MyChart Admin New Version Flashcards
An instant activation link can be set up to be automatically sent to a patient during certain triggers such as:
- sign in
- check-in
- check-out
- D/C
- When appointment is schedule
- Triage call
- When a surgical case is scheduled
- During results release
- When a hospital account is verified during ED registration
- ED event is triggered
Activation Code in
Billing Statements
What is the purpose of an activation code?
To supply a unique piece of information used to validate the patient’s identity.
What is a Happy Together
is a design philosophy that creates a single interwoven thread across Epic and other EHRs to improve patient care and care coordination.
It also brings together information across sources to form a comprehensive narrative for clinicians, care managers, community members, and patients.
This helps our patients by allowing them to see a more complete view of their health without having to log into multiple accounts.
Care Everywhere
Patients have the ability to authorize sharing of their records with other providers and organizations via Care Everywhere.
Share Everywhere
allows patient-driven interoperability. Patients are able to provide one-time access to their health record quickly with any provider who has access in the internet.
Share Everywhere
- is patient controlled
- works anywhere in the world.
- Has no interoperability/EHR requirements.
- Allows a note to be sent back to the home organization to further continuity of care.
- Providers a consistent user interface for the Share Everywhere code recipient, regardless of what health system the data comes from.
MyChart Care Companion
is an interactive, highly individualized plan of care delivered to at-risk patients through user-friendly, accessible technology.
Using Care Companion, care managers will be able to turn a patient’s care plan and goals into step-by-step guides and tasks to help them stay health.
Includes timely reminders deliver to patients’ devices through MyChart mobile for medications and therapies, regular check-ins, and communication between the patient, family caregivers, and care managers.
MyChart Bedside
encourages a high level of patient engagement during patient stays in a hospital environment.
designed to make the hospital stay more productive and enjoyable as well as reduce re-admission rates.
It requires a separate license.
To make sure patients see important information on the home pages, such as a notice for an upcoming system downtime, construction, a weather alert, or a special event at your organization.
____ it can be also filtered with a rule, otherwise are visible to all patients who use MyChart.
It does not need a special security to view announcements.
Document Center
patients have a centralized place from which they can manage records regarding their health information.
From ___, patients can e-mail their health information instead of only being able to send it to a direct address.
They can also view, download, or send information for a date range instead of only for a specific visit.
Landing page for the following:
- Visit Records
- Requested Records
- My documents
Visit Records
Patients can choose from four options:
- Single Visit
- Date Range
- All Visits
- Lucy Summary
Single Visit
After the patient has chosen a specific visit, she can view, download, or send a package of documents that contains an up-to-date summary of her health and a summary document from the selected visit.
Date Range
The patient can designate a date range for which she wants to view, download, or send her information. This package of documents includes an up-to-date summary of her health, a summary document of the patient’s data from the selected date range, and a summary document for each visit that occured within the selected date range.
All Visits
With this option, the patient can view, download, or send all health information that’s available in her record.
Lucy Summary
the patient can view or download only the up-to-date summary of her health.
Requested Records
On the requested records page, a patient can view or download records they have specifically requested from her healthcare organization.
My Documents
Patients can see a wide variety of documents all in one place in the _____ _____ activity.
____ that are under review or rejected have a relevant status icons.
In this activity, patients can find documents that members of your organization upload through Median Manager, such as HIPAA notices, or e-sign illness excuse notes, as well as patient-uploaded documents submitted through the Advance Care planning activity.
Who Access My Record
This page allows patients to view an audit trail of who has logged into their MYC account.
Explore More Cards
Which appears at the bottom of the health feed, you can use cards to promote new functionality and direct patients to specific features in MyChart.
What is Happy Together?
is not an application. It is a philosophy.
It allows patients to view information from several organizations in a single MyChart view without having to switch MyChart accounts.
What choices does a patient have from the document center feature?
- Visit records.
- Requested Records
- My Documents
- Who’s accessed my Record?
Where can a patient view notes made available through OpenNotes?
Through the Appointments and Visits feature.
How many menu in MyChart
Menu workflow
Menu > Sub Menu > Custom Menu Items > Activities
Master File - Menu
Menu > Submenus > Custom Menu Items
Master File - Activities
Activities are in a different master file.
MyChart Access Classes
___ control which features are available to MyChart patients.
You can assign one ____ ____ to multiple patients, __ ___ control what a group of pateints can do in MyChart
Discrete actions or options to which patients have access in MyChart.
___ is one thing a patient can do or see in MyChart.
Epic Security Point Dictionary
contains a complete list of available features.
MyChart Features
What features a patient can use in MyChart.
The patient is allowed to send messages in MyChart.
MyChart Patient Engagment
What MyChart tools a provider is allowed to use in Hyperspace
The provider is allowed to “unrelease” results from MyChart.
Access Class
Is a list of features.
Each ___ ___ is a record in the security classification (ECL) master file that contains all the features that should be available to a patient or group of patients.
Access to a single piece of functionality in MyChart.
Access Class
A group of features that is assigned to a patient or group of patients.
How patients get an access calss?
- Dynamically at login using an extension record.
- In the patient’s record
- In a patient profile
- Facility-wide in System Definitions
If MyChart does not find an assigned access class affecting a patient
then every single access point will be enabled.
Use Security Point Dictionary
to research and determine what features should be added and removed.
What does an access class control?
What features a patient can use.
Where can an access class be linked?
- At login using an extension
- In the patient’s record
- In systems Definitions WDF1
True or false. The way to assign an access class to all patients in your organization (unless otherwise overridden at another level) is by linking it to WDF1.
Are used to customize how MyChart looks and behaves.
Profile or System Definition WDF1
will control MyChart for the patients coming to that organization.
MyChart System Manager Menu
The main ‘Command Center’ for MyChart
WDF1 Contains settings that affect how MyChart Behaves for all patients and users at a facility.
- Who receives messages sent by MYC patients
- Which providers are available for appointment scheduling
- Filters for test results that can be released to patients.
- Screens that patients see in features like direct scheduling or e-visits
- Many other settings are related to the behavior and display of MyChart.
Is the name of epic’s database management system.
is a synonym for the programs (such as Putty or Reflections) used to access Chronicles and other master files within the Epic ecosystem.
True or False: All the settings in other profiles can be made in WDF1, but not all the settings in WDF1 are available in other profiles.
MyChart Profiles
__ ___ control how both patients and Epic users interact with MyChart.
True or False: In MyChart only one profile affects a user. Each patient that logs in to MyChart has a single profile that affects what they see. Most of the time, that single profile is Patient Access System Definitions (WDF1)
True or False: Profiles are very difficult to maintain. Ideally, your facility should not use patient profiles and will set everything in WDF1.
The folwing hierarchy determines what profile will be used:
- Profile determination extension
- Patient record
- Service Area
- WDF1
Assigning a Profile at Login
A profile can be determined for a patient based on the custom code within an extension entered in Profile Determination ext. field.
Assigning a Profile in the Patient Record (EPT)
A profile can be assigned to an individual patient, if needed. You can do this from the MYC system manager Menu in text.
Systems Definition serves as the primary location for patient profile settings.
True or false: If you did not link an access class here, the patients will have no access in MyChart.
False. Every access point will be enabled meaning the patients will have most of MYC features available.
What is the purpose of a profile?
A profile controls the behavior of MYC and the details within features for patients logging in.
Where can you assign a profile to a patient?
- Systems Definitions WDF1
- service area
- manually attach to a patient
- at login.
True or False: It is best practice to make all changes in WDF1
Proxy Access - Child
Access their children accounts to
- Schedule appointments
- Check immunizations
- Re-order Medications
- Coordinate other health-related information
Proxy Access - Adult
Access an older parent or relative’s record to help
- monitor medications
- and appointments
Proxy Access
MYC allows an intermediary to access data in a patient’s medical record.
Proxy Relationships
Determining the relationship between the patient and proxy access recipient is the first step to configure and assign proxy access.
The person whose chart is being accessed
The person who needs access to the chart.
Non-Patient Proxy
The person who does not have an account in the organization.
Patient (EPT)
master file stores general patient records in the database server.
Patient (EPT)
- All of a patient’s clinical information as well as any demographic or billing information on file at the patient’s organization lives in this master file.
- When a hyperspace user generates a MYC activation code for a patient, the system stores the code as part of the patient record.
MyChart Patient Record (WPR)
Master files store a patient’s login information for MYC and crosscheck it against the information store in the patient record when signing in.
MyChart Patient Record (WPR)
- These MYC specific records store a patient’s login name and password, as well as an audit trail of the actions the patient took while logged in to MYC.
- No clinical data is stored in the MYC patient record.
- Instead the system uses MYC patient record to verify a patient’s a patient’s identity when she enters her username and password to sign in to the MYC website.
- The patient’s username and password are encrypted in Hyperspace to protect the viability of that secure patient access.
If a proxy relation existed at one point but has expired
A disabled proxy or disabled access section will appear in the proxy access activity containing similar information as previously noted for the disabled relationship.
Proxy Access Classifications
When dealing with proxy relationships, the access classification a proxy has may change over time or have an end date depending on the type of relationship.
When dealing with proxy relationships:
The access classification of a proxy has may change over time, or have an end date depending on the type of relationship.
Adult-Child Proxy
Has clinical and scheduling access to child/dependent’s chart.
Adult-Teen Proxy
Has less clinical and scheduling access to teen/dependents chart. Customized often.
Adult-Child: Power of Attorney
Has all of the access of the Adult-Child proxy with the added ability to add or revoke proxy access and transmit a visit summary.
Adult-Adult: View record, send messages, schedule appointments
Has full clinical access, as well as access to messaging and scheduling features.
Adult-Adult: View Record
Has full clinical access to the read-only features in MYC.
Adult-Adult: Power of Attorney
Has all the access of the adult-adult Clinical proxy with the added ability to add or revoke proxy access and transmit a visit summary.
Adult-Adult: Send messages, schedule appointments
Has access to only the scheduling and messaging features, but none of the clinical features access.