Mycology Flashcards
Structural Characteristics of Yeast & Mold
Identify the structures

Identify Characteristics of yeast

A: What is the Fungal Cell wall made of?
A: Chitin



Macroconidia and microconidia
A: What stain is this?
B: What organism does it identify?

A: Calcofluor Stain
B: Candida Albicans
A: What stain is this?
B: What organism does it identify?

A: Gram Stain
B: Candida Albicans
Candida albicans produces clusters of round blastoconidia along the hyphae and particularly at points of septa
A: Describe the colonies Candida Albicans produce (2)
B: Which agar
[White-cream colored and pasty] colonies on [Sabouraud Dextrose Agar]
A: What stain is this?
B: What organism does it identify?

A: PAS (Periodic Acid Schiff) Stain
B: Candida Albicans
Note the blastoconidia and branched PseudoHyphae
A: What stain is this?
B: What organism does it identify?

A: Gram Stain
B: Cryptococcus
A: What stain is this?
B: What organism does it identify?

A: [GMS Stain]
B: Cryptococcus
A: What stain is this?
B: What organism does it identify?

A: Mucicarmine Stain
B: Cryptococcus

A: What stain is this?
B: What organism does it identify?

A: GMS Stain
B: Blastomycosis
A: What stain is this?
B: What organism does it identify?

A: PAS Stain
B: Blastomycosis
Risk Factors for Candida Albicans (4)
” CADD puts u at risk for Candida! “
- Abx Therapy (elimination of endogenous flora)
- Corticosteroids
- [DEC T-cell function]
- DM
Risk Factors for Mucormycosis (6)
- [Acidotic DM]
- Malnourished children
- Burned pts-severe
- Leukopenia-severe
- Immunosuppressive Disorders
- [Corticosteroids & other immunosuppresants]
Describe the infections caused by Aspergillus (4)
- Allergic Aspergillosis
- [Fungus ball] - TB / Emphysema
- Invasive Aspergillosis
- Dissemination Infection
Describe the infections caused by Mucormycetes (6)
- RhinoCerebral
- Pulmonary
- GI Tract
- Cutaneous
- Disseminated Dz (starts with minor trauma/insect bites/iatrogenic)–> arterial invasion–>[Embolization and necrosis]
- Periorbital
List and Describe infections caused by Dermatophytes (4)
Affects Keratinized tissues (skin/hair/nails) via close personal contact
- [TPAF- Tinea Pedis Athlete’s Foot]-most common
- Tinea Capitis- invasion of hair & scalp –> Dull/lusterless hair
- Tinea Corporis- [occurs on children’s face/shoulder/arms as raised red serpiginous border= Ringworm]
- Tinea Cruris- Infection of “private areas” occuring more in men–> [Erythema/Itching/Burning]
A: Which type of cells do Dermatophytes fungi affect?
B: How is it transmitted?
C: What’s the most common dermatophyte infection?
A: Affects Keratinized tissues (skin/hair/nails)
B: via close personal contact
C: [TPAF-Tinea Pedis Athlete’s Foot]
What’s the most common [Opportunistic Fungal pathogen]?
Candida Albicans
Characterisitcs of Candida Albicans (4)
- GI/GU Normal Flora
- Oval budding yeast in bodily fluids
- Pseudohyphae in tissues
- Colonies resemble bacteria in culture
Characterisitcs of Aspergillus (3)
B: Where are they found (3)
C: Which Aspergillus is the most imp species
D: How Aspergillus identified (2)
- Rapidly growing mold
- DiChotomous Branching
- Septate Hyphae
B: Found in soil/air/construction dust
C: FumigaTus
D: Color and Structures
Characterisitcs of Mucormycosis (2)
- [Woolly white-grey Growth]
- [Broad / NonSeptated Hyphae w/90º ribbon-like branching]

A: Name the 3 Genera of Dermatophytes
B: How should you collect the specimens for culture? (2)
- EpiDermophyton
- Microsporum
- Trichophyton
- Scrape the leading edge of skin lesion and directly examine with [Calcofluor or KOH].
- Remove infected hair at shaft and examine under Wood’s Light
A: 5 Classic Clinical Manifestations of Cryptococcosis yeast infection
B: When does DEATH typically occur for these pts if left untreated?
- [MeningoEncephalitits] at presentation w/[HA/nausea/gait problems/hydrocephalus]
- Deepening coma (occurs eventually if untreated)—> Death
- Raised Skin lesions from yeast dissemination (immunocompromised pts)
- Multiorgan involvement (pulm/brain/liver/heart)–> [chest/cough/hepatitis/carditis]
- CXR with 1 or more well-localized infiltrates
B: 2 Weeks -Years after sx onset
A: Which Lab test is used to diagnose Cryptococcosis neoformans
B: In which 2 locations does it detect serum
C: 3 Culturing Characteristics
A: [CALA - Cryptococcal Antigen Latex Agglutination]
B: CSF and serum
C: [Fast growing but slower than Candida] / [cream-to-pinkish/yellowish] / [Can grow at 37 C]

Name the 6 Dimorphic Fungi and the Infections they cause
” PBS Plays Corny History”
- Histoplasma capSulatum–>Histoplasmosis
- Blastomyces dermatitidis–>[Chicago Dz]
- Coccidioides immitis –> [San Joaquin Valley Fever & Desert Rheumatism]
- Sporothrix schenckii
- ParaCoccidioides brasili
- Penicillium Marneffei
A: Pulmonary sx of Histoplasmosis (2)
B: Disseminated sx of Histoplasmosis (2)
C: Pathogenesis
A: Pulmonary sx: [Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy] that can –> [cavitating lesion] + [Constitutitional sx]
B: Disseminated sx: CNS Spread and general spread —> Hepatosplenomegaly
C: Histoplasma grows in macrophages after its Conidia are inhaled by host & then converted to yeast. Multiply & spread to Liver/Spleen/Lung (forms Lung granuloma)
A: Blastomycosis Histology
B: Describe the Blastomycosis infection (4)
C: Describe the CXR (2)
A: [Broad Base Budding] histologically
B: [Lytic Bone/Nodular/Skin lesions] + [Fever & Productive cough] + [Hilar lymphadenopathy] + [progressive chronic PNA]
C: Alveolar or Nodular Infiltrates

A: Coccidiomycosis Pathogenesis
B: Classic Sx and what demographic is it seen in
C: Dz Course Progression
D: Person-to-perosn transmission?
A: Dust Inhalation of [Arthroconidia] travels to alveoli where Monocytes phagocytose them, and are then converted –> [Spherule filled w/endospores]
B: [Erythema Nodosum]-mostly seen in [White women]
C: Dissemination may occur; but most resolve Spontenaously

[Erythema Nodosum]
mostly seen in [White women] w/ Coccidiomycosis
A: SubQ Mycoses
B: What organism and what route of transmission?
C: What are the 2 subtypes of [SubQ Mycoses]
A: [Skin and Underlying tissue infection] without dissemination.
B: Humans are accidental host! Occurs w/Trauma w/ Saprophytic Fungi
C: Sporotrichosis vs. Chromoblastomycosis
A: Sporotrichosis Pathogenesis
B: Causative Organism
C: Description of Organism
A: [Inhalation or Traumatic Skin inoculation]–> Granulomatous response —> [Dissemination to Bones/ CNS/ Lungs(rare)] associated with [Ulcerating Papular skin lesions] + [Firm Lymphatic Nodules]
B: Sporothrix Schenckii
C: [Cigar shaped yeast associated with rose thorns and moss]

A: Organism
B: Size & Description of this organism
C: Oval or Round?
D: Associated with what 3 things?

A: Cryptococcus
B: [(4-6 µm) + [encapsulated polysaccharide capsule]]
D: Associated with [Pigeon droppings / soil / AIDS pts]
A: Physical Description of Histoplasmosis (3)
B: Associated with what 3 things?
C: Where is it concentrated? (2)
D: Primary lesion for Histoplasmosis is a ______
E: Does it have microconidia or Marcoconidia?
A: [(2-4 µm) WITH NO CAPSULE] + [Septate and Hyaline Hyphae] + [Tuberculate/unicellular/Hyaline Macroconidia]
B: Associated with [Soil/Bird and Bat Droppings]
C: OH and [Mississippi River Valleys]
D: Lung Granuloma

A: Physical Description (4)
B: Location
C: Associated with ___ and ____
A: Blastomycosis is like LSD
- [Large thick wall]
- [Broad Based Buds (nonUnique)]
- [Solitary & Pyriform in shape= Lollipop]
- [Double-contoured refractile walls attaching bud to parent in Yeast cells]
B: Central U.S.
C: Soil and Wood
Coccidioides immitis
A: Location
B: Describe the Mold’s Arthroconidia in culture
A: Southwest U.S. Desert
B: Barrel Shaped
Cryptococcus neoformans
- A: Location*
- B: 4 Predisposing elements*
- C:* Cryptococcus neoformans is the only _____ yeast that is ________
A: Found all throughout World
(Associated with Pigeon Dropping/ soil / AIDS pts)
B: AIDS / [High dose Corticosteroids] / Sarcoidosis / Lymphoma
C: Is the only encapsulated yeast that is pathogenic
Cryptococcus gatti
- A: Location (3)*
- B: Special Characteristic*
A: [South Cali] / Mexico / [Pacific NW]