A traditional story with adventures, supernatural beings, or stories of important events to explain a practice or a natural phenomenon.
Give examples of myths.
Arachne, Orpheus, Odin
A diagram that depicts relationships of concepts.
Context Map
Refer to written texts, prints, and other ways of writing or depictions of essential words, graphs, or pictures to give an idea about a certain topic.
Textual Aids
Name the types of Textual Aids
Pie chart
Bar graph
Line graph
Expresses the part-whole-relationships of an idea to its subsections.
Pie chart
Compares things from different groups over time.
Bar graph
Expresses trends as a series of data points connected by a straight line.
Line graph
Graphical distribution of data over time
Visual display of key content or information.
Graphic Organizers
Give an example of a Graphic Organizer.
Concept map: Depicts relationships of ideas.
Represents a sequence of events.
Flow chart
What does an Element of a Plot/Plot Diagram Graphic Organizer represent?
Elements of a story.
Compares similarities and differences.
Venn Diagram
Cause and Effect relationships
Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer
Reading material’s main idea and supporting details.
Main Idea and Details Chart