Myopia Control (M2) Flashcards
What is the typical progression rate of myopia from ages 8 to 16?
-0.50 D per year
How does under correction effect myopia progression?
increases progression
How do GP lenses effect myopia progression?
increases progression
What is the issue with the use of Pirenzepine for myopia control?
no other use for it other than myopia control so not available
Does a soft bifocal slow refractive error change in myopia more or slow axial length growth more?
about equal (around 37%)
Are the soft bifocal lenses for myopia control generally center near or center distance?
center distance
What do both soft bifocal lenses and orthokeratology provide anatomically for the slowing of myopia?
focus light in front of retina in periphery
What is the relative drop out for 1% atropine compared to other methods?
less dropout in atropine even with more side effects
What is the most beneficial dose of atropine for the patient?
0.01% because less side effects with almost equal amount of myopia control and less rebound
How does 0.01% atropine impact the axial elongation?
no change from no treatment
What has outdoor time in the treatment of myopia proven to do?
help prevent myopia onset (no help to slow progression if have myopia already)
If a retina has more myopic blur, is this more or less myopia control? 1. What does this mean as far as applying it to treatment? 2
- strong myopia control
2. dec central optic zone size as much as possible (stronger add power, etc)
Which add powers for kids in myopia control were found to have the most difficulty with low contrast distance VA?
+3.00 and +4.00
Which add powers for kids in myopia control were found to have the most difficulty with glare or starbursts?
Which add powers for kids in myopia control were found to have the most difficulty with changing fixation distance?
+3.00 and +4.00