N2A - Homologous series Flashcards
What is a family of compounds known as?
a homologous series
What are hydrocarbons?
compounds that contain hydrogen and carbon only
What are the alkanes?
the alkanes are a homologous series of saturated hydrocarbons where all carbon to carbon bonds are single covalent bonds
What is the first member of the alkane homologous series?
What is the second member of the alkane homologous series?
What is the third member of the alkane homologous series?
What is the fourth member of the alkane homologous series?
What is the fifth member of the alkane homologous series?
What is the sixth member of the alkane homologous series?
What is the seventh member of the alkane homologous series?
What is the eight member of the alkane homologous series?
What is the molecular formula for methane?
What is the molecular formula for ethane?
What is the molecular formula for propane?
What is the molecular formula for butane?
What is the molecular formula for pentane?
What is the molecular formula for hexane?
What is the molecular formula for heptane?
What is the molecular formula for octane?
Physical state of methane at room temp?
Physical state of ethane at room temp?
Physical state of propane at room temp?
Physical state of butane at temp?
Physical state of pentane at temp?
Physical state of hexane at temp?
Physical state of heptane at temp?
Physical state of octane at temp?
Full structural formula for butane?
H H H H | | | | H—C—C—C—C—H | | | | H H H H
Shortened structural formula of butane
General formula for the alkanes
What are examples of physical properties?
-melting points -boiling points -viscosity -colour
Describe the physical properties of the alkanes
for the melting and boiling point data for alkanes, there is a gradual increase from methane to octane. longer chains have higher melting and boiling points as bigger molecules have stronger forces of attraction between them and so it takes more energy to separate the bigger alkane molecules from each other they are insoluble in water
What are the alkanes used for?
they are used as fuels
When alkanes burn completely what do they produce?
Carbon dioxide and water CH4 + O2 —-> CO2 + H20
What are the common features of the alkane homologous series?
same general formula similar properties- they all burn show a gradual change in physical properties - boiling points increase as the alkane molecules increase in size
What are known as isomers
compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structural formulae are known as isomers
What different things do isomers have?
Isomers have different physical properties
As the alkanes become larger in size what happens to isomers
the number of isomers fore each alkane increases too e.g. pentane has three isomers and hexane has five isomers
What are the rules for naming branched alkanes?
Identify the longest chain of carbon atoms and name the alkane with this number of carbon atoms identify the branch and name it according to the number of carbon atoms in the branch number the branch so that it has the lower of two possible numbers (what carbon atom it comes off)
When there is only one branch what is the name, the structure of the branch?
methyl -CH3
When there is only two branches what is the name, the structure and the prefix of the branch?
ethyl -C2H5 di
When there is only three branches what is the name, the structure and the prefix of the branch?
propyl -C3H7 tri
If there were two methyl branches what prefix would we add?
If there is only one way to draw a branch (such as methylbutane) what do we not need to do?
Use a number to indicate from which carbon atom it stems off
If there are two methyl branches on the third and fourth carbon atom how would we write the formula (for hexane)?
3,4 dimethylhexane
Definition of physical properties within homologous series’
something that can be observed or measured e.g. melting and boiling points, viscosity and colour
What are the cycloalkanes?
a homologous series of hydrocarbons where the carbon atoms join together to form a closed ring
Name the cycloalkanes
cyclopropane cyclobutane cyclopentane cyclohexane cyclohexane cyclooctane
What is the molecular formula of cyclopropane?
What is the molecular formula of cyclobutane?
What is the molecular formula of cyclopentane?
What is the molecular formula of cyclohexane?
What is the molecular formula of cycloheptane?
What is the molecular formula of cyclooctane?
What state at room temperature is cyclopropane?
What state at room temperature is Cyclobutane?
What state at room temperature is Cyclopentane?
What state at room temperature is Cyclohexane?
What state at room temperature is Cycloheptane?
What state at room temperature is Cycoloctane?
Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclopropane

Draw the full structural formula of cyclopropane

Draw the full strucutral formula of cyclobutane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclobutane

Draw the full structural formula of cyclopentane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclopentane

Draw the full structural formula of cyclohexane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclohexane

Draw the full structural formula of cycloheptane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cycloheptane

Draw the full structural formula of cyclooctane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclopentane

What is the general formula of the cycloalkanes
Desribe the physical properties of the alkanes
Describe the chemical properties of the cycloalkanes
What are the uses of the cycloalkanes ?
can be used as fuels but most are used to make other compounds

Draw the full structural formula of cyclopropane

Draw the full strucutral formula of cyclobutane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclobutane

Draw the full structural formula of cyclopentane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclopentane

Draw the full structural formula of cyclohexane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclohexane

Draw the full structural formula of cycloheptane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cycloheptane

Draw the full structural formula of cyclooctane

Draw the shortened structural formula of cyclopentane
What are the alkenes?
What is the general formula for the alkenes ?
What does the fact that the cycloalkanes and the alkenes have the same general formual allow us to conclude?
What is the names of the alkenes?
What is the shortened structural formula of ethene?
What is the shortened structural formula of propene?
What is the shortened structural formula of hexene?
How can we work out the molecular formula for the alkenes?
Ethene State at room temperature
Propene state at room temperature
butene stateat room temperature?
penetene state at roomt temperature
hexene state at room temperature
heptene state at room temperature
octene state at room temperature
What temperature is room temperature ?
Draw the full structural formula of ethene

Draw the full structural formula of propene

Draw the full structural formula of hexene

How can alkenes also form isomers?
how are the isomers of alkenes named?
How do we name an alkenes isomers
we insert the
How do we name an alkene’s iosmers when there are alos branches
where there are branches, the double bond takes priority over the branch
Name this:

What is the general formula for the alkenes?
What does “saturated” mean?
When there is multiple double bonds in an alkene what is used to indicated the number of double bonds
a prefix is used
diene for two double bonds
triene for three double bonds
Describe the physcial properties of the alkenes
their melting and boiling points increase
they are insoluble in water
they burn to produce Co2 and H2O
What does unsaturated mean in chemistry
a compound that can have more atoms added to it. It will contain at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond
What does the presence of the carbon-to-carbon double bond allow alkenes to take part in ?
reactions knowm as addition reactions, where reacting molecules can ‘add’ across the reactive double bond as shown in the diagram below

What is an addition reaction?
a chemical reaction where molecules add across a double bond
What do alkenes produce wen they react with hydrogen gas
Draw propene reacting with hydrogen gas to produce propane

What is the name of the reaction involving alkenes reacting with hydrogen gas to produce alkanes?
Define hydrogenation
an addition reactoin where hydrogen is added across a double bond (alkene - alkane)
Following a hydrogenation reaction, is alkane said to be saturated or unsaturated - justify your answer
saturated becuase no more atoms can be added to the molecule
What is a convenient labratory test for the presence of double bonds in a moelcule
shake the compound with bromine solution
alkenes cause the bromine solution to decoularise rapidy
with alkanes and cycloalkanes the bromine does not decoularise rapidly
the reaction with the alkene with bromine solution is an other example of an addition reaction: the bromine molecule adds across teh double bond of teh alkene
Describe alkenes reacting with the halogens
What is formed when alkenes are made to react together?
Alkenes can be made to react with eachother to form very large compounds known as polymers
ethene molecules can react with other ethene molecules to form polyethene
What are polymers
a very large molecuel formed by the joining together of many smaller molecules (monomers)
What is hydration
a chemical reaction in which a molecule of water is added to an unsaturated hydrocarbon producing an alcohol
What is a homologous series
a group of molecules with the same general formula and similar chemical properties
What is fractional distillition
crude oil is a collection of hydrocarbons and during fractional distillition the crude oil is heated up and as each hydrocarbon has a idfferent boiling point they can be collected individually
this results in long useless hydrocarbonc ahins
Cracking hydrocarbons
cracking turns long saturated hydrocarbosn into two smaller hydrocarbons where one is saturated and the other is unsaturated
It is unsaturated as their is not enough hydrogens to make two alkanes
What do we use for petrols
short saturated molecules
What do we use for plastics
short unsaturated molecules
What do we need to remember in the experiment during crude oil
Before removing the heat from the delivery tube lift the delivery tube out of the bromine solution to prevent suck back
When one burns a hydrocarbon what is produces
CO2 which is linked to global warming and to climate change