-lowenstein Jensen Media
-cyanogen bromide
- yellow +
-no color -
-M. tuberculosis and M. intracellulare
Niacin Test
sodium nitrate broth
N-n-dimethyl-l-naphthylamine sulfanilic acid
To confirm unreduced nitrate, add zinc dust/zinc powder + no color change: - red
+ red
Blue using strip +
M. tuberculosis and M. intracellulare
Nitrate reduction
Lowenstein Jensen Media
Ferric ammonium citrate
Rusty brown color +
No color change -
Iron Uptake Test
Detection of rapid growers
Phenolphthalein media
2N sodium carbonate
Pink +
No color change -
M. fortuitum and M. intracellulare
Arylsulfatase Test
Pyrazinamidase agar
1% ferrous ammonium sulfate
Red +
No color change -
Pyrazinamidase Test
Tween 80 media
Heating at 68 degrees
Cooling at 20 mins
Add 30% h2o2
Bubbling +
No bubbling -
More than 45 mm +
Less than 45-
M. fortuitum & M . gordonae and M. tuberculosis
Heat stable catalase test
For identification of M. kansasii
+ in 3 days
M. tb in 10-20 days
Pink +
No color change -
Neutral red: indicator
M. kansasii and M. Intracellulare
Tween 80 hydrolysis test
M. avium identification (TB-AIDS)
smooth fine black precipitate (smoke like action) +
Gray clumps no smoke like action -
M. avium and M. TB
Tellurite Reduction Test
Identification of rapid growers and M. trivale
growth +
no growth-
5% NaCl broth
M. fortuitum and M. gordonae
Salt Tolerance test 5% NaCl
Thiopene 2 carboxylic hydrazine
diff. M. TB and M. bovis
growth inhibition +
growth -
T2H/ TCH susceptibility
M. fortuitum-chelonae complex identification
MAC w/o crystal violet
TB in cattles
Intestinal TB in man
Mycobacterium bovis
Culturally water droplets colonies
Mycobacterium bovis
Nitrate and niacin negative to diff from M. TB
Mycobacterium bovis
Hansen’s Bacillus
cigar packet arrangement
Non culturally on artificial media
Can be in mice foot pad or foot pads of armadillo
Mycobacterium leprae
Cause leprosy
Prolong skin contact with infected person
Leonine face
Mycobacterium leprae
Mycobacterium leprae:
Less severe
Few organisms
Tuberculoid type/ paucibacillary
Mycobacterium leprae:
can be malignant
Increased number of organism
Lepromatous/ multibacillary
AFB within macrophage
Fire Faraco: hematoxylin stain as counter stain
Lepra cells
2 NTM to fuse TB in those with AIDA
Mycobacterium kansasii
Aka Cross Barred Bacillus
Mycobacterium kansasii
Fish tank granuloma or Swimming pool granuloma skin dse
Mycobacterium marinum
Mycobacterium asiaticum, M. simiae , M. intermedium & M. novocastrense
Pulmonary dse, predominantly in middle aged men
Cervical adenitis
Mycobacterium szulgai
Cervical adenitis in children
Pulmonary dse
Skin infection
Mycobacterium scrofulaceum
Tap water bacillus
M. gordonae/ M. aquae (old name)
Primarily pulmonary infections in adults
Birds nest appearing colonies on Corn Meal Agar (media for fungi)
M. xenopi
M. flavescens , M. thermoresistible
M. interjectum - Unknown Potentially pathogenic Chronic lymphadenitis, pulmonary disease Others: M. heckeshornense, M. tusciae, M. kubicae, M. cookie, M. hiberniae
Lady Windermere Syndrome
M. avium
Battey Bacillus
M. intracellulare
Buruli ulcer
Biochemically inert
M. gastri and M. ulcerans
Dessiminated dse in patients with aids
M. malmoense and M. genovense
M. haemophilum , Others: M. heidelbergense; M. shimoidei
Breadcrumbs growth on LJM
M. phlei