Myocardial action potential (this is what we'll go by) Flashcards
first draw me a pic
draw the myocardial action potential wave form agains the milivolts scale
nothing more
so this represents the action potential in VENTRICULAR mocardial cells

The action potention is generated when the membrane potential is partially depolarized from the resting level (EM) to the threshold potential (ET) label this area on your pic
note the resting potential (-70 to -90) this is also refered to as phase 4 but we’ll get there shortly

after the impulse reaches this resting membrane potential the ensuing rapid Phase 0 occurs. this is the phase of DEPOLARIZATION. lable this on your graft and writs the ionic movement across the membrane
Phase 0 is mediated by Na+ entry into the cells due to a marked increase in the # of open Na+ channels in the cell membrane
(thus K+ out)

repolarization occurs in 2 phases.
lable them and describe what is occuring in them . Ex which ions crossing where etc.
Repolarization occurs in phases 1 and 3 and results from K+ EXIT from the cells as the Na+ channels are closed and K+ channels open
phase 1 is early repolarization
Phase 3 is repolarization

next draw and explain the “plateau phase” and of course lable it correctly
reflects the slow entry of Ca++ into the cells, which counteracts the effects of K+ exit

last one great job so far!!!!!
explain the recovery phase and lable its location
Na+ leaves and K+ reenters the cell during phase 4 via the Na+-K+-ATPase pump and all is back to the resting membrane potential awaiting another stimulus…..

great job!!!