myology leg and foot Flashcards
Tibialis Anterior [O,I,A,Innvervation, Compartment]
O-Lateral condyle, body of tibia, interosseous membrane(fibrous tissue sheet that holds shafts of tibia and fibula together).
I-Metatarsal I and first (medial) cuneiform
A-Dorsiflexes foot at ankle joint and inverts (supinates) foot at intertarsal joints)
Innervation- Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve
Anterior compartment
Extensor hallucis longus [O,I,A,innervation,C]
O-Anterior surface of fibula and interosseous membrane
I-distal phalanx of great toe
A-Dorsiflexes foot at ankle joint and extends proximal phalanx of great toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
Innervation- Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve
Anterior compartment
Extensor digitorum longus[O,I,A,innervation,C]
O-Lateral condyle of tibia, anterior surface of fibula, and IM
I-Middle and distal phalanges of toes II-V
A-Dorsiflexes foot at ankle joint and extends distal and middle phalanges of each toe at interphalangeal joints and proximal phalanx of each toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
Innervation- Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve
Anterior compartment
Fibularis (Peroneus) tertius[O,I,A,innervation,C]
O-Distal third of fibula and interosseous membrane
I-Base of metatarsal V
A-Dorsiflexes foot at ankle joint and everts (pronates) foot at intertarsal joints.
Innervation- Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve
Anterior compartment
Fibularis (Peroneus) longus
O-Head and body of fibula
I-Metatarsal I and first cuneiform
A-Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint and everts (pronates) foot at intertarsal joints
Innervation-Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
Fibularis (Peroneus) brevis
O-body of fibula
I-Base of metatarsal V
A-Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint and everts (pronates) foot at intertarsal joints
Innervation-Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
O-Lateral and medial condyles of femur and capsule of knee
I-Calcaneus by way of calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
A-Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint and flexes leg at knee joint
Innervation-Tibial Nerve
C-Superficial posterior compartment
O-Head of fibula and medial border of tibia
I-Calcaneus by way of calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
A-Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint
Innervation-Tibial Nerve
C-Superficial posterior compartment compartment
O-Femur superior to lateral condyle
I-Calcaneus by way of calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
A-Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint and flexes leg at knee joint
Innervation-Tibial Nerve
C-Superficial posterior compartment
O-Lateral condyle of femur I-Proximal tibia A-Flexes leg at knee joint and medially rotates tibia to unlock the extended knee Innervation-Tibial Nerve C-Deep posterior compartment
Tibialis posterior
O-Tibia, fibula, and interosseous membrane
I-Metatarsals II-V;navicular, all three cuneiforms; and cuboid
A-Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint and inverts (supinates) foot at intertarsal joints
Innervation-Tibial Nerve
C-Deep posterior compartment
Flexor digitorum longus
O-posterior surface of tibia
I- Distal phalanges of toes II-V
A-Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; flexes distal and middle phalanges of each toe at interphalangeal joints and proximal phalanx of each toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
Innervation-Tibial Nerve
C-Deep posterior compartment and 2nd layer of Plantar muscles (extrinsic)
Flexor Hallucis longus
O-inferior two-thirds of fibula
I-Distal phalanx of great toe
A-Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint;flexes distal phalanx of great toe at interphalangeal joint and proximal phalanx of great toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
Innervation-Tibial Nerve
C-Deep posterior compartment and 2nd layer of Plantar muscles (extrinsic)
Extensor hallucis brevis
O-Calcaneus and inferior extensor retinaculum
I-Proximal phalanx of great toe
A-extends great toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
Innervation-deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
C-dorsal foot
Extensor digitorum brevis
O-Calcaneus and inferior extensor retinaculum
I-Middle phalanges of toes II-IV
A-Extends toes II-IV at interphalangeal joints
Innervation-deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
C-dorsal foot