Atypical organisms (Chlamydias/ Mycoplasmas) Flashcards
Name the 3 types of Chlamydias that you have learnt. They have same biological cycle but with different genetic components.
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Chlamydophila pneumoniae
- Chlamydophila psittaci
Chlamydias are obligate intracellular with a biphasic development cycle. What does it mean by biphasic?
- Elementary bodies (EB): metabolically inactive, infective, Extracellular;
- Reticular bodies (RB): metabolically active, Reproductive
There are 3 types of transmission method for Chlamydia trachomatis. Describe how Ocular serovars (A-C) work (3) and what are the clinical presentations.
Ocular serovars (A-C):
- direct contact of secretions (hand-to-eye)
- indirect contact (towel sharing)
- eye-seeking flies
Clinical presentations
- trachoma (conjunctivitis > corneal scarring > blindness)
Describe how Oculogenital serovars (D-K) of Chlamydia trachomatis work (2) and what are the clinical presentations (3).
Oculogenital serovars (D-K)
- Vertical transmission
Clincal presentations
- genital tract infections
- neonative conjunctivitis (sticky eye)
- pneumonia
Other than Oculogenital serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis, _____________ serovars (LGV, L1-L3) also transmit the bacteria via STD. What is the clinical manifestation?
Lymphogranuloma venereum serovas;
Lymph node infections (form buboes)
What is the mode of transmission of Chlamydophila penumoniae?
Respiratory droplets
What are the clinical presentations in Chlamydophila penumoniae infections? Be specific. (2)
- Atypical pneumonia: Bilateral pulmonary involvement with extra-pulmonary presentations (myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, reactive arthritis)
- associated with atherosclerosis (controversial)
What is the mode of transmission of Chlamydophila psittaci?
Zoonotic: psittacine birds e.g. parrots
> psittacosis/ parot fever
Other than Chlamydophila penumoniae, infections of ______________ also presents with atypical pneumonia. Fever, headahce, diahhrea and altered mental state can be seen.
Chlamydophila psittaci
How can Chlamydia in general be diagnosed? (3)
- Culture: tissue culture - obligate intracellular
- Serology: ELISA
Treatment for Chlamydia. (3)
- Macrolides (azithromycin)
- Doxycycline
- Ceftriaxone if tgt with Neisseria (common)
____________ are the smallest extracellular bacteria.
Why does Mycoplasmas not seen on Gram stain and they lack response to antibiotics like penicillin?
They have no cell wall
Penicillin: anti-cell wall antibiotics
What is the specific agar for Mycoplasma? What can be seen?
Eaton’s agar;
Fried egg colonies
Name the Mycoplasma whose mode of transmission is by respiratory droplets with an inbucation of 3 weeks.
Mycoplasma pneuomoniae