N394 Quiz 1 Flashcards
3 levels of clinical inquiry
- quality improvement
- evidence-based practice
- nursing research
improves work flow processes
systematic problem solving approach
least rigorous
evidence driven
translates knowledge into clinical practice
systematic problem solving approach that integrates evidence
inquiry driven
generates new knowledge
most rigorous
systematic problem solving approach
definition of EBP
“the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to facilitate clinical decision making”
Three components that make up EBP
evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values
importance of EBP
high quality of care and best outcomes
cost efficient
reduces variability in care
clinicians feel more empowered and satisfied
barriers to EBP
lack of knowledge and skills
no value
lack of time
lack of support/resources
Iowa Model of EBP
- Identify issues/opportunities
- state the question or purpose
- is the topic a priority?
- form a team
- assemble, appraise, and synthesize body of evidence
The Belmont Report
Basic ethical principles
- Beneficence
- Respect for persons
- Justice
Respect for persons
those of diminished autonomy and/or are vulnerable need protected
(informed consent, participants choose what can and cannot occur, protect those with diminished autonomy
Informed consent principles
understanding, comprehension, competence, voluntarism
participants should not be harmed, minimize the risk (risk and benefits must be assessed)
risks and benefits distributed fairly (fair procedures when selecting participants
Institutional review board (IRB)
purpose is to protect human subjects in the conduct of research
Levels of IRB
full board
expedited–minimal risk
exempt–lowest risk
inappropriately manipulating existing results to fit a preferred hypothesis or altering data to make them appear more convincing than they actually are
often involves creating fake data to fit a hypothesis
the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own
Nursing role in research
promote ethical conduct of research
patient advocate