Mycobacteria Flashcards
What are the features of the Genus mycobacteria?
- ZN stain -acid-fast
- non-spore forming
- non-motile
- slow growing
Why does mycobacteria require specimen homogenization?
They are slow growing, thus requires decontamination step to kill other bacteria first before culturing using NaOH
How can we distinguish M. tuberculosis from M. leprae?
M. tuberculosis is heat-sensitive catalase +ve
State the transmission of M. tuberculosis.
Air borne
Pathogenesis of M. tuberculosis depends on host immunity. Briefly explain why.
- Host immunity +ve: no disease, chronic inflammation (granuloma with central necrosis, bacteria dormant but viable)
- Host immunive -ve: reactivation, present in any organ
Which of the following about M. Tuberculosis is correct?
A. it is facultative intracellular, which persists in macrophages
B. it is an obligate aerobe
C. It can spread from lungs to hilar LN and even other organs via blood
D. It can be grown quickly on LJ medium
E. Tuberculin test- PPD 2TU ID is used as diagnosis, zone of skin induration is measured.
All except D
- Acid fast bacteria culture: LJ medium, but slow-growing (4-6 weeks), faster with radiometric substrate
List the possible symptoms of primary pulmonary TB.
- Asymptomatic
- Constitutional Sx (fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss)
- Pulmonary Sx (cough, sputum, hemoptysis)
What does it mean by secondary pulmonary TB?
Due to temporary weakening of CMI (cell-mediated immunity), it may disseminate to any other organs (miliary TB) with poor prognosis
What is tuberculoma?
- Tuberculoma/ Tuberculous meningitis: CNS cavity lesion
What are the possible manesfistations of secondary TB in lymphatics?
- Tuberculosis lymphadenitis (scrofula): MC non-pulmonary TB, usually involves cervical LN
- TB peritonitis: due to rupture of caseous abdominal LN
What is the disease related to skeletal system in secondary pulmonary TB? Which part of the skeletal system is damaged?
Pott’s disease affected thoracic and lumbar spine (demineralization vertebral bodies)
What can be the treatment for M. tuberculosis infection?
RIPE: R: rifampin I: Isoniazid P: Pyrazinamide 先啊咪 E: Ethambutol
What are the preventive medicine for M. tuberculosis?
- BCG vaccine
- Rifampicin and isoniazid for latent TB
Which of the following about M.leprae are correct?
A. It is an obligate intracellular
B.It’s optimal growth is similar to human body temperature
C. It is transmitted by nasal discharge or prolonged contact
D. It’s pathogenesis involve peripheral nerves more than central nerves
All except B
B: should be less than body temperature (27-30 degrees)
D: Cooler parts of the body - skin, peripheral nerves, extremities
What are the test results (2 forms of leprosy) of M. leprae in Lepromin skin test ?
+ve in tuberculoid form
-ve in lepromatous form