My Leaks Flashcards
Trap Hands
Avoid Trap Hands: KQ, KJ, QJ, AT, A9
(Heavily dominated by AK, AQ, AJ, etc.)
When called in the Turn
Don’t freak out
Heavily player dependent
Vs Reg: usually means they have a decent hand/draw
Vs Reg: most will raise you when they have a big hand like Top Pair or better
Vs Rec: not nearly as much respect, can have any middle strength hand or miracle draw (it’s only 5-50cents to them)
Ever. They don’t fold. They’re the sheriffs that keep you honest.
Vs Good Players
Open, 3bet or Fold
3bet or fold only Btn or BB
(Unless very tight behind)
Vs Bad Players
(And you have ZERO fold equity)
Making a Bet
Do I want to be check raised here or can I realize my equity on a lighter street?

Do I want to be 3bet/4bet behind?
What Value hands am I betting?
What hands am I ahead of?
What hands is he likely to fold?
Vs EP Limp/Call
Extremely narrow range (player type specific)
Whale Donk Bet
Usually means they hit the flop decent (they’d check raise if they had a monster and looked to trap)
3rd Player just limps/calls the raise and a 3bet behind
Extremely narrow range: usually middle pocket pairs, sometimes a suited Ace or broadway
Pro Tips
Play only premium hands for at least the first two orbits. Est image as a TAG/NIT before adjusting to LAG.
Always enter the pot with a raise
Don’t be afraid to 3bet pre-flop
Don’t call 3bets OOP often (only CO, Btn, or BB)
Respect the power of 4bet
Move up stakes when you’ve WON 15 buy-ins (10/2 in micro, 15/2 after 10NL)
Force weak regs to fold by barreling scare cards
Never miss a value bet vs the fish
Respect Turn and River raises, re-raises
Be prepared for endless bad beats
Learn to LAUGH it off and have fun!
Only Double-barrel the turn for VALUE vs Recs
OR if you plan to triple-barrel river scare cards
Double-barrel Regs IF
50% value hands and 50% semi-bluffs
(Look for large gaps btw FCBET% and FTBET%)
Double barrel when you pick up equity on the turn and you’re drawing to the nuts.
The stronger the draw, the more aggressively you should play it.
DB when villain’s range is wide.
DB when you have more fold equity due to player type (size UP the bet)
DB with dry board textures
Turn - Have a River Strategy
If the rivers comes with a high scare card and villain checks I will…
(Based on player type, and perceived ranges)
If the river comes with a high scare card and villain bets I will…
(Based on player type and perceived ranges)
If river completes a straight/flush and villain checks I will…
(Based on player type and perceived ranges)
If river completes a straight/flush and villain bets I will…
(Based on player type and perceived ranges)
Every Bet I Make…
What am I losing to?
What am I beating?
Do I want them to re-raise and what will I do if they do?
Bluffing a reg
It’s OK to be looked up from time to time. It means that we are pushing the envelope in the right direction. It also helps our table image and can’t be a long-term positive EV
Bluffing a reg
It’s OK to be looked up from time to time. It means that we are pushing the envelope in the right direction. It also helps our table image and can’t be a long-term positive EV
Mental Leaks
We are not our mistakes
There is no “I” language. “That line was probably wrong. Not I fucked up.”
No shaming yourself. Learn to love yourself.
“This session will have some mistakes in it. The lines mights cause me to lose some buyins.”
Use poker as a tool to work on your self love/compassion.
Avoid the Superman/perfect always complex. It’s ok to be imperfect.
Always remember: each session is a new day, a new opportunity to get better. Some days, the variance will not be in “our” favor. Some days, the lines taken won’t be the best.
This is one LONG journey measured by years, not sessions.
Table Selecting
At least one player with 40% VPIP or leave!
Bread & Butter
1. Be the preflop raiser
2. Be in position on the flop
3. Isolate to 1 or 2 villains max.
NO CALLING!!! (Unless vs NIT in EP with the right Odds)
If it’s good enough to call, it’s good enough to raise.
Don’t defend blinds often (OOP).
Don’t have villains a B&B situation vs you (aka calling OOP).
Proper bet sizing pushed villains in the direction YOU want THEM to go:
4-6bbs, 6bbs +1 for each limper
3bet sizing: 9bbs if IP; 13bbs if OOP