Myelodysplasia Flashcards
Defective development of any part of the spinal cord
Associated with encephalocele, hydrocephalus, and Arnold Chiari Type II malformation
Opening in spine and sac
Myelodysplasia high level lesion (T12-L2)
Hip flexion, hip abduction, hip external rotation, knee flexion, and ankle plantar flexion contractures. Lumbar lordosis
Myelodysplasia mid-to-low level lesion (L3-L5)
Hip flexion, knee flexion, calcaneal valgus, pronated feet, genu valgus, lumbar lordosis, crouched gait
Myelodysplasia low level lesion (sacral)
Calcaneal valgus and varus, mild hip and knee flexion contracture, mild crouched gait, lumbar lordosis
Signs of shunt dysfunction
Changes in speech, headache, decreased activity level, upward dolls’ eye sign, irritability, decreased grip strength
Dandy Walker syndrome
Congenital brain malformation involving the cerebellum and the fluid around it. Cerebellar vermis is not formed
Myelodysplasia sensory deficits
Vibratory, light touch/pin-prick, and kinesthesia
Myelodysplasia cognitive deficits
“Cocktail party” personality
Prenatal surgery benefits outweigh risks