kangaete mimasu kono zubon wo haite mitemo iidesuka? kono kuruma ni notte mitemo iidesuka? kimono wo kita koto ga nainode, kite mitai desu
i adj - remove i and put sa
Do you know how to measure the height of a mountain?
The new bridge is 3911 meters long
yama no takasa wa doyatte hakaruka shitte imasuka?
atarashii hashi no nakasa wa 3911 meetoru desu
N1 ni N2 wo yarimasu
watashi wa sashi agemasu buchou ni to superior, boss, teacher
watashi wa agemasu tomodachi ni friends
watashi wa agemasu kodomo ni younger person
watashi wa yarimasu inu ni pet animals
I gave book to teacher
I gave chocoloate to friend
I gave sweets to younger sister
I gave some food to the dog
watashi wa sensei ni hon wo sashi agemashita
watashi wa tomodachi ni chokoreto wo agemashita
watashi wa imouto ni okashi wo yarimashita
watashi wa inu ni ase wo yarimashita
N1 ni N2 wo itadakimasu
watashi wa itadakimasu seniors
watashi wa moraimasu family or friends
watashi wa moraimasu juniors
I recieved a present from section head
I recieved a present from friend
watashi wa kachou ni omiyage wo itadakimashita
watashi wa tomodachi ni omiyage wo moraimashita
watashi ni Noun wo kudasaimasu
gave me
seniors kudasaimasu watashi ni
family or friends kuremasu watashi ni
juniors kuremasu watashi ni
The teacher gave me permission
The section head gave me a souvenir
The section head gave a souvenir to my daughter
sensei wa watashi ni kyoka wo kudasaimashita
kachou ga watashi ni omiyage wo kudasaimashita
kachou ga musume ni omiyage wo kudasaimashita
Verb te form agemasu/yarimasu
I made a paper plane for my son
I took my dog for a walk
I prepared the food for child
I saw the homework of my son
watashi wa musuko ni kami hikouki wo tsukutte yarimashita
watashi wa inu wo sanpo ni tsurete itte yarimashita
kodomo ni gohan wo tsukutte agemashita (yarimashita)
watashi wa musuko ni shukudai wo mite agemashita
Verb te form itadakimasu/moraimasu
I had my letter corrected by the manager
I recevied a letter written by teacher
watashi wa kachou ni tegami no machigai wo naoshite itadakimashita
sensei ni tegami wo kaite itadakimasu
Verb te form kudasaimasu/kuremasu
The general manager’s wife taught me the tea ceremony
The general manager took me to the station
The general manager corrected my report
kachou no okusan wa ocha wo oshiete kudasaimashita
kachou wa ekimade okutte kudasaimashita
kachou wa repooto wo naoshite kudasaimashita
Verb te form kudasaimasenka
Will you kindly show me how to use the photocopier?
kopii ki no tsukai kata wo oshiete kudasaimasenka
Noun ni Verb
This particle ni means “as a token of” or “in memory of”
Mr.Tanaka gave this plate as my wedding gift
I bought a doll as a souvenir of the trip to Hokkaido
tanaka san ga kekkon no oiwai ni kono osara wo kudasaimashita
watashi wa hokkaido ryokou no omiyage ni ningyou wo kaimashita
Verb dictionary form tameni
Noun no tameni
In order to/for showing the purpose. For the benefit of N
To live with the family, I am searching for a house
To make new school, I am collecting the money
To remember Kanji, what are you doing?
For my health, daily morning I am running
For family, I will build the house
To have my own shop, I am saving money
ryoushin to sumu tameni ie wo sagahiste imasu
atarashii gakkou wo tsukuru tameni okane wo atsume shite irun desu
kanji wo oboeru tameni nani wo shite imasuka
kenkou no tameni maiasa hashitte imasu
kazoku no tameni uchi wo tatemasu
jibun no mise wo motsu tameni choukinshite imasu
Can be used both as volitional and non volitional verb
To become a lawyer, I am studying the law
To become good at Japanese language I am studying daily
bengoshi naru tameni houritsu wo benkyoushite imasu
nihongo ga jouzu ni naru youni mainichi benkyou shite imasu
Verb dictionary form ni
Noun no ni
Indicates the purpose of use, application, opinion, time taken, money taken, evaluation
This bag is big and convenient for trips
This scissor is used to cut flowers
Thermometer is used to measure the fever
Cloth is used to wrap the things to carry
It took a lot of time to find the telephone number
kono kaban wa ookikute, ryokou ni benri desu
kono hasami wa hana wo kiru no ni tsukaimasu
taionkei ha netsu wo hakaru no ni tsukaimasu
furoshiki wa mono wo tsutsumu no ni tsukaimasu
denwa bangou wo shiraberu no ni jikan ga kakarimashita
Quantifier wa/mo
wa denotes the minimum
mo denotes the large or maximum
I intend to save alteast half of my bonus
Oh, you can save half bonus, is it so?
It took as long as two hours to get to the station
watashi wa bonasu no hanbun wa choukin suru tsumoridesu
etsu, hanbun mo choukin surundesuka?
eki made iku noni ni jikan mo kakarimashita
kakimasu, hatsumei shimasu, hakken shimasu to indicate from whom it was done
Raamen was invented in 1958 by Mr. Andou
raamen wa 1958 ni andou san niyotte hatsumei saremashita
Verb masu from soudesu i adjective (without i) soudesu na adjective (without na) soudesu
looks like
The supposition is basically based on the appearance of a thing, person, scene etc..
It looks like it will rain at any moment
Looks like cherry blossom will soon bloom
it seems like it will become hot from now on
This dish looks spicy
She seems to have brains
This desk looks strong and durable
Mr.Miller looks happy
imanimo ame ga fue soudesu
mousugu sakura ga saki soudesu
korekara atsuku nari asoudesu
kono ryouri wa kara soudesu
kanojo wa atama ga yoku soudesu
kono tsukue wa joubu soudesu
miraasan wa ureshi soudesu
Verb te form kimasu
This means to go somewhere, do something and come back
I am just going out to buy some cigarettes
I am just going out to make some copies
I am just going out to supermarket to buy
I am going to bring glass from kitchen
chotto tabako wo katte kimasu
chotto koppi shite kimasu
suupa de kudamono wo katte kimasu
daidokoro kara koppu wo totte kimasu
Noun (place) he itte kimasu
Go somewhere and then come back
I will go to bank and come back
I will go to postoffice and come back
ginkou he itte kimasu
yuubinkyoku he itte kimasu
dekakete kimasu
to go out and come back. Place and reason is not specified
I am going out and coming back
chotto dekakete kimasu
Verb masu form sugimasu i adj (without i) sugimasu na adj (without na) sugimasu
This indicates that the degree of an action or a state is excessive. Therefore, it is usually used with reference to undesirable states or regret.
I drank too much last night
This sweater is too large
The handling of recent cars is so easy, that driving is not so enjoyable for me
No matter how much you like it, drinking too much is bad for your health
Have put lot of sugar
This room is bigger than usual
Luggage is heavy than usual, one person can’t carry it
yuube osake wo nomi sugimashita
kono seeta wa ooki sugimasu
seikin no kuruma wa sousa ga kantan sugite, unten ga omoshirokunai desu
ikura sukidemo, nomi sugiru to karada ni warui desuyo
satou wo ire sugimashita
kono heya wa hiro sugidesu
nimotsu ga omo sugite, hitori de motte imasen
Verb masu form yasui desu
Verb masu form nikui desu
Easy or difficult in handling or doing something
This personal computer is easy to use
Living in Tokyo is difficult
That teacher’s talking is difficult to understand
If you add some sugar to this medicine, it will be easier to take
This glass won’t break easily, so it is safe
White shirts are easy to get dirty
kono pasokon wa tsukai yasui desu
toukyou wa sumi nikui desu
ano sensei no hanashi wa muzukashikute, wakari nikui desu
kono kusuri wa satou wo ireruto, nomi yasuku nairmasuyo
kono kappu wa ware nikui anzen desuyo
shiroi shaatsu wa yogore yasui desu
N1 i adjective remove i and add ku
N1 na adjective remove na and add ni shimasu
Noun ni shimasu
Denotes that the action is done by you or the third person on the object
I will clean my room I reducted the amount of salt by half I will turn up the volume pant is long, please make it short table is not clean, please clean it
heya wo kirei ni shimasu
shio no ryou wo hanbun ni shimashita
oto wo ookiku shimasu
zubon ga nagai node, mijikaku shite kudasai
teeburu ga kita nai node, kirei ni shite kudasai
Noun ni shimasu
To ask the choice or opinion
single room? double room?
meeting will be done tomorrow
I will go in 11’o clock train
I will have the sushi
heya wa shinguru ni shimasuka, tsuin ni shimasuka
kaigi wa ashita ni shimasu
11 ji no densha ni shimasu
sushi ni shimasu
Verb dictionary form baaiwa Verb ta form baaiwa Verb nai form baaiwa i adj baaiwa na adj (na) baaiwa Noun no baaiwa
In the case
Used in hypethetical situation. This is not used to tell personal experience (for that we use toki)
In the case laptop condition is not good, what should be done?
In the case baseball gets cancelled, what should be done?
In the case of not making in time for morning meeting, please contact
In the case of earthquake, please don’t use the elevator
In the case of children, don’t know where to enroll them
If you are late, you will not be admitted to the hall
When you need the receipt, please tell the person in charge
pasokon no choushi ga warui baaiwa dou shitara ii desuka?
yoyaku wo kyanseru suru baaiwa, dou shitara ii desuka?
asa kaisha ni ma ni awanai baaiwa, renraku shite kudasai
jishin no baaiwa, irebeetaa wo tsukawa naide kudasai
kodomono baaiwa kokoni hairu koto ga dekimasen
jikan ni okureta baaiwa, kaijyou ni hairemasen
ryoushuusho ga hitsuyou na baaiwa, kakari ni itte kudasai
Verb plain form noni
i adj plain form noni
na adj plain form noni
Noun plain from (add na) noni
In spite of
The second clause expresses feeling or surprise or dissatisfaction
It is 11’o clock, bus didn’t come
In spite of friend’s singing is good, he doesn’t sing more
In spite of it rains tomorrow, I will play soccer
In spite of promising, she didn’t come
In spite of holiday, I have to work
ichijikan matte iru noni basuga kimasendeshita
tomodachi ga utaga jouzu noni, amari utaimasen
ashita amega furu noni sakka wo shimasu
yakusoku wo shita noni, kanojo wa kimasendeshita
yasumi na noni, hataraka nakeraba narimasen
Verb dictionary form tokoro desu
This pattern shows that a person is about to start doing something or something is about to start.
korekara, choudo, imakara
Have you had lunch yet?
No, I am going to have it now
Has the meeting begun yet?
No, its just beginning now
hirugohan wa mou tabemashitaka?
iie, korekara taberu tokoro desu
kaigi wa mou hajimarimashitaka?
iie, imakara hajimaru tokoro desu
Verb te form tokoro desu
This shows that a person is now doing a certain action or a certain action is now being done. It is often used with ima
Do you know what caused the breakdown?
No, we are investigating it now
Has the room been cleaned already?
no, it is being cleaned now
koshou no genin ga wakarimashitaka?
iie, ima shirabete iru tokoro desu
heya wa mou katadzukemashitaka?
iie, ima katadzukete iru tokoro desu
Verb ta from tokoro desu
This shows that a person has just finished a certain action or a certain action has just been completed. It is used together with tattaima etc..
Is Ms. Watanabe here?
Oh, she’s just left
She may be somewhere near the elevator
The bus left just now
watanabesan wa imasuka?
a, tattaima kaetta tokoro desu
mada erebeetaa no tokoro ni iru kamoshiremasen
tattaima basu ga deta tokoro desu
Verb ta form bakaridesu
This pattern means that not much time passed since a certain action or event occurred. Cannot be used for prediction
I had lunch only a while ago
Ms. Kimura joined this company only a month ago
I bought this video only a week ago, but it isn’t working well
Do you understand Kanji?
No, I started studying it
Do you know him well?
No, I met him since 1 month
Inspite of getting the salary last week, I already used it
sakki hirugohan wo tabeta bakaridesu
kimura san wa sengetsu kono kaisha ni haitta bakaridesu
kono bideo wa senshuu katta bakari nanoni choushi ga okashii desu
kanji ga wakarimasuka?
iie benkyou wo hajimeta bakaridesu
kare wo yoku shitte imasuka?
iie, ikka getsu mae ni atta bakaridesu
senshuu kyuuryou wo moratta bakari na noni, mou tsukatta shimaimashita
Verb dictionary form hazudesu Verb nai form nai hazudesu i adj hazudesu na adj na hazudesu Noun no hazudesu
This sentence pattern is used to show that he/she is convinced of what is stated before hazudesu
Do you think Mr. Miller will come today?
I am sure he will come. I recieved a phone call from him yesterday
Will the lagguage arrive tomorrow?
Because its been sent by delivery service in morning, it will definitely arrive
As she is studying arts, she must be good
miraasan wa kyou kurudeshouka?
kuru hazudesuyo, kinou denwa ga arimashita kara
nimotsu wa ashita tsukimasuka?
kesa takuhaibin de okurimashita kara tsuku hazudesu
bijutsu wo benkyou shite imasu kara, jouzu na hazudesu
Plain form soudesu
I hear that
This is an expression for conveying information you have obtained from another source without adding your own point of view.
According to the weather information, it will rain tomorrow
I heard that Mr.Ramu lived in Japan when he was child
I heard that Okinarawa is very beautiful
I heard that today it is going to rain
It looks like it will rain
I heard that it will rain
This food looks delicious
I heard that this food is delicious
tenki yohou ni yoruto, ashita wa ame ga furu soudesu
ramusan wa kodomono toki, nihon ni sunde ita soudesu
okinarawa wa totemo kirei da soudesu
kyou wa ame ga furu soudesu
ame ga furi soudesu
ame ga furu soudesu
kono ryouri wa oishi soudesu
kono ryouri wa oishii soudesu
Verb plain form youdesu
i adj plain form youdesu
na adj plain form - na youdesu
Noun plain form - no youdesu
It seems that
This conveys the speaker’s subjective conjecture, which is based on the information obtained through his/her sensory organs
Look, there is a big crowd
It looks like there’s been an accident. A patrol car and an ambulance are there
I have a cough and headache. It looks like I have caught a cold
It seems that in garden cat is there, so will see and come
hito ga oozei atsumatte imasune
jiko no youdesune. patokaa to kyuukyuusha ga kite imasune
sekimo derushi, atama mo itai. doumo kaze wo hiita youda
niwa ni neko ga iru youdesu kara, mite kimasu
Mr.Miller seems to be busy
meerasan wa isogashi soudesu
It seems that Mr.Miller is busy
meeransan wa isogashii youdesu
koe, oto, nioi, aji ga shimasu
Voice, sound, smell, taste etc, which can be precieved by one’s sense organs can be described by using ga shimasu
There’s a strange sound, isn’t there?
There’s a child’s voice, isn’t there?
hen na oto ga shimasune
kodomo no koe ga shimasune
Causative verbs
Group 1
Change the i column sound of the masu form to the a column sound and add semasu
Add sasemasu to the masu form
Group 3
Add sasemasu to the masu form
tetsudaimasu kakimasu isogimasu naoshimasu mochimasu
hakobimasu nomimasu tsukurimasu shirabemasu imasu
tetsudawasemasu kakasemasu isogasemasu naosasemasu motasemasu
hakobasemasu nomasemasu tsukurasemasu shirabasemasu isasemasu
N (person) wo causative verb (intransitive)
To allow/make/let somebody do something. Subject is indicated by wo
Department head is making him to go on a business trip
I let me daughter to play freely
I made my child walk till the station
I made my child walk on the right side of the road
buchou wa mirasan wo amerika he shuuchousasemasu
watashi wa musume wo jiyuuni asobasemashita
watashi wa kodomo wo eki made arukasemasu
watashi wa kodomo ni michi no migi wo arukasemasu
N1 (person) ni N2 wo causative verb (transitive)
To make/let somebody do something. Subject is indicated by ni
I am busy in the morning, so I make my daughter help prepare breakfast
The teacher let here students freely tell their opinions
Department head made Mr.Sato to put together the data
I made my daughter to stand in the middle of the train
asa wa isogashidesukara, musume ni asagohan no junbi wo testudawasemasu
sensei wa seito ni juuni iken wo iwasemashita
buchou wa satousan ni deeta wo matomesasemashita
watashi wa musume ni densha no naka de tatasemasu
Causative verb te form itadakemasenka
Speaker uses this to seek permission
Would you please tell me how to use the photocopier?
As I am going to attend my friend’s wedding, would you please let me leave earlier?
Would you please tell introduce me a good teacher?
As I have want to go to airport to meet my family, on next week Tuesday will you allow me to return at 4’o clock
kopiiki no tsukai kata wo oshiete itadakemasenka?
tomodachi no kekkonshiki ga aru node, soudaisasete itadakemasenka
ii sensei wo shoukaishite itadakemasenka?
kuukou he ryoushin wo mukae ni ikitai node, raishuu no kayoubi wa yon ji ni kaerasete itadakemasenka
Humble expression - keigo
To show respect to the person with whom you are talking, or to the person about whom you are talking
sonkeigo Respectful expressions
teineigo Polite expressions
kenjyougo Humble expression
oimasu kikimasu isogimasu hanashimasu machimasu yobimasu yomimasu kaerimasu
kakemasu demasu kimasu shimasu orimasu okimasu
Mr.Nakamura is coming at seven
Have you quit drinking?
owaremasu kikaremasu isogaremasu hanasaremasu mataremasu yobaremasu yomaremasu kaeraremasu
kakeraremasu deraremasu koraremasu saremasu oriraremasu okiraremasu
nakamura san wa shichi ji ni koraremasu
osake wo yamararetandesuka
o verb masu form ni narimasu
More respectful than previous verb form
Cannot be used with nemasu, mimasu which have only one syllable masu. Cannot be used for group 3 verbs
The president has already left for home
Have you given up drinking?
Teacher will not get on the plane
shachou wa mou okaerini narimashita
osake wo oyameni narimasuka
sensei wa hikouki ni onorini narimasen
basutei no bashou wa owakarini narimasuka
o verb masu form kudasai
This is a respectful way of instructing or inviting someone to do something
Please enter from over there
Please feel free to take it
Have a good free time in weekend
achirakara ohairi kudasai
gojuuni otori kudasai
ii shuumatsu wo osugoshi kudasai
wasuremono ni gochuuni kudasai
mata irasshate kudasai
Verb masu form ~mashite
Hans became feverish last night and still has a fever this morning
hansu ga yuube netsu wo dashimashite, kesa mo mada sagaranindesu
Thin and flat things
Machines and vehicles
Books and notebooks
Small things
Shoes and Shocks
Floors of a building
Thin and long things (cylindrical)
Drinks in cups and glasses
Small animals, fish & insects
ichi ban
ichi mai
ichi dai