myth Flashcards
what are myths?
they are considered by many to be source of moral and spiritual truths about the meaning or purpose of human existence
what type of theory is myth?
non cognitive as they do not convey facts about the empirical world
what is sitz im liben?
the situation in life, which helps to understand the ultimate concern of the author and interpret the myth
what can myths speak about?
- the meaning of human existence
- significance or meaning of empirical events or recurring problems
- the nature of god and relationship with him
- the ultimate destiny of humanity
what are creation myths?
speak of a time before historical record and human experience
what are the elements of creation myths?
ex nihlio: signifies chaos, the unknown and creative power of the divine
water: represents mystery, life sustaining and destructive power
land: represents order, stability and control
human life: represents purpose, uniqueness and relationship to the divine
what are myths of good and evil?
they relate to human experience of the seasons e.g
good: represented by light, order and warmth
evil: represented by darkness, chaos and cold
what are heroic myths?
links to good and evil and take clear pattern
- characters suffer adversity
- hero takes a risk
- there is triumph and resolution
what is an example of a hero myth in christianity?
ideal: a perfect relationship with god and humanity
problem: Jesus is persecuted for his message
salvation: suffers and dies for humanities sin and rises again
what are the purpose of myths?
- overcoming fears of the unknown
* transmitting religious, social and ethical values
how do myths overcome fears of the unknown?
in each myth there is a lack of control and mystery
in the torah Noah is the saviour and the action that saves the world is building a giant boat
how do myths transmit religious, social and ethical values?
MacIntyre proposes that rather than questioning if myths are true or false we should question whether they are living or dead
do myths contain a purpose or relevance to how people live, do they:
bind communities together, shape human behaviour, provide purpose
what are the different ways myths can be understood?
- as just fairy tales
- intended to be factual
- they declare our place in society, our relationship with god and purpose of our lives
what does the approach of declaring a place in society show?
that myths can be non cognitive and still have meaning.
they provide the function of ordering our Experiences, inform us about ourselves
what is the challenge of contrasting ideals?
myths from different cultures may offer contrasting ideas about meaning of life. e.g
genesis: humans are created through divine will
Japanese Ainu creation myths: humans evolved from a. polar bear god
what is the challenge of the sitz im liben changing?
it changes the meaning of many myths and becomes unclear what the basis of faith is. e.g John 21: the miraculous catch of a fish, it is
A) call to christians to evangelise
B) message of Jesus’ humanity and understanding of the human struggle
what is the challenge of science?
the meaning of myth may conflict with science, even if its not understood literally. e.g creation myths may convey gods creative power, but conflict with the idea of evolution