My mistakes Flashcards
(почти никогда)
1. I ____ ____ tell any jokes to anyone
2. I ____ ____ talk to my colleagues face-to-face
- I hardly ever tell any jokes to anyone
- I hardly ever talk to my colleagues face-to-face
(довольно много)
1. I have ____ _ ____ of trousers, but ____ dresses
2. And I have a funny feeling that ____ _ ____ of you suffer ____ __ __ ____ (от этого тоже)
- I have quite a lot of trousers, but few dresses
- And I have a funny feeling that quite a few of you suffer from it as well
I work from home ____ 12 years, I do everything ____ ____ __ ____ ______ (вперемежку с рабочими делами)
I work from home for 12 years, I do everything mixed with my work tasks
I work from home for 12 years. So I do everything interleaved with my work
I ____ ____ (никогда не была) ____ __ ______ (особенно хороша в) dancing
I‘ve never been much good at dancing
Normally when I __ _ ____ ______ (выдаётся свободная минутка), I read _ ____ ____ (очередную книгу)
Normally when I get a spare moment, I read a new book
When it comes to language learning, I feel that I ________ progrees If I can communicate with other people without ________ long pauses ________ right words.
When it comes to language learning, I feel that I‘m making progrees If I can communicate with other people without making long pauses to find right words
I wish I could ____ (медитировать) instead of ____ (того, чтобы беспокоиться)
I wish I could meditate instead of worrying
________ (мне кажется) I need to find a way ________ (отдыхать по чуть-чуть каждый день) instead of having two long vacations during the year
It seems to me that I need to find a way to relax a bit every single day instead of having two long vacations during the year
We have two types of travel pillows. One of them ________ (как на картинке) is absolutely useless, because it’s too big, and my neck ____ (болит) after using it. And ____ (другая) is pretty useful, because it’s ____ (надувная) pillow and I can ________ (надуть её чуть-чуть) and change the volume ________ (как мне нужно)
We have two types of travel pillows. One of them (like the one in the picture) is absolutely useless, because it’s too big, and my neck hurts after using it. And the other one is pretty useful, because it’s an inflatable pillow and i can inflate it a bit and change the volume as i need
Travel agents are highly useful when you need to ____ ____ (исключить неподходящие) hotels, for example for beach vacations
Travel agents are highly useful when you need to exclude unsutable hotels, for example for beach vacations
I’ve been to the opera once in my life and think that libretto is _ ____ ____ ____ (совершенно неудобная вещь), because it doesn’t contain full text of arias and it’s impossible to use it ____ (для отслеживания) a story. That libretto was in Italian.
I’ve been to the opera once in my life and think that libretto is an utterly useless thing, because it doesn’t contain full text of arias and it’s impossible to use it to track a story. That libretto was in Italian.
Не могу угнаться за всеми новостями и это напрягает
I can’t keep up with all world news and I find it confusing
Я нахожу тревожным тот факт, что все больше и больше известных научных исследований оказываются ложными и в конечном итоге отзываются
I find it alarming that more and more well-known scientific studies turn out false and are eventually withdrawn
То, сколько я сплю ночью, влияет на то, как я себя чувствую и выгляжу
The amount of sleep I get at night affects the way I feel and look
Количество внимания, уделяемого проблемам вашего друга, влияет на ваши отношения
How much attention you give to your friend’s problems affects your relationships
Новая статья Александра Аузана меня показалась мне наводящей на размышления
I found a new article of Alexander Auzan very thought-provoking