Medications Flashcards
action: stimulates uterine contractions during the third stage of labor and controls postpartum bleeding or hemorrhage
route: IV, IM
IV: 20-60 units diluted in 500 ml to 1000ml
IM: 10 units after placenta delivery
side effects (2): hyperstimulation, uterine rupture, abruptio placenta
action: prostaglandin to control bleeding after birth. stimulates smooth muscle and uterine contractions
route: IM
dosage: 250 mcg (max total 2 mg)
side effects (2): Headache, N&V, diarrhea
action: induction of labor, PP hemorrhage, gastric protectant
route: oral, vaginal, rectal
1/4 of 25mg vaginally for labor
800-1000mcg rectally for PP hemorrhage
side effects (2): cramping, uterine hyper stimulation
action: stimulates uterine contractions to control bleeding after birth
route: PO, IM
dosage: .2 mg PO, .25 mg IM
side effects (2): increases blood pressure
sodium citrate
action: pre-op to neutralize stomach contents prior to OR
route: PO
dosage: 10-30 mL PO, 4 doses max
side effects (2): diarrhea, N/A, water retention
action: treatment for positive Group B Strep (GBS)
route: IV
dosage: 2 g initial
dose, then 1-2 g Q4 until birth
side effects (2): GI disturbance, allergy, rash
action: prevent infection for C section
route: IV
dosage: 1 to 2 g 1/2 hr before surgery
side effects (2): genital itching, white patches in mouth, loss of appetite, heartburn, gas, N/V, headache
vitamin K
action: prevention of hemorrhagic disease of newborn
route: IM
dosage: .5-1 mg
side effects (2): transfer to milk is low
action: fetal lung maturation for mothers 24-32 weeks
route: IM
dosage: 12 mg q 24 hr x 2
side effects (2): sodium and fluid retention, high BP, edema, diaphoresis
magnesium sulfate
action: in preeclampsia conditions it relaxes the uterus to stop uterine contractions in preterm labor
route: IV
dosage: 1-3 g per hour
MAX: 40g/24 hr
side effects (2): cardiovascular collapse, respiratory paralysis, hypothermia, depressed cardiac function, pulmonary edema, fetal harm
calcium gluconate
action: antidote to magnesium
route: IV push
dosage: 1-2 g IV
side effects (2): N/V, decrease appetite, constipation, dry mouth
action: relaxes uterus in pre-term labor or with tetanic uterine contractions during induction or for fetal distress
route: IV, PO
.25 mg IV,
2.5-5mg q 4-6 hr PO
side effects (2): tachycardia in mother and baby, uncomfortable
action: pain relief for extended periods without attendant loss of motor, sensory or sympathetic function
route: SC, IV, IM, epidural
dosage: 5-20 mg q 4
side effects (2): sedation, constipation
naloxone (narcan)
action: opioid overdose
route: SC, IM
dosage: .4 mg SC/ IM q2-3 min
side effects (2): tachycardia, hypotension, N/V, tremor, withdrawal, diaphoresis, edema, dyspnea
action: labor pain
route: IV
dosage: 100 mcg
side effects (2): apnea, respiratory depression, muscle rigidity, hypotension, bradycardia
ketoralac (toradol)
action: postpartum pain
route: PO, IM, IV
dosage: MAX 120 mg/day
side effects (2): headache, N, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, dizziness, constipation, edema, rash
nitrous oxide
action: labor pain
route: face mask
dosage: 50% O2 and 50% N2O
side effects (2): nausea and vertigo, euphoria
action: labor pain
route: IM/IV
dosage: MAX: 20 mg
side effects (2): hypotension, sedation, withdrawal syndrome, respiratory depression in mom and baby
action: labor pain
route: IM IV
2-4mg q 4 IM
.5 mg q4 IV
side effects (2): sedation, respiratory depression
action: painkiller
route: PO
dosage: dependent on hydrocodone or acetaminophen
side effects (2): CNS depression, GI disturbance, constipation
action: prevent rh incompatibility to rh- mothers with a rh+ baby
route: IM
300mcg IM at 28 weeks
300mcg within 72 hrs of delivery
side effects (2): temperature elevated, injection site reaction
erythromycin eye ointment
action: prevent blindness in infants that may have come in contact with gonorrhea or chlamydia
route: eyes
dosage: 0.5% ribbon on each eye
side effects (2): blurs vision
action: local anesthesia
route: subdermal
dosage: 0.5%-3.1%
side effects (2):