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The King of the Titanes, and the god of destructive time–time which devours all. He led his brothers in the ambush and castration of their father Uranus, but was himself deposed and cast into the pit of Tartaros by his own son Zeus. Some say the old Titan was later released by Zeus and appointed King of Islands of the Blessed, home of the favoured dead.
The Titan god of the intellect as his name would suggest. He was also known as Polus (the pole) and probably presided over the axis of heaven in the north around which the constellations revolve. He was one of the four Titan-brothers who conspired with Cronus in the ambush and castration of Uranus. At the end of the Titan-War, he was confined by Zeus in the Tartarean pit. He was sometimes described as leader of the Gigantes, who rebelled against Zeus.
The Titan god of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year. He was probably associated with the constellation Aries, the heavenly ram (which the Greeks called). Its spring rising marked the start of the new year, andthe other constellations were said to follow in its wake. He was one of the four Titan brothers who conspired with Cronus in the castration of Uranus. He was later cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus. He was sometimes named as a leader of the Gigantes who rebelled against the rule of Zeus.
The Titan god of mortality and the allotment of the mortal life-span. His sons Prometheus and Epimetheus were the creators of animals and men. He was one of the four brother-Titans who held Uranus fast while Cronus castrated him with the sickle. As punishment he was cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus at the end of the Titan War.
The Titan god of light, and of the cycles of time measured by the lights of heaven – the sun, the moon and the dawn. He was one of the four brother Titans who held Uranus fast while Cronus castrated him with the sickle. At the end of the Titan War he was cast into the pit of Tartarus by Zeus.
The Titan god of the earth-encircling, fresh-water river. As a Titan god he presided over the rising and setting of the heavenly bodies : the sun, the moon, the stars, and the dawn. His ever-flowing waters, encircling the edges of the cosmos were associated with the neverending flow of time. He was the only one of the brother Uranides not to participate in the castration of their father Uranus. In the Titan-War he remained neutral, giving his tacit support to Zeus.
The elder Titanis-goddess of memory, words and language. She was the mother of the nine Muses by Zeus. She was also a prophetic goddess associated with the oracle of Trophonius in Lebadeia.
The elder Titan-goddess of intellect and prophetic goddess of the great Oracle of Delphi. She was the grandmother of the god Apollo.
The Queen of the Titans and goddess of female fertility and the mountain wilds. She saved her son Zeus from the maw of Cronus by substituting the child for a stone wrapped in swaddling cloth. The Titan had devoured her other five children, but these were later freed from his beely by Zeus.
The elder Titan-goddess of the sources of fresh-water. She was known as the great nurse of life, and was sometimes equated with someone, the goddess “creation.” She spawned the Rivers, Clouds and Springs.
The elder Titanis goddess of sight and the shining light of heaven (“aither”). She was the mother of Sun, Moon and Dawn. Her name is also connected with words meaning “foresight” and “prophecy”.
The elder Titan-goddess of the natural order, divine law and tradition. She was also a goddess of the oracles of Dodona and Delphi. By Zeus she was the mother of the goddess Fates and of the Seasons, and had a seat by his side on Olympus as advisor.
A younger Titan goddess whose name and genealogy suggest presided over the night, stars and nocturnal prophecy. She was the mother of the goddess Hecate. After the fall of the Titans, she was pursued by Zeus and but leapt into the sea to escape him where she was transformed into the island of Delos.
Titan that was a daughter of Zeus and Themis or of Eos and Astraeus. She and her mother were both personifications of justice, though she was also associated with innocence and purity.
The younger Titan god of the stars, the winds, and the art of astrology. He was the father of the four directional winds and the five wandering stars (the Planeta) by his wife Eos, the goddess of the dawn.
The younger Titan god of astronomy and the revolution of the heavnely constellations. He was arrested by Zeus and condemned to bear the heavens upon his shoulders. Homer suggests he was later released from this torment and appointed guardian of the pillars of heaven.
The younger Titan-goddess of the dawn. She was the mother of the wandering stars (that is, the planets) and the four directional winds by the Titan Astraeus.
The Titan god of afterthought. He was appointed with the task of creating the beasts of the earth, while his brother was busy with the crafting of man. He was tricked by Zeus into receiving Pandora, the first woman, and her jar of evils into the house of man.
The Titan god of the sun who rode across the sky in a chariot drawn by four fiery, winged steeds. He was an ally of Zeus in the Titan-War.
The younger Titan-goddess of motherhood, light, and womanly demure. She was the mother of the twin gods Apollo and Artemis by Zeus.