MYCO-VIRO Flashcards
Most common cause of outbreaks of tinea capitis in children.
Main cause of endothrix
Trichophyton tonsurans
Young child showing large circular erythematous scaly lesion with raised border on the nose
Microsporum gypseum
Causative agent of Tinea Versicolor
Malassezia Furfur
Spaghetti and meatballs apperance.
Hypopigmented spots on the ches and neck.
Causative agent?
Malassezia Furfur
Causes black nodules on the hair shaft, Affects mainly the scalp hair. Causative agent?
Piedraia Hortae.
Black Piedra
Forms Light coloured nodules on the hair of the beard, mustache and pubic hair. Afects the beard and Mustache hair.
Causative Agent?
Trichosporon Beigelii.
White Piedra
Typical brown to black non-scaling macules on the palmar aspect of the hands. Causative agent?
Tinea Nigra
Pigeon Droppings, Eucalyptus strees.
Seen as encapsulated yeast cells on India Ink.
Opportunistic fungi
Cryptococcus Neoformans
Causes Sporothricosis/ rose gardener’s disease.
Seen as Cigar-shaped budding yeast on specimens
Flowerette arrangement of conidia
Spororthrix schenckii
Barrel-shaped arthroconidia
Coccidioides Immitis
Mariner Pilot’s wheel
Coccidioides Brasilienses
Broad-Based Budding yeast
Blastomyces Dermatitidis
Dichotomously branching hyphae
Aspergillus Fumigatus
Associated with bird/ bat droppings
“Spelunker’s Disease”
resembles pulmonary TB in xray
Histoplasma Capsulatum
Fungi used in making wine, bread and beer
saccharomyces cerevisiae
Filoviruses causing hemorrhagic fevers
Marburg virus, Ebola virus
Filivirus exported from the philippines causing fatal infections in monkeys
Reston Virus
Paralytic Poliomyelitis and aseptic meningitis
fecal-oral route
Herpangina, Hand-foot-and mouth disease
Coxsackie A virus
Pleurodynia (Bornholm Disease)
Myocarditis, Pericarditis
Coxsackie B
Major cause of acute diarrhea, infantile gastroenteritis
Group of rotavirus known to cause disease in humans
rotavirus A, B, and C
Sixth Disease, exanthem subitum, caused by human herpesvirus type 6
Clinical manifestations: erythema infectiosum, transient aplastic crisis, pure red cell aplasia, hydrops fetalis
Largest and most complex of viruses, manifests as rash
More virulent poxvirus infections in human
Less virulent poxvirus infections in human
He introduced vaccination with live cowpox virus in 1798
Edward Jenner
Control of smallpox by deliberated infection with mild forms of the disease
The earliest physical evidnce of smallpox with pustular rash on the mummified body of?
Pharoah Ramses v
eosinophilic nuclear inclusions composed of nucleic acid and protein seen in cells infected with Herpes simplex virus, Varicella-zoster virus, and CMV
Cowdry A inclusions
inclusion bodies associated with polio, adenovirus
Cowdry B inclusions
inclusion bodies associated with Variola (small pox)
Guarnieri Bodies
inclusion bodies associated with Rubeola(measles)
Warthin finkeldey bodies
inclusion bodies associated with Rabies
Negri bodies
inclusion bodies associated with Molluscum contagiosum
Hendersen-petersen bodies
inclusion bodies associated with CMV
owl’s eye bodies
Enumerated the Herpes viruses “CHEV”
A smear of an opened skin vesicle to detect multinucleated giant cells.
Used to assay for HSV-1, HSV-2, and VZV
Tzanck Test
VZV route of transmission
respiratory droplet
reactivation of latent varicella zoster virus in sensory ganglia
Herpes zoster
Appearance of shingle lesion
dewdrops on a rose petal
Most common intrauterine viral infection
the tubular cells of the human kidney shed the virus for prolonged periods
Epstein-Barr virus
Causes infectious mononucleosis
Epstein-Barr virus
EBV heterophil antibodies detected by agglutination of sheep RBCs
monospot test
2 major influenza virus antigens
hemaglutinin(H) and Nueraminidase (N)
Avian flu: influenza A virus subtype
Swine flu: influenza A virus subtype
3 C’s of measles
couch, coryza, conjunctivitis
clustered, white lesions on the buccal mucosa (opposite the upper 1st & 2nd molars) and are pathognomonic for measles
Koplik spots
2 complications of measles virus
SSPE and giant cell pneumonia
Results from a persistent infection with altered measles virus harbored intracellularly in the CNS for many years usually (7-10) years
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE)
Hallmark of SSPE, resulting from extension of the inflammatory process site to deeper structures in the brain including the basal ganglia
Massive myoclonus
inclusion bodies of SSPE?
Cowdry A bodies
Pathognomonic microscopic finding for measles. Resulting from fusion of infected cells with up to 100 nuclei
Warthin-Finkeldy Giant Cells
Vitamin A recommended dosage for:
children >1 year?
6months to 1 year?
< 6months?
Capsule: single dose of 200,000 IU for children >1 year, 100, 000 IU for 6 months to 1 year, 50,000 iU for infants < 6months
cause of common cold, RNA virus
Viral disease of the CNS transmitted by infected secretions, usually saliva.
Bullet shaped.
Rabies virus
2 epidemiologic forms of rabies
- urban rabies (dogs and cats)
2. sylvatic rabies (bats, skunks, foxes, raccoons mongooses, wolves
inclusion bodies seen on rabies?
negri bodies
4 stages of rabies infection
- non-specific syndrome
- acute encephalitis
- brainstem dysfunction
- death or recovery
Hepatitis infection that is usually asymptomatic
Hep A
Hepatitis infection that is bloodborne
Hep B
Hepatitis infection that is associated with carcinoma, cirrhosis, and carrier state
Hep C
Hepatitis infection that is dependednt on HBV
Hep D
Hepatitis infection that is usually enteric, and seen on expectant mothers
Hep E
Hepatitis infection that is transmitted by fecal-oral route
Hep A and E
Synthesis of dsDNA form RNA
reverse transcriptase
HIV screening test
HIV Confirmatory test
western blot
HIV indicator of active viral replication
P24 antigen
HIV marker of disease progression
HIV viral load
HIV monitoring of immune status
CD4 T-cell count
HIV detection of actively dividing virus
HIV viral load
HIV useful in determining when to initiate prophylaxis and treatment
CD4 T-cell count
most sensitive test for dx of acute HIV before seroconversion
HIV viral load
Detects anti gp-120 antibodies on HIV
Presents before anti gp-120 antibodies on HIV
p24 antigen
bacterial opportunistic infections in AIDS
TB, M. avium
viral opportunistic infections in AIDS
HSV, VZV, CMV, PML(JC virus)
fungal opportunistic infections in AIDS
candida albicans, cryptococcal meningititis, Histoplasmosis, Pneumocytstis pneumonia
protozoan opportunistic infections in AIDS
toxoplasmosis, cryptosporidiosis
classification of staph and strep
3 Cs: catalase, coagulase, gram positive cocci
Group A streptococci, b Hemolytic
S. pyogenes
Group B streptococci, b hemolytic
common in babies
vaginal normal flora
S. agalactiae
Alpha hemolytic, gram (+) cocci
S. pneumonia
Encapsulated organisms:
(Strep Klb HaPN Cry)
- S. pneumonia
- K. pneumoniae
- H. influenzae
- P. aeruginosa
- N. meningitidis
- C. neoformans
primarily responsible for the beta hemolysis seen on the surface of a blood agar plate
Streptolysin S
S. pyogenes diagnosis by?
recent throat infection, recent skin infection
ASO- recent thorat infection
DNAse- recent skin infection
scarlet fever diagnostic test
Dick’s test
Fiery-red rash
s. pyogenes: abrupt onset of sore throat, fever and tender anterior cervical lymph nodes
s. pyogenes: blanching sandpaper rah, circumoral pallor, strawbery tongue
scarlet fever
s. pyogenes: honey crusted lesions
streptococcoal cause of dental caries
Streptococcus Mutans
Strep mutans produces a dextransducrase that forms an insoluble polymer of glucose known as?
Golden yellow colonies?
this phenomenon is due to presence of what substance?
staphylococcus aureus,
staph aureaus component that inhibits complement fixation and phagocytosis
Protein A
staph aureus component, superantigens that cause polyclonal t-cell activation
TSST-1( Toxic shock syndrome toxin)
staph aureus toxin causing staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
staph aureus toxin causing food poisoning