Myers and Diener Flashcards
Methodology of Myers and Diener
Literature review
What range of methods can be found in the studies included in the literature review?
Correlations, meta-analyses, observations, self-report
In which ‘factors’ did M&D find no real difference in SWB?
Age, Gender, Race
Findings regarding age and SWB
-No time of life is notably happier/unhappier
- No significant difference in life satisfaction across age groups
Findings regarding sex and SWB
- generally, no difference
- 80% of men and 80% of women report being ‘fairly satisfied with life’
- Women are twice as vulnerable than men to depression and anxiety
- Men are fives times as vulnerable to women to alcoholism and anti-social personality disorder
Findings regarding race and SWB
- generally, no difference
- ## people of different nationalities score similarly on tests of self-esteem
Findings regarding culture and SWB
- Large differences found
- 10% of people in Portugal say they are ‘very happy’ compared to 40% in the Netherlands
- Collectivist cultures report lower SWB than individualistic cultures
Findings regarding money and SWB
-Moderate correlations found between national wealth and wellbeing (0.67)
- In less wealthy countries, satisfaction with finances is a moderate predictor of SWB
- Those on the Forbes wealthiest list reported slightly more happiness than the average American
Which traits are the best indicators of a ‘happy person’?
Self-esteem, personal control, optimism and extraversion
Findings regarding relationships and SWB
- People with several intimate friends are healthier and less likely to die prematurely
- Married people are more likely to describe themselves as ‘very happy’ compared to those never married
Findings regarding ‘flow’ and SWB
- People with greater work satisfaction also have greater life satisfaction
- Work should help people reach a ‘flow’ state, where one is so caught up in an activity that the mind does not wander
Findings regarding faith and SWB
- Religious people report higher levels of SWB and satisfaction with life
- This rises with strength of religious affiliation
- The highly spiritual are twice as likely to say they are ‘very happy’
What is the ‘adaptation’ conclusion of M&D’s theory of happiness?
The effects of positive and negative circumstances are short-lived and therefore it is the individual’s ability to adapt to these circumstances that can determine their SWB.
What is the ‘cultural worldview’ conclusion of M&D’s theory of happiness?
People are predisposed to view life events based on their culture and this can have a significant impact on SWB.
What is the ‘values and goals’ conclusion of M&D’s theory of happiness?
Having non-conflicting goals and making progress towards them are all predictors of SWB. Therefore, things like money are only important if they are relevant to a person’s life goals
Other conclusions of M&D
- Knowing a person’s age, race, sex and income does not inform us about how happy a person is.
- new research on psychological well-being is a welcome complement to the long-standing studies of depression and anxiety, and of physical and material well-being.
-By asking who is happy, and why, we can help people rethink their priorities and better understand how to build a world that enhances human well-being